23rd Febuary ♥

Helloo (:
Today we started school with intressaval and i have dance with my girls, We have now finshed our part of the dance. Which everyone can see at the dansuppvisningen in April!!
After that we had SO and we had rörelse, me and emma walked to ica and bought some munch which was gött ♥
Then for lunch me, emma and the boys when out for lunch and had fun ♥
When we finished school after P.E i went and meet Erik, i was in a really bad mood and im not quite sure why?! But anyways, today i had to come home and do my homework that i have had for sooo long but still havent done, When i came home i went out with my brother and bought some things for my other brothers birthday and when i came home to my gaf i watched some tv and totally forgot about mu homework :$ So i have just stared but it could take me hours to do so i might have to come home tomorrow and do it aswell *nolifer* 
So im going to eat soon then colour my hair but im not sure what colour yet(Y<3
Pusss <3 i hope you had a good day cuties  


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