Today has been a super day, little dinner ...

100media_imag006 (MMS)

Today has been a super day, little dinner party, but i think I ate to much cake and scones so its off to the gym with my soon, anyways I had a good time, my whole family +guests played scrabble *Haha* such a good game, and everyone said me and Erik were going to lose and infact we won, so I was pretty proud of that *tihi* after that me and Erik had mysmys, then He went home, after He left we watched a scary movie, but it wasn't sp scary so I took a shower instead, so that brings me to now, I'm sitting on my bed in my towel and soon I'm going to get a footmassage and then do my homework -.- school comes around so fast , don't want to go to school! But after school I'm going to be with Hanna , Natta, imme, and ines so its going to be a good day anyway because I haven't been with them girls in a while and I miss and love them muchly. Hope you had a good day! Pusshej! P.s Erik that's for today (: love you (Picture is Erik when He was small and cute) *tihi*


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