Jönköping <3
American muffins ♥

Peace bitches <3
Peace bitches <3
*Haha* frida dressed up, might go to town ...
*Haha* frida dressed up, might go to town soon ;)
Hello, today has been a really good day, f...
Hello, today has been a really good day, first with Erik, then with the girls, and the night still goes on *tihi* I have just watched three films with my girls and had mys, now we have just taken of our makeup off and put on our pjarmas and now wrapped up in bed <3 goodnight Pusss ^^
Ines after, doesn't look so much different...
Ines after, doesn't look so much different but it is still really nice (:
Hanna after, ain't she beautiful, it went ...
Hanna after, ain't she beautiful, it went really well (:
Hahaha, ines's hair :')
Hahaha, ines's hair :')
When we got to hannas we coloured hannas h...
When we got to hannas we coloured hannas hair brownie and highlighted ines's hair. Hannas hair went soooo nice brown. And ines's hair went really nice but you can't see the difference so much. Now we are going to fridas daddys house, talk later. Pussssss <3
Hellooo, this morning I was at eriks, and ...
Hellooo, this morning I was at eriks, and I missed two busses and then waited 1 hour for one and finally got it. When I got to town I went and meet Hanna, frida, Natta and ines and we ate then went back to hannas house.
Hey, after school I went back to Emmas bec...
Hey, after school I went back to Emmas because olof didn't answer -.- tonight I am ment to be going to dance but I don't feel up to it , so I'm sitting on the the Bus *tihi* because I'm going to eriks, you never know with his bus when it comes or not , and then the bus driver just said He doesn't know where ingarp is :S so I Hope I get to Erik house this time *Haha* write later pusss
Today Erik is sick :'( so I can't meet him...
Today Erik is sick :'( so I can't meet him in school, but I will go to his after dance if He gets better anyways. Have a little mys. Get better Erik! <33 love you puss
Hey blogg, today has goon good so far, in ...
Hey blogg, today has goon good so far, in Swedish I ate våfflor *Mums* and now I have lunch and I'm sitting with all the girls from 7A1 and Emma eating twisters *tihi* after school I'm going to be with olof then to dance and maybe to Erik after , write later Pusss (Such a fail picture but heyho )
Nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes, w...
Nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes, we all do things then regret them but that's just life, and we can all just live on. live in the present and the future but not the past, the past is the past and you can never change it and never wish you could because you learn from your mistakes and you never know where you would be now <3
Tjoooo! Today was a good day at school, su...
Tjoooo! Today was a good day at school, sucks i can't do idrott menmen Yeah, after school I was with bubba for a bit , and then went to dance with nickname!+ johannes & Eddie, it was one of the best dance lessons so far *Haha* now I'm going to have a shower write laters puss <3
Isn't it just the cutest thing you have se...
Isn't it just the cutest thing you have seen?! Well this morning/ last night Emmas sister had a baby, its called theo and now Emma is a aunt for the second time *Haha* congratz babe, well today o was ment to go see the baby , but I couldn't so at the weekend I know where me and Emma will be going ;) *tihi* + I love his hair and nose soooo cute! Pusss
HOLA! Tiered,tiered,tiered! After not bei...
HOLA! Tiered,tiered,tiered! After not being at school for a while you forget how boring it is. Anyways , I can't say it was so bad because some lessons were fun, like in math when me Emma oskar Szymon and jens had a competition and in PE I played ping-pong and beat oskar, Chinese style ;) *Haha* After school I was ment to be with Emma, but I had to go home instead "/. When Emma left I went to intersport and meet Erik because He was going to buy some new football boots, then I went to the bus and came home to a empty house, home alone ;) yeahboi *Haha* now I'm going to make something to eat then sleep I think *Haha* Hope today was good for you! Pusss&kram ^^
Todays outfit <3
Todays outfit <3
Hello bloggy, I haven't been writing much ...
