Things happen, people change, but one thing i know is that you'll always stay the same.
Chill. today i am still babysitting so we have playeed some games, made lunch and watched some scooby dooo (: I have also cleaned the kitchen, olofs room, gustafs room, idas room and the living room *proudface* im really tiered because last night i stod and tried to lock the door for abut one hour. stupid stupid door they have, some how there was mud in the lock (?) so it got stuck but yeeahyeah. Ida and Gustaf are so easy to watch and such nice little children *haha* gunna be a good mummy (a Anyways thier parents will be home in about 1 hour and then i will go home and be with my mummy becasue today its mothers day for those know forgot *hehe* Havent got my mummy anything yet but ill get her something tomorrow. hope you have a wonderfull day, puss♥ Erik I miss you♥
Today i am babysitting for Ida and gustaf (olofs brother and sister). I got here at about 12 and we went to konsum and ica and got some food for dinner and sweets, crisps and some films. After that we went and got pizza. We have watched some films, went on the trampolin, made some scones, played cards, made and ate burgers and now they are playing with thier marsvin, titty and andy. now we are going to watch some other films and mysa. Emma is also here she is hellping me and going to sleep here tonight with me, dont want to be alone *haha* just thought i would write a little. hope you are having a goodday! puss♥ Gustaf <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Hooola, School went fast, and after school I went to Tokyo and got dome noooodles! Then we went back to emmas and just chilled ancd watched films. At around 5 my mummy came and picked me up and emma came aswell. When we got to mine emma and my mummy helped me do my room (a Then we ate MORE noodles - Noodles in my ♥ Now we have been sitting on the computor for what seams like forever, we have been ordering clothes to the skolavslutning and summer. and we have been looking at some old pictures from like 2 years ago *hahahahah* funniest things ever. When me and Emma were tight, like we are again now! ♣ Here are some pictures from before and now....
Today i was at the hospital for half the day, and then after i went back to school and meet erik. School was normall, aprt from all the class 9's had fantsydressday. it was pretty funny seeing what some people came in :') Anyways after school i walke to Emmas house with Erik and we talked about everything thats anything, Iloveyou! When i got to emmas house i gave her the biggest hug ever, have missed that girl far to much! when erik left me and emma just looked at her pictures from denamrk and just talked. Mys! I got a loverly presant from her too, put a picture on soon. Emmas mum drove me home and she came and picked up Bepo. Now im just sitting here and being a computor nerd, evern thinking about starting to play LOL... Someone please heklp me ...*haha* NO LIFER! Now im going to eat and then i think ill go to bed early becasue last night i only got 2 and a half hours sleep -.-
Sitting here at 1:55 trying to look for a new dress to the last day of school. i have been sitting here for 2 hours maybe and still cant find any that i really like. Comment please! puss! And some more dresses but cant take the pictures of topshop :/
Emma Hovde i need you to come home soon! i miss you too much and i reallly need to talk to you about something. your the only person that can help me. Me and you have been through hard times but also some of the best times in my life. You make me smile everytime i see your face. Yeah , maybe we are freaks sometimes *haha* but thats what makes us special. Your the only person that is always there for me through out everything :') me and you bestfriends forever chick. Your crazy and well baby, i love you! ♥
You have to take the good with the bad and smile with the sad. Love what you got but remember what you had. Learn to forgive but never forget. Learn from your mistakes but never regret. People Change and things go wrong. Just remember life goes on.
I need these shoes! i have been saying to emma and erik that i need some and now i have finally found a place to buy them! but just my luck they are sold out -.- but when they get some in stock i will be the first person to get them *haha* love them love them love them!
