I think i'm falling...
Oh no, this can't be happening....
Promised myself this wouldn't happen, but i think i'm falling in love with One-direction....louis tomlinson you babe! Okey save me from this beautiful person
Sitting here in the flat watching chanel 6 even though I have seen this Chuck yesterday but don't know how to change the chanel..Anyways all weekend and these couple of days I have felt really bad with stomache pain and headaches. Had a bad night last night and woke up this morning with a banging headache and blocked head. After ipren i stil feel bad but hope it goes away soon so I can go back to school. I have just done some reading and I am so bored here. Well well guess i'll make some breakfast now and make this headache go away. Hope you all feel good.

Love you girls! My crazy dudes
celebrities without makeup
I don't think younge girls should wish they looked like the stars because not even they look like that. The pictures we normaly see of the celebrities are all edited with makeup on and have a sort of mask on. I'm not saying they look bad without but when you look in the mirror and want to change the way you look, think about how they look without makeup and half of them have had operations ti make them look better to. so remember you are beautiful.

Early christmas present anyone?
To the person that buys me ths dress I will love forever! It's christmas soon you know ;)
Have been sitting on my phone for a while searching and found this awesome shop that delivers to sweden called WWW.BATOKO.COM lovely clothes there that are call and awesome. So once again PLEASE buy me this purple plum dress that only cost £28 which is 301:-

want to wear this for christmas with tights and boots. Love!
Halloween party

Party all day and all night long!
Hello cuties, Sorry for the bad updating but haven'r had a chill second today and yesterday I spent the whole day on the sofa with Erik watching films.But back today. Woke up early becasue my mummy came in my room and said she was going to town so I sat and looked at youtube for cool things for halloween. So me and olof went around town to find stuff for his makeup. Well have spent the night at lejlas house with my favorite people. Thanks for this night. Well now i'm going to watch horror movies with olof, hope i don't get nightmares...

Goodmorning. Feel asleep on the sofa and woke up in a bed? haha. Last night Erik slept over and we watched CSI and crimel minds like all night until we feel asleep on the sofa then i woke up about 6 because my neck really hurt so then we went up stairs and went back to sleep in bed. Well now Erik is in the kitchen where he should be making some lunch, I made some sort of tortilla cheese thing that olivia mum makes but when i did it it taist like poo. Well now i am going to help Erik in the kitchen so he doesn't burn my house down..

Yes this is my friend. Yes he is weird. But yes I still love him
Watch My Bro Eddie ♥
welcome home :')

As you might know lejla has been away on holiday so yesterday sara olof and i made a cake and went around to her house when she came home. So nice to see her face again even if it is 100 shades darker than mine :( haha. We had a mysig night with cake, tv hide and seek (haha) and lots of catching up! Love that girl and love my friends ♥ You're worth it
Halloween in school

Some pictures from last friday in school <3
Missed me?
Oh my apple pie it's been a while. This blogg has been dead because I haven't hadtime witgh all the tests and stuff at school and also haven't been on the computer in soo long. But now i am going to put up pictures from the time i haven't blogged, just hold on cuties ♥

Last of the pictures from when the germans were here :)

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

Pictures by - Erica 'mjukis' Karlsson
It was night and the stars were shinning bright

There here!


These were the people that loved me when I wasn't worth loving

I haven't had time to sit back and realise what i actually have, when I am down and confusing things go through my head I think off you guys. You all loved me when i wasn't worth it so I just wanted to say ´how much i love you all and how much you all mean to me. We are not exatly normal but thats why I love all you cvrazy people. We're like a family and I am so lucky to have friends like you. Nobody is perfect but why try be perfect when you are as awesome as us? I choose this video becasue made me think of you guys haha :')
End a perfect sunday with sitting in frount of the tv watching bones with my family. One of my favorite programs ever. This weekend I have just been with Erik because on friday my german is coming and in the week i won't have time to spend with him so just had a chill,mys weekend. well going to go make some tea then get some sleep.

Love has no limits

Sundays are always the worst, just knowing that tomorrow is school kills me. So thought I would do so homework with some help of my ignstine of a boyfriend. Makes everything easier with him hehe. Today the plans were to shower then stay in bed allllll day watching films but instead we got dressed in one-pieces and went down to see johanna and hedda. And then we have been doing my homework since and have came nowhere with it. But Eriks mumma is making bullar so soon it will be fika ♥
It's not you blame it all on me
Hello my friends! This week I haven't blogged alot becasue I haven't had time to sit down by a computer. From now on I will try and write everyday hehe. Woke up late today, so nice just to lay in after a long week at school. Today Lots of things are happening, was ment to go to the gym with my mother and olof but she never rang so I am going to go with Degen and watch Erik play football and go out for a run. Then later I think everyone is going to Alles house(?) not sure haha. But i will spend the day with the ingarp boys anyways. But now I have music in my ears and still sitting in my pyjarmas hehe. Better get ready, have a good day cuties :)