Hello bloggy, I haven't been writing much lately but haven't had time, but I promise it will get better ^^ Anyways, today I wasn't at school again, I am still sick, so I went to the hospital today because I couldn't breath so well and they said I have a chestinfection,(lunginflammation) so i got some inhalers and medison, to make me better. After I was there, me, my mummy and daddy went for fika and then went down town for some shopping, I bought 3 pairs of new trousers and 2 new t-shirts ill put some pictures up tomorrow, it was good because I really needs some new trousers. When I got home , about 15mins later Erik came around to see how I was , which was really nice because I really missed him but before He came I needed to cleans my room superquike so I put everything under the bed and in the wardrobe *tihi* for dinner we made pancakes, well tried anyway *Haha* they went so fail, we tried about 15 times and none of them worked, so we waited for my mummy to come home and she made is some (: today wasn't so bad , but its back to school tomorrow, Hope you had a good day! Pussss&! kraaam
Me, such a serious picture ;) <3
Me, such a serious picture ;) <3
Me with black hair, in my pjarmers *tihi*
Me with black hair, in my pjarmers *tihi*
Hanna <3
Hanna <3
Fridarida <3
Fridarida <3
Natta <3
Natta <3
Hannas nigger hands after she dyed my hair <3
Hannas nigger hands after she dyed my hair <3
<3 fjortis...
<3 fjortis...
*Haha* you girl make me laugh <3
*Haha* you girl make me laugh <3
Yeah cool glasses in lindex *Haha*
Yeah cool glasses in lindex *Haha*
My snowangel <3
My snowangel <3
Erik eating snow?! <3
Erik eating snow?! <3
I love this smile <3
I love this smile <3
Erik <3
Erik <3
Erik when we were waiting for the bus <3
Erik when we were waiting for the bus <3
Emma <3
Emma <3
Well well, I haven't blogged in long now, ...
Well well, I haven't blogged in long now, but blogg.se isn't working so good for me "/ But here are some pictures of my weekend, because picture are worth more than words <3
Ahhhhh -.- when it was just starting to lo...
Ahhhhh -.- when it was just starting to look like spring it snows like 1 meter , at my house when I was walking to the bus came up to my knees, I HATE snoooow! Well I think I will make the most of the snow and have a snowball fight today, so watch out *Haha* Pusssss
OnePeice ♥
So me and lejla are going to buy some soon because they are just to awsome and me and lejla need one ;) i think i will order mine now, but i need to choose one theres so many i want *tihi*

But I also woke up feeling really sick, But i went to school anyways. Today at school we had P.E with 7A1 like we always do, which is quit a embarassment becasue my class suck at sports so we lost like every match we played but apart from that today was quite chill. After school i had dance with nickname, which went pretty awsme and we have a goooood dance! Love you girls♥
at the moment i am sitting here, and tonight it will be shower, homework then bed becasue im sooo tiered♥
Hope you had a good day!
Pusss sötnosar♥
3 Months ♥
Hey sorry i didnt blogg yesterday but i was with erik allday then sleeped at his house, becasue yesterday me and erik had been together for 3 moths now, fells like much longer.
Well the last 3 months have been the best in my life. Beeing with Erik makes me feel wanted and i wouldnt change a thing about him! Hes like my bestfriend, a person i can tell everything to, when i need someone i know hes always there, and when we fight we say hayho and get over it... and life goes on and Erik Gerhardsson I love you now, tomorrow and the day after forever, i'll never let you go. im so lucky to have somone as nice and cute as you<3 Love you Darling♥
I love you
Your sooooo cute!
Just becasue were cool <3*haha*
Think its time to hit the sack now. I have...
Think its time to hit the sack now. I have just ate a big bowl of icecream and now I'm not tiered one bit, but now I'm going to pack my bags for school tomorrow then go to sleep. Dance tomorrow morning which I Hope will be good with the girls , well goodnight sweetdreams :* ^^
Haiy, well the biology test today didn't g...
Haiy, well the biology test today didn't go so good, Hope I got one right anyway *Haha* after school I waited for the bus with Erik but then I realised it doesn't come on Tuesdays , so I rang my dad at 3 to come pick me up , and I'm still waiting -.- I have a really really bad sore throat so when Erik went home I walked to emmys house, she is still sick which isn't good she needs to get better. I have now got a really bad headache aswell "/ need to get better because tomorrow I'm going to be with Erik because we will have been together for three months! Hope you feel good and have had a good day pusss (: (Sexy picture of oskar *Haha*)
Frida I do love you (:
Frida I do love you (:
My beautiful ines (:
My beautiful ines (:
Well, me and Hanna aren't going to eat swe...
