Jönköping yesterday

Sorry I didn't blog yesterday but I was in jönköping with emma,erik,olof,eddie and nenus all day so didn't have a chance. can say that it was a long day! We took the train at 10:25 because we wanted to have time. So when we got there we went to subway and then got on the bus to A6. But then some boys got on the bus that only had shorts on and had spray painted their bodys and shaved parts of there hair. So we started talking to them and they asked me for a kiss and stuff haha. Well We were at A6 there for a couple of hours and to got some new things for holiday. Then we got the bus to town we had to wait two hours for the cinema to start so the boys spent that time acting like children doing armpit farts....haha. We watched the dark knight - batman and it was so good but almost 3 hours long. After we was ment to take the train at 9:30 but noooo someone got the train times wrong so we had missed the last train... So after a while of sitting there thinking what to do Emma's sitter came and got her and Eddie and then me Erik Olof and nenus went to the A6 McDonald's and ate while we waited for my dad to come get us, so thank you to worlds beat daddy that got out off bed to come get us from jönköping at 10o'clock hehe. We didn't get home infill about 11:45 so me and Erik went strait to sleep because we were so tired. Fun but long day. Pictures come later hehe


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