Your the only reason i get up in the morning.
Hey! Oj I haven't wrote on my blogg in a while because I haven't had time or I haven't had my phone with me or I just havent felt like it. But that's all going to change now. I promise i will write more from now on *hehe*
Well anyways ill start from the begining.....
On Thursday I was with Olivia and Sara after school. And we got ready for the practice dance show! We were buzzing! It went really well and we were just so excited for the real thing. But I was worried I would mess up big time but it went alright me thinks.
On friday, it was a wonderful day at school then after school with emma, we just ate watched some tv and then she wished me luck , then I left to go meet Sara, Olivia and Elin (NickName)! We got ready and then went to the pe hall and did all the little girls hair ready for the show. Then I got changed, finished my make up then watched everyone fill the seats in the hall. I wasn't nervous one bit. When it got to my first dance I had butterflies in my stomach. I messed up. Little but i Hope Noone saw it (?!) *hehe* by the time we finished I had no energy left but I had to rush up and get changed for the next dance. When the first show was finished my mum and dad came and told Me how proud they were.:') the second show I was more nervous because everyone from school like came but I think I did good. When Nickname came on everyone screamed soo loud. And all you could see was bright lights and a hug sign that olof and Eddie made saying nickname and all our names on , which I now have in my room hehe. After the show I went back to hannas house and we all sleeped pretty fast. On Saturday I went to eriks house, feels like I havenr been with him in so long. Anyways we went down to the lake with degen, Martin, alle and lucas. We grillade then then walked to the big fire thing. My shoes are now ruined -.- but anyways after we watched to fire we went to the sauna. When we got back to eriks we went in the hot-tub then went to bed. Today I have just sleeped all day. Now I'm laying here in bed and half asleep. So goodnight! Puss.
P.s. thanks to all my friends that are always there for me (: