Some love one, some love two. I love one, and that is you.

I know real bad updating :S really havent been bothered or i just havent had time. But today i have been out with my family and my dads friends familey on this boat thing which was really cool. and we went out in to the middle of the lake and went swimming and had fika. This week i have been at home helping my dad watch my little brother and sisters because my mum is in england. Today i was ment to be with my girlys and boys but i didnt have time. so we have planned it for a different time next week. Åhh i miss you guys lots and lots! well u have just finished watching bambi and it made me cry as usuel hehe. And now im just waiting for erik to finish playing him games and text me so i know whats happening tomorrow! hehe I hope you have had a goodday in the sun :D puss♥

Postat av: Emma

Aww! Maisie as grown sooo much! Give her a big kiss from me. Miss you! <3

2011-08-05 @ 00:53:06

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