Just in one of those moods where you just have to smile :) My day had just been perfect, first erik came and picked me up from town and then we drove back to his house and ate. when were finished we drove down to martins house. Lukas and Alle were there aswell. We jumped on the trampoline and played football and chilled in the sun for a while. Then we went up to his room and watched a film. when the fiom was finished we all went down to this place and had a picnic with Alle and Martins Families, And fredrik was also there. We went for a walk in the forest down to the stream and we also found four copper snakes :o then we just chillaxed in the suuuun. Me and Erik got back to his house about 1 hour ago and Soon martin is coming here and then we are going to drive down to Lukas's house and watch some films and mysa, Degen and alle are also going to come.*tehe* i'll write later if we dont get home to late, or i'll write in the morning. Hope you have had a goood day! ♥ puss&kram Here are some pictures from today so far. and also some pictures of me in my new glasses *tehe* Emma i miss you! ♥
We have had our good times and the bad,
We have cried together , and laught together,
We sometimes fight but always make up,
I just need to tell you, never give up, never let go and never forget.....
Never forget the good times we have had,
Never forget everything we have been through ,
Never forget about us, and how much I love you....
Because I miss you...<3
Halllå! Today school was pretty good. In P.E We had to run eight laps around the park :O so now i have no energy left. After school i went back to olofs house with eddie and johannes. When i get home im going to eat then shower then bed! so i dont think i will write anymore tonight. Puss&Kram ♥ Here are some pictures from today! ♥ *hahahahahahahahah*
heeey, yesterday after school i was with Emma and Olivia. First we went round town and i bought a new earing then we went back to emmas house and watched some films. myss! I also got panick yesterday because i lost my phone! :O So i ran to school and looked for it and it was in front of my locker on the floor. *tehe* At around ´5:30 we went to school becasue we had a caffee night thingy. Where Some of the people i´n my class sang. Dont really have much more to say but here are some pictures. ♥
Me and some people from my class ♥ My daddy *haha*
Today lejla has fixes my Blogg a new picture and design. It looks great so Thankyou lejlapejla! If you don't see it press f5 and it should come up. Thankyou lejla! Puss!
Älskar dig sötnos ^^
Heeey, well today has been one of those days you will never forget. The day started with abit of a rush because I was ment to be at Olofs house at 9 and I woke up at 8:55 :S good that i sleeped at my bestfriends house last night, so I could quickly get dressed then run to Olofs. But the rest of the day went sweet! But feels so fast.
Anyways when i got home after babysitting , I ate then had a shower. I have also been on the phone to Erik, I haven't seen him since Friday är school, because he has been in öland with his family. So I will be with him tomorrow. At the moment I'm laying on the sofa watching 'p.s I love you' makes me cry like every 10 minutes :'(
It's one of my favorite films. When's its finished it will be of to bed.
Goodnight cuties!
P.s I love you........
Hello there, today i am babysitting gustaf (olofs brother). I got here at about 9 and then me and olof watched scooby doo together. when scooby was finished we went to town with olof and bought some drinks and some extra loong straws *haha* When we got back to olofs house we made some hamburgers for lunch....I am the worlds best cook...or not *tehe* when we ate the burgers olof decied to make pancakes, one went good and the other 10000 went fail! i have just finished cleaning the kitchen and putting everything away. Lejla and wp has just came. write later puss! <3
Me and olof making a birthday cake for Olivia (: Olof (: ME! Filip, real cooling! CREAM!! tehe
Hello, im at Olofs house with filip and hanna. we just made a cake for olivia, becasue were going to have a little party for her later. ill write later or tomorrow. Puss! <3
Wednesday today then, Wednesdays always start good with dance. But today we had a substitute teacher and she was teaching us ballet?! Thank-you! It was fun though because I was with my girls. Then I had redovissning in SO with Emma. Then we had rörelse so me and Emma just chilled in the sun. The rest of the day went pretty good. Everything is always better with wonderful weather. After school Emma came back to mine which was rather nice. And we chilleaxed and then we cleaned my room *Haha* anyways I have just done my nails with my mummy. And just talked about everything that's anything. I am now going to get things ready for school tomorrow, were going to go for a walk with C1. Hope you have had a awsome day! Ciao <3 peace
P.s happy birthday Olivia! Fjortis nu! sucks.
I have been writing but it doesn't come up on my Blogg. So I think I might change to a differant Blogg sight. Any ideas which one?
And it has changed my design by its self? Ahhh Jaja
what a wonderfull day! weather is great, and another day spent with the family which was just perfect.
