Heeej! Today we had HK and we made spaghet...
Heeej! Today we had HK and we made spaghetti and köttfarssås but me and joakim put far to much spices in and it didn't taste so good (N) But after Hk I walked back to school and meet Erik and hanna , and we just talked and messed around in till around 5 at school, then me and Erik went back to his house and Eat then just had some fun ^^ I came home at about 8 and then had a shower. Now I'm sitting here listening to music and not looking forward to going to bed because Erik has been scaring me about there beeing things in my room , and after last night I'm not going in there *Haha* But hope you had a good day (:
I'm shitting it. I'm so scared, my two yea...
I'm shitting it. I'm so scared, my two year old sister just walked in to my room and started staring at the top corner of my room and started talking and laughing ?! Then she turned to me then said Siany tonight you better watch out then giggled and walked away :o I'm so scared and cant sleep, if i don't come to school tomorrow you'll know why. Hope you sleep good anyways <3
Me today at skiing (:
Me today at skiing (:
Hey,I am now home after 5hours of skiing a...
Hey,I am now home after 5hours of skiing at valbacken with Erik,tom,Adam and emilia and I have the worlds worst headach after I hit the tree "/ apart from hitting the tree it was a awsome day! I think now I am going to have a shower do my homework then get a early night because I cant bearly keep my eyes open ^^ hope you has a good day <3
Heej, I'm sitting here with Erik in the ca...
Heej, I'm sitting here with Erik in the café at valbacken. We did some skiing for about 1hour and then I thought I would be cool and do a jump and it went super bad , I hit the TREE and fell back and my skies fell of and I hit my head really bad so now I'm really dizzy so I'm taking it easy (: Soon tom will come in and get me some food, and later we will go back out skiing ^^ have a good day Cuties pusss <3
This Morning I woke up quit early and then...
This Morning I woke up quit early and then waited for Erik to wake up *tihi* when we got up we went and made some breakfast. But I didn't eat it because I had a really bad stomach ach, so I layed in bed and Erik put me on Ice age 2 and got me some Ice-cream *Tihi* but my stomach didn't go so I rang my mum and she came and picked me up . When I came home I took a shower and now I'm sitting in front of the tv under a warm cover ^^ mysmys... I'm not sure what I'm going to get up to tonight, I might ring Emma and see what she is up too. Pusssshej! <3
Heey, yesterday was Friday , last day of s...
Heey, yesterday was Friday , last day of school which is Gött after school I waited with Erik intill he went to get his haircut, and then after I went to my bestfriend emmas house and ate then dyed my hair brownie (: well är Lear we tryed my hair didnt really go brown it just went darkred but yeahyeah. Later emmas Loverly mummy drove me to konsum and there I meet my little dansapa Sara, and we walked to dance to meet elin, and had the best dance klass ever! At about 8 I meet Erik at konsum and then we went to the bus where we meet a drunk old perve man but he was pretty funny all he talked about was milk :L After a looong day me and Erik ate and then went to bed I was megatiered but it was a superday ^^
Ica (: Sitting in ica with oskar,szymon,j...
Ica (: Sitting in ica with oskar,szymon,jens and isak
Nobody is perfect, but were all special in...
Nobody is perfect, but were all special in our own ways. Erik can be crazy, weired, a little freakey, but that's just the way he is, and I could never love somone else because he's one of his kind <3 Erik is my one and only
I just thought this was the Cutest picture...
I just thought this was the Cutest picture so it needed to go on ^^
Love hurts sometimes ..... If you really l...
Love hurts sometimes ..... If you really love somone you need to show it, If you really care about somone never let go, and if they leave you....you have to go after them.<3 Love comes and goes , but true love only comes once so never let go....
Hair ♥
´Should i have my hair blond, red or brown ?! ♥
Blond, ^^ i lok like a nerd but yeahyeah
23rd Febuary ♥
Helloo (:
Today we started school with intressaval and i have dance with my girls, We have now finshed our part of the dance. Which everyone can see at the dansuppvisningen in April!!
After that we had SO and we had rörelse, me and emma walked to ica and bought some munch which was gött ♥
Then for lunch me, emma and the boys when out for lunch and had fun ♥
When we finished school after P.E i went and meet Erik, i was in a really bad mood and im not quite sure why?! But anyways, today i had to come home and do my homework that i have had for sooo long but still havent done, When i came home i went out with my brother and bought some things for my other brothers birthday and when i came home to my gaf i watched some tv and totally forgot about mu homework :$ So i have just stared but it could take me hours to do so i might have to come home tomorrow and do it aswell *nolifer*
So im going to eat soon then colour my hair but im not sure what colour yet(Y<3
Pusss <3 i hope you had a good day cuties
-,- You can talk shit about me and my fri...
-,- You can talk shit about me and my friends but never ever talk shit about my mum k ,
Pizza ^^ Hey I'm sitting here with Emma,s...
Pizza ^^ Hey I'm sitting here with Emma,szymon,oskar and jens at Babylon for lunch evern thought I'm not eating but jaja ^^ Pussss
School..O.o. is sitting at school with ...
School..O.o. is sitting at school with Erik sjöberg and having a nice chat about his new haircut.*Haha* I start school in 40 mins -,- and I'm already at school because my stupid bus comes sooooo early, but anyways when school starts Ill have dance with my girls {: pusssshej
Heeeeluu , I'm laying in bed after having ...
Heeeeluu , I'm laying in bed after having a 'interesting conversation' with Emma about some business <3 Before I was sooo tierd but no I can't sleep "/ I think ill go down stairs to get something to munch on ^^ Sleep well <3
Heeeej all you cute people (: I just put ...
Heeeej all you cute people (: I just put some pictures of Hk from yesterday+ picture of Erik because I think it is just supercute but now I'm watching some tv. After school I had detention ,again -,- But Erik waited for me and later I was with him and had mysmys. I'm going to take a shower and then go to bed for. Early night becaue I am superduper tiered , Maybe a little blogg later. Goodnight all you cute people <3 ^^
Me and szymon in Hk (:
Me and szymon in Hk (:
Heey, I'm not in the best of moods because...
Heey, I'm not in the best of moods because of somthing I just found out but anyways, I'm just sitting here in front of the the tv watching csi when a advert came on for 'just go with it' and I was wondering if anyone wants to go see it?! Looks soo good Xx Well I should really be doing my homework now but really came be bothered so I might just go to bed good night Cuties ^^
Next top model!♥
im sittinng here watching Antm as i do every monday ♥
And i think that the weired looking one is going to win *haha* Becasue every cycle the weired ones always win
She will win , i just got this feeling ;)
Heeey! First day back to school today, it ...
Heeey! First day back to school today, it wasnt actually that bad it was pretty good (: when I woke up I made pancakes and then got ready , and my daddy drove me to school today. We had sovmorgon so I sat there and did the homework I had forgot to do yesterday :$ We also had Hk which was fun we made breakfast, and changed partners which was pretty fun ^^ ill put some pictures on later of that But now I'm sitting at Emmas house and watching some old vidios of us and laughing so hard *Haha* I'm not quite sure what were going to do now but I hope you had a good first day back at school Pussssshej
Gästblogg 3 - Emma ☺

