Party Rockers ♥

Just in one of those moods where you just have to smile :)
My day had just been perfect, first erik came and picked me up from town and then we drove back to his house and ate. when were finished we drove down to martins house. Lukas and Alle were there aswell. We jumped on the trampoline and played football and chilled in the sun for a while. Then we went up to his room and watched a film. when  the fiom was finished we all went down to this place and had a picnic with Alle and Martins Families, And fredrik was also there. We went for a walk in the forest down to the stream and we also found four copper snakes :o then we  just chillaxed in the suuuun. Me and Erik got back to his house about 1 hour ago and Soon martin is coming here and then we are going to drive down to Lukas's house and watch some films and mysa, Degen and alle are also going to come.*tehe* i'll write later if we dont get home to late, or i'll write in the morning. Hope you have had a goood day! ♥ puss&kram
Here are some pictures from today so far. and also some pictures of me in my new glasses *tehe*
Emma i miss you! ♥


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