Dance-Mazen style (: I have just got to E...

Dance-Mazen style (: I have just got to Emmas gaff after four hours of superdance, and I can say I hurt everywhere and I'm mega hungry! Today I had a loong day at school and after school I waited with Erik but I should have gone home and eaten something but anyways, then I went dancing and then I trekked back to Emma's house, now I can't evern move, far to weak and tiered. But apart from that it was soooo fun 'popping and locking' *Haha* I am in desperate need of a long shower and then a little movie with my girl. But at the moment I am watching CSI and waiting for my mummy and emmas mummy to come back from the cinema so then we can get some food before I waist away *tihi* But that's all for now, have a good night pusss ^^

Postat av: sara

Aweesome ! ;) <3

2011-03-05 @ 11:02:09

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