Bowling Bck style ♥
Hey, today I was With Lejla, Sara and Emma and we played a little Disco Bowling, Bck Style. I havent been bowling in loong so it was really fun, Me and Emma won and lejla lost but she is still king *tihi* Sara and i did some dancing But the music sucked but it was fun anyways. After the game me and emma went out for pizza.When we came home we took some pictures with beppo(Emma's Dog) and had a little play time *tihi* Now were sitting here and going to watch a film and munch on some Ben&jerry's and cola. Today was a really good day with mmy my girleys ♥ Here are some pictures....Kram♥


Haha,Lejla ♥



Me&Beppo ♥
Postat av: lejla
haha awie!
tack för kvällen igen, måste göras om!
puss <3
Postat av: sara
aww :D
puuusssss <3