we always just that close
This song is beautiful and makes me think of us....♥
Drink to that
fauls feelings
Oh what a weekend, can wait for next year now hehe. I havent been at school today or yesterday because im sick but it will be back to school tomorrow. My brother is now home from Egypt aswell but tomorrow he is moving to his new house so it will be sopending the last hours with him. Im now Going to go out for a run and then take a hot shower then fill the house with tunes. ♥

Ju mer dom spottar (:

Its not everyone that stands oth side a pizza place and sees kapten röd! We were just standing there and lejla said it wasnt him, but i still shouted out and asked if we could take a picture with him haha. So he turned around and took some pictures. Not tall at all... haha Made my day anyways (:♥ guess us girls are just lucky
This years stadsfesten was awesome! Green street park was the place to be hehe. On the first day i got ready with Hanna and then went to town and meet some people. I actully went to see Eric saade evern though i dont like him and i sat on Olof back so i could see all around me and all the girls and BOYs jumping up and down and putting there hearts in the air haha. I also went and saw daniel and he was so good, sham for all all you that missed him! Olof, oliver, lucas, martin and me went to see syster sol and then kapten röd! they were mega awesome. We also stood next to this littloe african man who danced so funny so we all joined in haha. When kapten röd came on the croud went crazy i think it was almost 600 people in greenstreet park who came and watched. So many fights in the cround but after loads of pushing and shuving we saw him. We also the ark for a couple of songs and then left and meet all the girls and boys at chans and we had fest hos sagge! wooow hehe. Me olof and olivia also went to see robbans band, who new a nerdy pe teacher was actually kinda cool? haha. I also saw differant people but i cant really rember who (a. This stadfesten highlights was been with wonderful friends and just having fun. After stadsfesten i went home to Erik and spent some time with him. Dont get to see him so much anymore seeing as he has gone to a new school. But thankyou everyone for making this weekend rock ♥ 'Peace (pictures are from Lejla and emma) <3

Wow, intresting blogg i have naat! ~just havent had time or couldnt really be bothered to write anything. But becasue i havent wrote in a while means i have lots to write about! so m going to put up some pictures and things now! ♥
I don't have time for people like you, so please don't evern bother
Pratar du bakom min rygg,
Betyder det att jag har kommit längre än dig.
kommenterar du mitt liv,
Betyder det att mitt liv är mer spännande än ditt.
Har du tid att leta efter mina misstag,
Betyder det att du har för lite att göra.
When i saw this today made me think off one person strate away and how bad there life must be to jugde and try to take over other peoples lives. My friends mean the world to me and ill always be here for them. Everyone has always said that you havent had anything better to do with life. So i would just like to say people dont have time for you being like this because there always one step ahead...just saying.
Guess im just lucky
I made it through the first day back at school! Feels good to be back, apart from it feels kinda wired with this children younger than you runing around the place and now eriks gone :'( but feels good not to be the youngest anymore hehe. After school Emma,Olof,Eddie,Johannes and i went back to olofs and celebrated with Ben&Jerrys, its just the way it has to be hehe. Apart from olof went shopping with his mum and left us all alone in the house (?) well yeah. We also watched freddy got fingered for the 10000000000 time this month. When Johannes, Eddie and emma left I cycled and olof ran back to mine and we had a long chat about everything. Then when got to mine we talked abit about this person then he had a drink and cycle back to his. So thankyou guys for a good day and thankyou olof for coming home with me hehe♥
Anyways now im just sitting here in my stadfesten t-shirt after coming out the shower and soon im going to get in my pjarmers and watch some films intill i fall asleep. So tiered after the first day of school dont know if i can cope with more ;) anyways the plans for tomorrow are to be with erik when he finishes school for as long as he/i can then when i finsihed school with my Hanna then at five work with my beautiful girlys and then run home with olof. Looooong day♥ hoep your first day of school went good puss
Wow wow wow
haha this is so funny but you know my humer sucks so you know hahah <3
School tomorrow and im not evern a little bit ready! stilll have to decied what to wear, get my bag ready and find my lock to my locker höhö. so well have to see how things go hehe. Anyways i just got out the shower and brushed my teeth and after i get my things ready for school it will be off to bed. My little brother finley starts school tomorrow aswell so he is really exsited haha. But Goodnight! and ill see most of you tomorrow, if i wake up in time anyway ;) hehe
Birthday boy!
Today its Eriks birthday so i am spending the last day of summer with him. cant belive its school tomorrow, this summer has gone so fast but always fun to go back to school and meet all the people you missed lots. Anyways Now im going out for a walk while its still sunny with the worlds best boyfriend. have a good day! puss♥

just a little bit more
little bit of kapten röd hehe (:
Have jus watched beck with Erik, Susanna and Philip and then washed my face and brushed my teeth and soon will hope in bed and watch 'epic movie' with Erik. Today I have worked at fiesta with Emma,Lejla and lejlas wonderful mummy which was asctually quite hard but fun hehe. Lejla, Emma and i also got a stadsfesten t-shirt and our bracellets. Then I went to cahns and sat with sargon intill olof, eddie, carl and martin came. Then i almost missed the bus backed to eriks house, but eddie gave me a ride on his bike haha;) anyways now im going to get in my pjyarmers. peace♥

Good Morning, woke up about one hours ago and now martin has just came. So im just writing on here while erik and martin talk about spiders(?) O.o haha. Well soon im going to eat and maybe go for a walk with Erik. Have a goodmorning ;) ♥
Hallåhallå, today i have been with Erik and we went and watched the boys play football and then came home and just chilled. He has also got his new computer now and its like bigger than my tv...haha. Anyways now im going to get ready and then watch 'date movie' with my sweety. Tomorrow its eriks party with his family so i will be with him then at 5 it will be fiesta with lejla and emma. Hope you have had a good day and sweetdreams.
dont let the bed bugs bit now ;)

dont let the bed bugs bit now ;)

Some pictures from the other day (:
who do you think you are running around leaving scares?
Say what you think, and speak it from your soul
Just sitting here on the computer while erik is laying next to me playing games on his phone hehe. Well today i have had a awesome day with everyone. Cant live without friends! Well i am now going to go make something to eat and then maybe watch a film with Eriik. ♥

hope you have had a great day ;)!

Without you I have nothing
Heeeey! I havent really had time to write on my blogg but when i did it didnt come up anyways. But here are soe pictures from today that i took from lejla hehe. Thanks for a goo day everyone! ♥

Olofs gaff
nice weather today -.- Im just sitting here at olofs house with eddie and i just did there make up, eddie is emo and olof is a doll haha. Soon it will be to town to meet pommacs and then spend the day with them♥
Have a good day♥
shake it, skate it, shake it all ya got
Well now after sitting here for hours loading up pictures becasue blogg.se is so slow(!) i am going to watch a film with my mummy and then it will be off to bed. I am really tired and my back hurts when i stand up so now im going to get in to my pjarmers and relax. Hope you all sleep well, puss♥

Day 14
Day 1: Facebook profile picture.
Day 2: One night / day you will never forget.
Day 3: A person you've known for a long time.
Day 4: Something I love.
Day 5: Today's outfit.
Day 6: My first real boyfriend.
Day 7: Something I miss.
Day 8: 5 facts about myself.
Day 9: Old and new picture of myself.
Day 10: My first date.
Day 11: my bestfriend.
Day 12: 5 goals in life.
Day 13: The sweetest thing you know.
Day 2: One night / day you will never forget.
Day 3: A person you've known for a long time.
Day 4: Something I love.
Day 5: Today's outfit.
Day 6: My first real boyfriend.
Day 7: Something I miss.
Day 8: 5 facts about myself.
Day 9: Old and new picture of myself.
Day 10: My first date.
Day 11: my bestfriend.
Day 12: 5 goals in life.
Day 13: The sweetest thing you know.
Day 14: Finest picture you know.
Day 15: Finest quote you know.
Day 16: A picture that means love to me.
Day 17: A picture that always makes me smile.
Day 18: A person you never want to loose.
Day 16: A picture that means love to me.
Day 17: A picture that always makes me smile.
Day 18: A person you never want to loose.

Well i have so many oicture that i love but i saw this one yesterday and i just think shes so beautiful! <3
here are just some ego pictures that me and erik took haha♥ I love you erik!

Your my heaven on earth
No one Knows me like you do
once again i havent wrote on here in a while, but its just becasue i havent been home hehe. I was with erik on tuesday and hanna on wednesday and lejla and Emmy tioday. When i was with erik we celebrated our 8 months and martin,alle and degen also come over. We made a giant sandwich and watched some films hehe. Then when i woke up in the morning he had made me breakfast in bed and gave me flowers, he such a cutie! When i was with hanna we didnt do much, but we went to cahns and meet the boys and once again olof wasted all his money on all the games -.- then i had a cute night with hanna apart from when she was snooring and talking in her sleep like mormal ;) And this morning i woke up real early not sure why :S but i layed and waited for hanna to wake up. Then i quikly got ready and ran to the church to meet lejla and emma because i was late like normal hehe. Then we walked to fiesta and did some work, Think about all the artists are going to read our writing! haha. Anyways im not going to bore you with anymore writing so here are some pictures ♥


Day 13
Day 1: Facebook profile picture.
Day 2: One night / day you will never forget.
Day 3: A person you've known for a long time.
Day 4: Something I love.
Day 5: Today's outfit.
Day 6: My first real boyfriend.
Day 7: Something I miss.
Day 8: 5 facts about myself.
Day 9: Old and new picture of myself.
Day 10: My first date.
Day 11: my bestfriend.
Day 12: 5 goals in life.
Day 13: The sweetest thing you know.
Day 2: One night / day you will never forget.
Day 3: A person you've known for a long time.
Day 4: Something I love.
Day 5: Today's outfit.
Day 6: My first real boyfriend.
Day 7: Something I miss.
Day 8: 5 facts about myself.
Day 9: Old and new picture of myself.
Day 10: My first date.
Day 11: my bestfriend.
Day 12: 5 goals in life.
Day 13: The sweetest thing you know.
Day 14: Finest picture you know.
Day 15: Finest quote you know.
Day 16: A picture that means love to me.
Day 17: A picture that always makes me smile.
Day 18: A person you never want to loose.
Day 15: Finest quote you know.
Day 16: A picture that means love to me.
Day 17: A picture that always makes me smile.
Day 18: A person you never want to loose.
The sweetest thing ever... Well i think the sweetest thing is when a boy does something nice for no reason, like buys girls flowers an just does something sweet. Im quite a emotional person hehe, so i think things like that are so cute ♥

8 Months and I would'nt change a thing
8 months with My baby today. Feels like i have known him my whole life. He meens everything to me!♥
who would of thought a girl like me could get a boy like him :') i love you erik!

all mine ;)
Keep me close
Dont know why but song like this just get me thinking ♥
More attention please
I have just sat watching 'real housewives of beverlyhills' for about two and a half hours haha, seriously no lifer hehe. Then came on to facebook to see that someone wrote me such a cute message, just small things can make your day good, so thank you for that. And now im sitting here talking to olof and he told me to write on here that he was awesome...O.o Haha. soon it will be off to bed got to get up early. Tomorrow im going to meet erik because we have been togther for eight months now :') And also hanna has now came home!! well yesterday anyways hehe. i have misssed her lots and lots.
well goodnight and sweetdreams cuties! ♥ puss!

A old picture of me and hanna ♥
There's always a story behind that smile
Well Yesterday and today i have been with erik so i havent been able to blogg. Yesterday when i got to eriks, martin came around and we watche some films and just had a cute night. Then this mornign when i woke up and just finished my breafast martin came around again while i was still in my pjyarmas hehe, little embarassing. Today we didnt do much just sat around talking and watched some tv. Oh and they also picked me up and tryed to put my down the toilet!! -.- And erik also asked me if i had a sandwich for him and when i said no he said ' make me a sandwich' haha what does he think i am and housewife ;)?! apart from that i have had a super sweet time.♥

One year with BCK♥

Pictures:Lejla! <3
died of laughter!
By your side, no matter what, bestfriends are always there.
Goodmorning cuties, Today the sun i shinning so it feels like its going to be a goodday hehe. I just got ready to go to town because at two im going to meet Lejla, Emma, Sara, olivia and maybe the boys. Now im going to eat and watch some tv then it will be towny! ♥ have a awesome day
Here are some pictures from yesterday <3

What a cutie! love you♥
Hahah made me chuckel!
Hes so cute! haha
i love his eyebrows at the end haha

Oh happy dayz
Have had a Awesome day with my Erik. Today we were going to go bowling but we didnt think to see if it was open and guess what, it wasnt. so we decided to go look around town. When we went in lindex we were just looking around then we were looking at the jewelery and we found this little heart things and we stod there for ages trying to figure out what they were then erik read the packet and they were nippel covers HAHAHA. I almost died of laughter. Then we went and ate kebab;) and i also saw my beautifuls Emma and lejla. we also visited 'Sockerbiten' (cahns) and bought a drink. Then we went and sat down on this bench and talked about everything thats anything. What a lovely day! miss these times. But thankyou for today Erik darling love you ♥ hope you had a sweet day
ill put the pictures up later♥
Rock like you never rocked before
Sitting here with two cute girleys and soon erik is going to come pick me up. here are some pictures from today :D ♥ pusss
Dj Fresh
Goodmorning, i just woke up for about 20 mins ago and now im going to eat, shoer and then get ready for today♥
Just feel like dancing wooow
Its always going to be me and you fighting against the world
Goodnight everyone, sweetdreams, im now of to watch a film with my brother hehe ♥
You smile, I smile ♥
just becasue i love this song ♥
Day 12
Day 1: Facebook profile picture.
Day 2: One night / day you will never forget.
Day 3: A person you've known for a long time.
Day 4: Something I love.
Day 5: Today's outfit.
Day 6: My first real boyfriend.
Day 7: Something I miss.
Day 8: 5 facts about myself.
Day 9: Old and new picture of myself.
Day 10: My first date.
Day 11: my bestfriend.
Day 12: 5 goals in life.
Day 13: The sweetest thing you know.
Day 2: One night / day you will never forget.
Day 3: A person you've known for a long time.
Day 4: Something I love.
Day 5: Today's outfit.
Day 6: My first real boyfriend.
Day 7: Something I miss.
Day 8: 5 facts about myself.
Day 9: Old and new picture of myself.
Day 10: My first date.
Day 11: my bestfriend.
Day 12: 5 goals in life.
Day 13: The sweetest thing you know.
Day 14: Finest picture you know.
Day 15: Finest quote you know.
Day 16: A picture that means love to me.
Day 17: A picture that always makes me smile.
Day 18: A person you never want to loose.
Day 15: Finest quote you know.
Day 16: A picture that means love to me.
Day 17: A picture that always makes me smile.
Day 18: A person you never want to loose.
My 5 goals in life are to:
- Become a midwife
- Finish school with good grades
- Have a wonderful family
- Go to other countries Help other people
- And to meet justin bieber haha ♥

Thank good i dodged that bullet
Just sitting here talking to people on facebook and texting with some lovely people and soon it will be upstairs and get ready for bed becasue i dont have anything better to do so i might aswell just get some sleep hehe. Today i have been with Elin as you know and we made smoothies, we was computer nerd, we danced, laughted, talked, eaten noodels, and hade lots of fun hehe. It has been a real good day but would have been better if the weather was good but hayho. Tomorrow im going to be with elin again but olivia is also going to be with us too and then later im going to see my darling erik. Anyways i hope you had a super day cuties! :D♥

This is me ^ haha <3
Hellohello, im sitting here with mmy cutie elin. Here are some pictures we just took but more will come later when i get home hehe puss!


what goes around comes back around
Her voice is just so beautiful <3
Day 11
Day 1: Facebook profile picture.
Day 2: One night / day you will never forget.
Day 3: A person you've known for a long time.
Day 4: Something I love.
Day 5: Today's outfit.
Day 6: My first real boyfriend.
Day 7: Something I miss.
Day 8: 5 facts about myself.
Day 9: Old and new picture of myself.
Day 10: My first date.
Day 11: my bestfriend.
Day 12: 5 goals in life.
Day 13: Finest picture you know.
Day 14: Finest quote you know.
Day 15: A picture that means love to me.
Day 16: A picture that always makes me smile.
Day 17: A person you never want to loose.

Day 2: One night / day you will never forget.
Day 3: A person you've known for a long time.
Day 4: Something I love.
Day 5: Today's outfit.
Day 6: My first real boyfriend.
Day 7: Something I miss.
Day 8: 5 facts about myself.
Day 9: Old and new picture of myself.
Day 10: My first date.
Day 11: my bestfriend.
Day 12: 5 goals in life.
Day 13: Finest picture you know.
Day 14: Finest quote you know.
Day 15: A picture that means love to me.
Day 16: A picture that always makes me smile.
Day 17: A person you never want to loose.
My bestfriend- well i have many bestfriends but my bestest friends are Emma and Erik there the two people i can always trust on to be there for me :*

Yellow Straw
Im just sitting here doing some online shopping whilest talking to the worlds best boyfriend. Today i have been babysitting and i have been with Emma for a little while and then when she left i went for a walk and then a napp because i had to wake up early hehe. Tomorrow i think im going to be with erik. Off to bed soon so goodnight! puss

Swagger Jagger
Goodnight (:
Just laying here in my mummys bed watching skins. When skins is finished im going to get into my pyjamas and then it will be off to bed. Tomorrow I'm babysitting allday while my daddy picks up my mummy from the airport. Emma is also going to come around and see me! Happyface, havent seen her in long. So goodnight sleepyheads <3

Off out :D

åhhhh babay
seriously these boys are just lush haha. Jls yeahboy ;) and i love the short one in his pink trousers hehe
Boom Boom in your face
Hello, I woke about 1 hour ago and just eat and brushed my teeth. I have also just watched the funnest vidio thats on sara's blogg about rebecca black haha, so best! Today i havent got anything planned so i think im going to get dressed and go for a walk and take pictures. Its kinda sunny but windy so there isnt much to do. And when i come home going to turn the music up and dance all day long becasue noone is home! YES ;) Tomorrow my mummys coming home! miss that woman muchly! anyways have a awesome day ;) peace

Me and Emma, miss you freak! <3
I Love LOL!
YAYME I WON! hehe just sitting here with erik and he is teaching me how to play LOL and i just won my first game! proudface or what! I now understand why boys sit here and play all day, its actually really fun when you win hahah :O its evern better than farmfrenzy (or how ever you spell it) that me and emma sit playing for hours hehe xx
Day 10
Day 1: Facebook profile picture.
Day 2: One night / day you will never forget.
Day 3: A person you've known for a long time.
Day 4: Something I love.
Day 5: Today's outfit.
Day 6: My first real boyfriend.
Day 7: Something I miss.
Day 8: 5 facts about myself.
Day 9: Old and new picture of myself.
Day 10: My first date.
Day 11: my bestfriend.
Day 12: 5 goals in life.
Day 13: Finest picture you know.
Day 14: Finest quote you know.
Day 15: A picture that means love to me.
Day 16: A picture that always makes me smile.
Day 17: A person you never want to loose.
Day 2: One night / day you will never forget.
Day 3: A person you've known for a long time.
Day 4: Something I love.
Day 5: Today's outfit.
Day 6: My first real boyfriend.
Day 7: Something I miss.
Day 8: 5 facts about myself.
Day 9: Old and new picture of myself.
Day 10: My first date.
Day 11: my bestfriend.
Day 12: 5 goals in life.
Day 13: Finest picture you know.
Day 14: Finest quote you know.
Day 15: A picture that means love to me.
Day 16: A picture that always makes me smile.
Day 17: A person you never want to loose.
Well I have never been on a date. All the boys i have been together with have never asked me out on one. Boy these days haha ;) no but i have always wanted to go on one , but i guess you cant have everything yiou want :D puss
Goodmorning! today i have planned to be with erik so im just going to hopp in the shower and get ready. have it good! peace
Sweet dreams beautiful
Well goodnight everyone sweetdreams ♥
Not really sure whats happening tomorrow but i think im going to be with Erik. And it is also my brother charlies birthday! Hope its good weather tomorrow evern though its ment to rain. But being english i guess im used to it hehe♥

GoodNight mummy, miss and love you ♥
(picture is of london for those who didnt know)
Day 9
Day 1: Facebook profile picture.
Day 2: One night / day you will never forget.
Day 3: A person you've known for a long time.
Day 4: Something I love.
Day 5: Today's outfit.
Day 6: My first real boyfriend.
Day 7: Something I miss.
Day 8: 5 facts about myself.
Day 9: Old and new picture of myself.
Day 10: My first date.
Day 11: my bestfriend.
Day 12: 5 goals in life.
Day 13: Finest picture you know.
Day 14: Finest quote you know.
Day 15: A picture that means love to me.
Day 16: A picture that always makes me smile.
Day 17: A person you never want to loose.

Day 2: One night / day you will never forget.
Day 3: A person you've known for a long time.
Day 4: Something I love.
Day 5: Today's outfit.
Day 6: My first real boyfriend.
Day 7: Something I miss.
Day 8: 5 facts about myself.
Day 9: Old and new picture of myself.
Day 10: My first date.
Day 11: my bestfriend.
Day 12: 5 goals in life.
Day 13: Finest picture you know.
Day 14: Finest quote you know.
Day 15: A picture that means love to me.
Day 16: A picture that always makes me smile.
Day 17: A person you never want to loose.

i guess this one is pretty new not my newest but ya know :D

im the short one in red hahah <3 sexy i know
Some love one, some love two. I love one, and that is you.
I know real bad updating :S really havent been bothered or i just havent had time. But today i have been out with my family and my dads friends familey on this boat thing which was really cool. and we went out in to the middle of the lake and went swimming and had fika. This week i have been at home helping my dad watch my little brother and sisters because my mum is in england. Today i was ment to be with my girlys and boys but i didnt have time. so we have planned it for a different time next week. Åhh i miss you guys lots and lots! well u have just finished watching bambi and it made me cry as usuel hehe. And now im just waiting for erik to finish playing him games and text me so i know whats happening tomorrow! hehe I hope you have had a goodday in the sun :D puss♥

You hit me like the sky feel on me
Day 8
Day 1: Facebook profile picture.
Day 2: One night / day you will never forget.
Day 3: A person you've known for a long time.
Day 4: Something I love.
Day 5: Today's outfit.
Day 6: My first real boyfriend.
Day 7: Something I miss.
Day 8: 5 facts about myself.
Day 9: Old and new picture of myself.
Day 10: My first date.
Day 11: my bestfriend.
Day 12: 5 goals in life.
Day 13: Finest picture you know.
Day 14: Finest quote you know.
Day 15: A picture that means love to me.
Day 16: A picture that always makes me smile.
Day 17: A person you never want to loose.

Day 2: One night / day you will never forget.
Day 3: A person you've known for a long time.
Day 4: Something I love.
Day 5: Today's outfit.
Day 6: My first real boyfriend.
Day 7: Something I miss.
Day 8: 5 facts about myself.
Day 9: Old and new picture of myself.
Day 10: My first date.
Day 11: my bestfriend.
Day 12: 5 goals in life.
Day 13: Finest picture you know.
Day 14: Finest quote you know.
Day 15: A picture that means love to me.
Day 16: A picture that always makes me smile.
Day 17: A person you never want to loose.
1, I like to dance :D
2, I am scared of the dark :S
3, My friends mean the world to me!
4, I have biberfeber :L
5, Im always going to be this way and noone can ever change me {:

Well I'm off to bed after a long day. Started the day with some sunbathing then I jogged down to the lake and around the forest and then to town then my dad came and picked my up and drove me home because I needed a drink so bad and I also have the biggestt blister on my toe ever. When I got home I put on my bikini and went our side and sunbathed whilest on the phone to my wonderful boyfriend Hehe.
My mum just made me do her nails because she is going to England tomorrow. Going to miss her muchly Hehe xx
Anyways goodnight everyone sweetdreams <3
P.s never give up
Day 7
Day 1: Facebook profile picture.
Day 2: One night / day you will never forget.
Day 3: A person you've known for a long time.
Day 4: Something I love.
Day 5: Today's outfit.
Day 6: My first real boyfriend.
Day 7: Something I miss.
Day 8: 5 facts about myself.
Day 9: Old and new picture of myself.
Day 10: A nice person.
Day 11: my bestfriend.
Day 12: 5 goals in life.
Day 13: Finest picture you know.
Day 14: Finest quote you know.
Day 15: A picture that means love to me.
Day 16: A picture that always makes me smile.
Day 17: A person you never want to loose.
Day 2: One night / day you will never forget.
Day 3: A person you've known for a long time.
Day 4: Something I love.
Day 5: Today's outfit.
Day 6: My first real boyfriend.
Day 7: Something I miss.
Day 8: 5 facts about myself.
Day 9: Old and new picture of myself.
Day 10: A nice person.
Day 11: my bestfriend.
Day 12: 5 goals in life.
Day 13: Finest picture you know.
Day 14: Finest quote you know.
Day 15: A picture that means love to me.
Day 16: A picture that always makes me smile.
Day 17: A person you never want to loose.
Something i miss, well i miss all my friends from england but i dont really miss someting speciel. But i guess i miss old times when everything went the way you wanted hehe. and everythjing was so easy :}

Tell me you love me but only if you mean it
Well I have just got off the phone to erik and now im of to bed. Tomorrow i was ment to be with erik but it he cant so I think ill just stay in bed all day tbh unless its hot then ill lay in the sun and try and get brown! höhö
Goodnight people, sweetdreams♥
love you pizza man♥