Well, me and Hanna aren't going to eat sweets for one whole month! Such silly girls we are going in a sweet- strike , I think its going to go pretty well. I need to go on a bit of a diet because I don't do exercise or eat good. But new start ^^ Love you hannabanana
Just because I love you <3 + your a crazy ...
Just because I love you <3 + your a crazy bitch !!!!
Fantastic day! School wasn't so bad but in...
Fantastic day! School wasn't so bad but in Hk we made PAJ! And then we did a test which went pretty good I think. Anyways today was good because after school I was with Hanna, Natta, fridarida, imme, ines and felicia we just chilled a bit around ica, then me, hanna, ines and imme went back to hannas house ^^ we didn't do much but I haven't been with my girls in so long so it was fun anyway. Girls I love you!! Well I'm home now and watching tv with tommy boy, and soon I'm going to do some studying and then have a shower (: Hope you had a good day, puss!
Today has been a super day, little dinner ...
Today has been a super day, little dinner party, but i think I ate to much cake and scones so its off to the gym with my soon, anyways I had a good time, my whole family +guests played scrabble *Haha* such a good game, and everyone said me and Erik were going to lose and infact we won, so I was pretty proud of that *tihi* after that me and Erik had mysmys, then He went home, after He left we watched a scary movie, but it wasn't sp scary so I took a shower instead, so that brings me to now, I'm sitting on my bed in my towel and soon I'm going to get a footmassage and then do my homework -.- school comes around so fast , don't want to go to school! But after school I'm going to be with Hanna , Natta, imme, and ines so its going to be a good day anyway because I haven't been with them girls in a while and I miss and love them muchly. Hope you had a good day! Pusshej! P.s Erik that's for today (: love you (Picture is Erik when He was small and cute) *tihi*
Hello there cuties! Today is Sunday, schoo...
Hello there cuties! Today is Sunday, school tomorrow *sadface* anyways today its like a zoo at my house with 20 people here. Little dinner party *Haha* not so bad because I'm sitting with Erik watching tv and having a little conversion with the Irish people, and Erik doesn't understand anything *Haha* pusssss
Well,today haven't done much , sleeped mos...
Well,today haven't done much , sleeped most of the day and now feeling pretty good(y) Anyways I am watching tv and a advert came on about rango and I just have to see the film, anyone who wants to go? Maybe Bck? Well, I'm going to bed now , sweetdreams cuties <3
Goodmorning , too early for a Saturday but...
Goodmorning , too early for a Saturday but can't sleep because once again I'm sick "/ so I'm not in the blogg mood today so maybe blogg a little tonight , pussshej ^^
Dance! Wowh I have no energy left after da...
Dance! Wowh I have no energy left after dance I can bearly move and Btw 29th April, p-hallen, be there dance show TaggaTaggaTagga! Going to be so fun. Well anyways I just got out from the shower and did my hair. I am so hungry haven't eaten since breakfast, but I'm to tiered to eat so I'm going to schlöffe now sleep well ,puss&kram ^^
Erik and his thinking glasses. They make h...
Erik and his thinking glasses. They make his eyebrows look gorgeous ^^ *Haha*
Goodmorning , Hope you sleep well. Last ni...
Goodmorning , Hope you sleep well. Last night I sleeped at eriks house. I woke up this morning at about 5 because I couldn't sleep, so now I'm quit tiered. But anyways we have just ate and now we are playing hangman *Haha* and watching tv .(:
Erik-derik Tiered after losing our game (y...
Erik-derik Tiered after losing our game (y) *Haha* Cute He is puss
When eriks family came home from Göteborg ...
When eriks family came home from Göteborg after celebrateibg Susannas 18th birthday, we ate pizza and Susanna opened her presents. A little while after me and Erik were bored, and I was in the mode for games sp we played yatzi (y<3 and Ofc I won ;) *Haha* and now we are of to bed goodnight puss ^^
There really was no point in highlighting ...
There really was no point in highlighting my hair because it didn't evern work, I now have just Orange/red bits in my hair (nn) but it looks about the same anyways. After we did my hair Erik came to Emmas and we just chilled for and hit then me and erik got the bus to his house. Pusss
*Haha* well we are off to a good start if ...
*Haha* well we are off to a good start if you ask me (:
After the shower , bepo looks scared, I gu...
