No one Knows me like you do

once again i havent wrote on here in a while, but its just becasue i havent been home hehe. I was with erik on tuesday and hanna on wednesday and lejla and Emmy tioday. When i was with erik we celebrated our 8 months and martin,alle and degen also come over. We made a giant sandwich and watched some films hehe. Then when i woke up in the morning he had made me breakfast in bed and gave me flowers, he such a cutie! When i was with hanna we didnt do much, but we went to cahns and meet the boys and once again olof wasted all his money on all the games -.- then i had a cute night with hanna apart from when she was snooring and talking in her sleep like mormal ;)  And this morning i woke up real early not sure why :S but i layed and waited for hanna to wake up. Then i quikly got ready and ran to the church to meet lejla and emma because i was late like normal hehe. Then we walked to fiesta and did some work, Think about all the artists are going to read our writing! haha. Anyways im not going to bore you with anymore writing so here are some pictures ♥



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