Well anyways i am now going to have a shower, get my stuff ready for tomorrow, get in my jarmeys and then watch fims and films with the family becasue it is my brother lukes last day in sweden! i think a little peice of me is going to miss him *taha*
Today I have cried for so many different reasons. Hatred, sadness, scaredness, spitefulness and many different reasons, but the one thing I have also cried about was happyness. Evern thought I have been sad and scared I am also happy because I have wonderful friends and a awsome boyfriend by my side all the way. And u just wanted to thanks them. And tell them how much I love them!
Goodmorning! This morning I woke up around five and felt full of energy so I went for a jog. When I came back I felt fresh and relaxed. Then I had a shower , got ready then went and had some beeakfast. Always nice when you hace time to eat breakfasts, don't have to go around feeling hungry. Anyways I am now on the bus on the wat to school. To early tbh but school finishes early today so its all good.
Have a good day! Kiss&hugs <3 :3
cant we go back to the times before it all went wrong.
Hello, today I woke up laying next to my darling, and then he got up and went to school. But because I was sick I stayed in bed intill 5o'clock :o but then I got up ate then went for a walk with my brother for 3 hours, we talkes about anything and everything witch was quite nice because we don't really talk much. But anyways I just got things ready for school for tomorrow, have a teknik test! Fml. Haven't studied evern one little bit so i hope it goes alright. Feels quite exciting to go back, feels like i haven't seen my friends in ages. And need to catch up with a few people. Tomorrow we finish school early. GÖTT! So after school I'm going to go out with Erik for something to eat myss then I have dance with nickname. But now im going to bed, not sure if I can sleep because that's all i have done allday, but jaja. Goodnight all you cute people! <3
Goodmorning! Well today I haven't been to school either. I hate feeling sick so I just stayed in bed allday. Which is always nice, but I feel quite lazy so I think now im going to get up have a shower, get dressed, eat then go for a long walk. Have lots of things to think about just now and going for a walk always help me think. Write later Kramis ^^
Goodmorning! Well today I haven't been at school because I have a really sore throat. So I have sleeped most of the day. And drunk hotchocolate which is always gött. At the moment I'm watching CSI, the one with Justin beiber in (y) when its finshed I think ill go clean my room and bang out the tunes. Have a good day! Kramis <3
Hey! Oj I haven't wrote on my blogg in a while because I haven't had time or I haven't had my phone with me or I just havent felt like it. But that's all going to change now. I promise i will write more from now on *hehe*
Well anyways ill start from the begining.....
On Thursday I was with Olivia and Sara after school. And we got ready for the practice dance show! We were buzzing! It went really well and we were just so excited for the real thing. But I was worried I would mess up big time but it went alright me thinks.
On friday, it was a wonderful day at school then after school with emma, we just ate watched some tv and then she wished me luck , then I left to go meet Sara, Olivia and Elin (NickName)! We got ready and then went to the pe hall and did all the little girls hair ready for the show. Then I got changed, finished my make up then watched everyone fill the seats in the hall. I wasn't nervous one bit. When it got to my first dance I had butterflies in my stomach. I messed up. Little but i Hope Noone saw it (?!) *hehe* by the time we finished I had no energy left but I had to rush up and get changed for the next dance. When the first show was finished my mum and dad came and told Me how proud they were.:') the second show I was more nervous because everyone from school like came but I think I did good. When Nickname came on everyone screamed soo loud. And all you could see was bright lights and a hug sign that olof and Eddie made saying nickname and all our names on , which I now have in my room hehe. After the show I went back to hannas house and we all sleeped pretty fast. On Saturday I went to eriks house, feels like I havenr been with him in so long. Anyways we went down to the lake with degen, Martin, alle and lucas. We grillade then then walked to the big fire thing. My shoes are now ruined -.- but anyways after we watched to fire we went to the sauna. When we got back to eriks we went in the hot-tub then went to bed. Today I have just sleeped all day. Now I'm laying here in bed and half asleep. So goodnight! Puss.
P.s. thanks to all my friends that are always there for me (: