köttbullen går och handlar!
HAHAHAHA, Eddies little brother singing to a song he made ;) so funny and so cuuuuute! HAHAHA
You hit me like the sky feel on me
I love you like a love song baby
hahah funnyest song ever! And all us justin bieber fans hate selena so it makes it evern worse hehe <3
Do you hear me?
Just now its party time ♥
lets Partaaay
music will take you high.....
why so serious? :P
such a good song <3
I know i will always have you !♥
I know not one of the newest songs but it remindes me of you <3
love you Erik <3 puss!♥
Old songs are always best!
theres never any new GOOD songs laterly :/
love the video *haha* ♥
urm yeah....<3
I know i can always count on you ....
Emma I love you ♥
Listen to your heart, it knows the truth....
If this aint love then i dont know what is ♥
Såååå fin! ♥