Guestblogger!-Oskar ♥
I just got this feeling...♥

En annan gästbloggare - Lejlamejlafejla

A apple a day keeps the doctors away?!
Who wants a apple?
Well n this case i think you will wanna see a doctor ;)

look whos been eating apples ;) Erik
And my phone is broken so when i send messages they never send to the person and when people send messages to me i never get them, so i missed the skiing today becasue of my stupid phone -.-
And then i was ment to go meet my emmy and then i had no one to drive me but jaja,
i hope tomorrow will be a good day, Erik and Émma are coming around so we will have a little fun, mysmys
Also Tomorrow i should have a new design and a new header becasue my loverly Lejla is going to do it for me so it should be goodie ♥
But now im sitting here after a long shower and then got in to my pjamas, and now im ready for bed becuse i am superdupertiered *tihi*
Soo Goodnight sötnosar
Pusss&kraaam volim te!

Gästblogg 2 - Emma ☺

Me and Emma made a bet over a month ago that i wouldn't get a sixpack befor feburay21 and i lost, But tomorrow or on monday i am going to buy a gymcard and go like all the time, and also zumba is going to become my new bestfriend and im going to lose weight and get my sixpack back befor the 21march *tihi*
I need a sixpack now, and i need to lose weight on my ass ;) ♥
This will be me ^^ ♥
Oh my days ♥
Omd this made me chuckel and think of you ♥
God made coke.
God made pepsi.
God made me.
Oh so sexy.
God made rivers.
...God made lakes.
God made you.
Well.. we all make mistakes ♥
Hey, I have just finished watching Toystory 1,2 and 3 with maisie, number 3 never fails to make me cry :')
Now my parents are home and i haven't got to watch maisie any more, but it was quite nice to watch her becsuse then i get to spend more time with her and be a little kid again *tihi*
Im still not sure what im going to do today becasue olof doesn't answer my 5 messages i have send but he is proberly busy with somthing so i might just have a chill day and tonight i will just have to see what happens ♥
Maisie ♥
Oh yes i have the box-set ahaah
Today i woke up too early becasue my brother was going to his ice-skating lessons and i had to get up and watch my little sister maisie, its not to bad becasue i get payed and im trying to save money to help Emmy, to buy her new camara becasue then she will let me use it (a)
So me and maisie are sitting here watching scooby doo and eating maltesers and having a little fun and now we might go outside and play in the snow a little ♥
Im not quite sure what im going to get up to later, i might go to jönköping with my loverly mum or i might go skiing with olof, filip and maybe Erik if he can, but im not quite sure just yet becasue i NEED new clothes but it would be fun to go with the boys, but jaja ill write later.
Have a Nice day ♥
Puss o Kram
good old scooby
Yes or No?!
I have a ear-streacher but im not sure if i should keep it or lose it, somtimes i like it and somtimes i dont. I just cant choose coment Yes or No (:♥
Me and my first love....♥
Hey, Yesterday i was with Erik, and i haden't seen him in almost a week because he was on a skiing trip so it was good to see him again, we celebrated Valentinnesday and our Two months together,
we didn't do much just had like a chill day and watched Two and a half men *haha*
But we had a good time anywayz, I sleeped over and we woke up about 1 and Had breakfast/Lunch and we watched another DVD of Two and a half men *haha* I have only just got chandged out of my pyjamas and now Erik is watching a film and im dissing him for my blogg *tihi*
Now Me and My love Erik are going to find somthing to do and mysa lite.
Beeing with him, is like beeing in a fairytale...
Here are some pictures we took yesterday (:
Vi hörs sen ♥
Eriks Fingers made me laugh
Gästblogg 1 - Emma ☺
Today's Outfit!


Bowling Bck style ♥

My first blogg!