After the shower , bepo looks scared, I guess it doesn't help that He is scared of water .....*Haha* his legs
Emma and bepo after the shower :*
Emma and bepo after the shower :*
Bepo in the shower ^^
Bepo in the shower ^^
Hellloo, i have just came back to Emmas ho...
Hellloo, i have just came back to Emmas house after an adventure. Well I took bepo for a walk and went to konsum to buy some hair dye, but I have now decided that I'm just going to highlight my hair instead . I also bought Emmy some mango chocolate because I know that she likes it and she is sick and she needs to get better. She is still laying in bed and watching some tv. I think I might give bepo a shower soon and then do my hair after. Pusss <3
Goodmorning! Well this mornin I woke up an...
Goodmorning! Well this mornin I woke up and got dressed and my dad drove me to Emmas gaff before He went to work. So I am so tiered still. Anyways once again I'm sitting in Emmas floor with bepo waiting for Emma to wake up, but I have the feeling that she might not wake up intill alot later because we have a mini lov and that ahe is still a little sicK. So I guess I will just chill with bepo for a couple of hours intill konsum opens and then I will to there and buy some hair dye, maybe take bepo for a walk. Here from me later pusshej! .....just a little picture of me and Emmy {:

Relaxation ♥

Hejhejhej , well today I have felt much be...
Hejhejhej , well today I have felt much better. I haven't done much really just relaxed, watched films and drank hotchocolate ;) well I just had a shower and got dresses, been in my pjarmas allday *tihi* at the moment I'm sitting with a big bowl of crisp's and waiting for nlmy mother to come home because she has just gone to buy me some stuff that takes the colour out my hair. I need it because tomorrow my lovely Emma is going to dye my hair blond, well going to try anyways, Hope it doesn't go orange like last time (n) write and put some pictures up later bye puss ^^ Hope you had a good day at school.
Hooola! I have just woke up, and I have a ...
Hooola! I have just woke up, and I have a headache again . So there's no school for me intill Monday because we don't have school Thursday or Friday this week. GÖTT. But I think I am going to go down and make something yummay to eat ^P.s who ever keeps ringing and texting me its very mature *tihi*
Always look on the bright side of life ...<3
Always look on the bright side of life ...<3
Well what a nice day. And now I'm feeling ...
Well what a nice day. And now I'm feeling much better, well now I am going to get ready for bed, I am finished now energy left at all. I have just been and watched the icehockey and picked some of my things up from Emmas gaff , it was good to see my little old Emma. But now I'm going to get in my pjarmas and brush my teeth and watch a film intill I fall asleep which won't be long*tihi* that's all for me today ^^ Gooodnighhtt, sleeptight, don't let the bed bugs bite;)
Mums.....(: I have now finally finished my...
Mums.....(: I have now finally finished my cupcakes and they look awsome! *Haha* but anyways, today is the international women's day, so today I am going to be nice to my mum and treat her good (y<3 Well Erik wrote some really nice things to me for the woman's day, which means He thinks I am a woman *Haha* but I though it was really cute and nice. Pusss! P.s women rock ;)
Today is pancake day! One of the best days...
Today is pancake day! One of the best days of the year if you ask me *Haha* well as it is pancake day I am thinking of making 10000000 pancakes and munch them all, because no one can say that its unhealthy because you have to eat pancakes on this special day *Haha* happy pancake day ^^
The sun is shining, Music turned up on ful...
The sun is shining, Music turned up on full, Making cupcakes in the kitchen, Can it get better ^^ Life with no school (y<3 Maisie [:
Goodmorning cuties! Today I am at home si...
Goodmorning cuties! Today I am at home sick again. I hate not going to school there's nothing to do at home, but everyone is getting sick now so there's no one left at school to talk to *tihi* anyways I woke up early this morning because I couldn't sleep because I had a real bad headache, so I got up and had a long shower which was refreshing. I no longer have a headache so I think I'm getting better (y) well I'm rather bored so now I'm going to make some cupcakes and then munch on them after. Write a little later pusss!
Sick as a dog ): Today I have been at scho...
Sick as a dog ): Today I have been at school but I had the worst headache and stomach all day so it wasn't so fun. I only went to school to see my friends but most of them are sick or awayso that didn't go good. And a-tid with out Emma is 100% boring , but I couldn't come home because my daddy had lots of meetings so He didn't have time. The only good lesson today was Hk and we made chicken wok which looked horrible but tasted nice. When I was coming home on the bus I was alone and the bus driver kept giving me wiered looks so that was pretty scary *Haha* ,But anyways I am home now wrapped up in my bed, I feel like I'm going to be sick and i have a banging headache that I Hope will go away soon. I think I am going to sleep now and when I wake up it will be a nice shower, eat then bed again. Hope you had a good day alf. Pusss! P.s Hope you don't get sock because of me :$ and if your sick get better! (The picture is of chicken in Hk today :S)
GooodMorning! This morning I woke up at ab...
GooodMorning! This morning I woke up at about 6:50 and then my dad drove me to little Emmas house because I left my homework and some of ny things here. But anyways I arrived about 5 mins ago but no one answered the door so I just walked in because Emmas house is like my house. I came up stairs and Emma is still asleep and she looks megacute. She looks to cute to wake so ill let her sleep. So I am just sitting here with bepo and playing a little but soon I think ill get ready for school, but there's no rush because I have sovmorgon! GÖTT write later pussss <3
FAILFAILFAIL! this is not my day I can say...
FAILFAILFAIL! this is not my day I can say. First I missed two busses going to eriks house and I didnt want to miss the third so I ran to the bus and feel four times which was really embarasing. But I finally got the bus, when I was on the bus I pressed the button but the driver didn't stop so I got panic *Haha* but when he stopped he dropped me of at the side of the road, so then I started walking, after 15-20 mins I realised I was walking the wrong way *Haha* so I rang Erik and he started to walk to me, but then he walked the wrong way :S so then I sat in this bus shelter miles away from eriks house waiting for him. But eriks lovely mum came and picked me up instead. Finally when I got to Eriks house we ate for a bit then his family came and meet me and asked questions, they are all really nice and some are so funny *Haha* they were there because they were celebrateing susannas birthday. When they all went home me and Erik just had mysmys. At the moment I am sitting in my kitchen eating some sandwiches and soon I think its of to bed for me, I am super tiered from today. Hope you had a lovely day ^^ pusss
Goodmorning/afternoon, this morning I woke...
Goodmorning/afternoon, this morning I woke up too early and now I am rather tiered, I waited intill Emma woke up then we went down stairs and made some breakfast. After breakfast we came up stairs and got back in to bed and watched a film. Soon I am going to get up and get ready to go to eriks house. I'll write a little later pusss ^^
Well I think it is time to get some sleep!...
Well I think it is time to get some sleep! Today has been really good with Emma and a few people that we have meet along the day. Days like today make me think of summer, then it makes me think how much I hate winter -,- But anyways hope you had a great day I know I did with my bestfriend <3 Pussssss
Melodifestivalen! Hey, I have just eaten ...
Melodifestivalen! Hey, I have just eaten and now I am soo full, because today i have eaten rather quite alot but now I'm sitting here with Emma and her family watching the Melodifestival, but none of them can sing they all just shout *Haha* but its quite amusing to watch it anyways. I think we might watch something different soon ^^ vi hörs
The lovely bones is such a good film, and ...
The lovely bones is such a good film, and a must see. Me and Emma were like jumping everywhere , much tension *Haha* And the old man in it was so scary and such a perv but he reminded me of someone I know which is quit scary so I don't think I will be talking to them anymore *Haha*
Emma and her hat she hasn't taken of for l...
Emma and her hat she hasn't taken of for like ever! <3 *Haha* such a cutiepie
Hey! Today has just gone great all the way...
Hey! Today has just gone great all the way. First when me and Emma woke up we watched a film, then went down stairs and made some woffol-sandwiches and had pucko.*mums* Then I had a loverly shower and then got ready. When I was done me and Emma walked to lilla caféet there we meet emmas mumma and sister. We had just sat down when Erik went past and then came in. I didn't have any make up on but hayho. When Erik went home me and Emma had a trek to cahns and got a film and some munch. Mazen was working today so we had a little chat.*tihi* When we was walking back to emmas I thought I was going to blow away it was so windy. But finally we are home ay the hovde household. We are now going to watch 'loverly bones' I have been wanting to watch this film so I hope its good. I'm all comfy on emmas bed and having a good weekend with Emmy. Have a good day ^^ ciao *tihi*
Owwwe! My boday hurts need a massage. I s...
Owwwe! My boday hurts need a massage. I suppose it doesn't help when Emma makes me sleep on the floor aswell while she has a nice comfy bed. Well anyways before I was so tried and couldn't keep my little eyes open , but now I can sleep because Emma is snoring and Erik is keeping me up with his texting "/ I'm going to try to get some sleep for the exsiting day tomorrow, who knows what could happen ^^ goodnight my beautifuls and here is a cute little picture u found <3
Me and Emma haven't taken many pictures re...
Me and Emma haven't taken many pictures recently but here's one of is last year <3 Puss o kram ^^ Me loves Emma!
Dance-Mazen style (: I have just got to E...
Dance-Mazen style (: I have just got to Emmas gaff after four hours of superdance, and I can say I hurt everywhere and I'm mega hungry! Today I had a loong day at school and after school I waited with Erik but I should have gone home and eaten something but anyways, then I went dancing and then I trekked back to Emma's house, now I can't evern move, far to weak and tiered. But apart from that it was soooo fun 'popping and locking' *Haha* I am in desperate need of a long shower and then a little movie with my girl. But at the moment I am watching CSI and waiting for my mummy and emmas mummy to come back from the cinema so then we can get some food before I waist away *tihi* But that's all for now, have a good night pusss ^^
Maths -.-
im sitting on the comutor at school in maths at the moment doing some sudoko but soon school is over! *tagga*
Today has goon fast but fridays always do. After school i think i will be with Erik intill dance with Sara and Elin ♥
Not looking forward to 4 hours of dance though, i have a BAD headach much like Emma. But i love dance so ill go anyways. Tonight i dont think i will be getting up to much but in the morning i have to get up early to go to dance again! Well we will see what happenes tonight.
Have a good day, pusss ♥
The old days
The old days
I'm watching bigbrother with Emma, and I c...
I'm watching bigbrother with Emma, and I can say it is one of the worst things I have ever seen. But I'm watching it anyways ^^ Well I guess its off to bed soon, godnatt sötnosar!
Me and my sister on the walk <3
Me and my sister on the walk <3
Has just came back from a long cold trekk ...
Has just came back from a long cold trekk around the lake with my class. I went around with Emma and Philip it was actually well alright ^^
Heey, I'm sitting at school round the tabl...
Heey, I'm sitting at school round the table med Eddie , Sara ,Erik,johannes and cuuurl. Soon I will have a Swedish test! Not exactly exsited about it because I haven't studied so much but wish me luck anyways, have a goodie day cuties ^^
Hellooo, today wasn't so bad it was pretty...
Hellooo, today wasn't so bad it was pretty good actually, after school Erik and I came home and just chilled a little, Emma was ment to come but I'm not quit sure why she didn't but I think I will be with her another day, anyways me and Erik did some cooking and we made some chips but we didn't eat them because we didn't have any ketchup *Tihi* so I feed them to my doggy *Haha* so we just ate some frostys instead, after we are I helped Erik with some of his homework and shortly after his loverly mummy came and picked him up. When he left I ate something and then got ready for bed, now I'm sitting on the sofa watching Hannah Montana :S but that's all that is on so jaja, I think it will be off to bed soon to get some loverly sleep, goodnight cuties <3 P.s excited for tomorrow !
Tjooo, I started school with dance with my...
Tjooo, I started school with dance with my girls which was funfunfun, after we had some boring lessons but me and Emma have just been having fun so its not that bad, but now I'm going to have Swedish which is always the worst lesson of the day. At the moment I'm sitting with oskar, Emma and jens ^^ After Swedish we will have Pe and then home! After school I'm going to be with Erik-derik and Emmy, hope you have a good day cuties pusss
Heej! I feel so go good now, I was in my ...
Heej! I feel so go good now, I was in my mummys bed and watching a film, then I went to sleep at 2,40 and just woke up *hihi* a 5 hour long nape is just what I needed, I haven't sleeped so good in looong, now I'm sitting under a cover on the sofa watching tv. And I am so hungry so my mummy is going to get me some pizza. Today hasn't actually been that bad, hope you has a good day Cuties ^^
At home sick "/ I hate beong sick, so bor...
At home sick "/ I hate beong sick, so boring to stay at home allday when there's Nothing to do, I have the worlds biggest headach and a sour throat. I'm thinking hotchocolate is the answer ;) I think ill take a shower soon, showers always make me feel much better ^^ have a goodday