So close but so far
Fuck. What to do? Why so many problems? Is it always so hard?
Fika,film,mys och min älskling
After school me and Erik went and fikade before we caught the bus back to my house. We have watched films and ate and just laughed and talked like bestfriends do. Now I am going to watch another film haha. Have it awesome
Better be getting some sleep!
Well the idea of school tomorrow isn't making it any easier to sleep but now I have to get some needed beauty sleep to get up at 6:20 for the bus... Btw, tomorrow I am going to look like a troll because I don't have any hair straighteners or make up here at home they are all in the apartment in town so if I have time tomorrow I am going to there and get ready. But goodnight
iPod photes
Here are some really bad iPod photos but awesome memories! Thank you everyone that made my weekend best. Love my friends
Stadsfesten #2

Tired after a long night and getting up early today for dance. Didn't think many people would come today but there was loads off people which made it scary to dance on the big stage. Right now im sitting here on olivias sofa and writing this haha. But soon it will be food and in the shower ti get ready for another long but sweett night! peace
A night full off awesome music and Great people that couldn't have been any better has now come to an end. Kapten röd, Albin mayers, and Sean banan Made My night! Was dissapointed with Loreen though, don't think she was the best she could have been. But have meet new people and old friends today and today was onlythe start. Now i am sitting here with pain in My feet after all the walking around so now i'm going to brush My teeth and off to bed because have to get up early for Dance tomorrow. Nighty
Bed time!
Time to turn the lights out and get some sleep for tomorrow. First real school day and then stadsfesten with the worlds bestfriends <3 tagga
Fruit salad and training
After being out for a run and the first day at school me and olivia went and bought loads of fruit and make a fruit salad. The start of our 'new life' haha. Well now we are sitting here watching robinson and eating. Later it will be stomach training. Good girls!


Awkward black,white and red


Blonde or brown, light or dark
My hair is really dry and discolored after my holiday so tomorrow I am getting my hair done just before school that starts on Thursday.... But the question is should I go dark or stay blonde? Many say it looks better dark but then others say better blonde, can't decide! Comment what you think!
Honey I'm hoooome!
How is everyone in cold Sweden? I have had a really good time in Cyprus with hot weather and awesome people. And I miss it already. I didn't blogg because the Internet wasn't very good but mostly because I was on holiday to relax not to blogg;) but now I'm home and there will be lots of blogging and lots of change on my blogg. But right now I am babysitting but I'll write soon hehe <3
At the Airport
Heey! Sleep well? I haven't slept yet but i will on the plan. Anyways i am sitting here at the airport in a waiting place, the plan goes in an hour to malmö and thrn off to hot sunny cyprus. Don't have much more to write so byes! Hehe
It's time!
Goodbye Sweden, cyprus is waiting for me! Going to try and write everyday because there is wifi there. Hoe you have a good last week of holidays and keep safe :* heyho let's go!
Wowoowowowoo, laying in bed now and to exited to sleep. Because when I wake up we will be leaving for Cyprus baby! Spent the day packing and now the time is finally here to go hehe. So better get some sleep and I'll write before I leave tomorrow morning :*
So tired! And hate my blogg, ever thing I write never loads up.. But guess can't do anything about it. Woke up early today an have been packing and sorting things out for tomorrow. Feel like I have forgotten loads of things but I don't know what?! Well now I am going to make lunch then take a loooooong shower, all the muscles in my legs and ass hurt so bad after 'working out' with Olivia and albin. And yes I look like a monkey in this picture but I'm tired an no makeup and I do not care :)
Under the covers
Hate this!
I wrote two long texts and none of them came up only the pictures for one of them :@ So here we go again.... Feels like it has been forever since I write last but it only has been three days, but it is because I haven't been home I spent two of the days at Olivia's house and a day at liseberg, but pictures and a text for that will come later. Today I have been babysitting all day so I didn't have time to be with Hugo like we planned. When my mum came home everyone in my family sat at watched films together and had family mys! It's my last night at my house before I go to cyprus so watching films is the best way to spend it. When the movies finished I started to pack but I Can't find half the things I want to take with me so going to get up early tomorrow and pack everything. Can't wait to see Erik tomorrow after not seeing him for a long while ^^
Follow me! :)
Yeees! Tom daley got bronze in diving ;)
Missed me?
Bed days
The reason for no blogging is because I have been in bed for the last two days and haven't had anything to write really. All I have done is lay in bed watch tv and shower, Erik also came around yesterday. So that's why but it will get better :) well just got out the shower and now I'm going to clean my room (y
Sick day :(
Jönköping yesterday
Sorry I didn't blog yesterday but I was in jönköping with emma,erik,olof,eddie and nenus all day so didn't have a chance. can say that it was a long day! We took the train at 10:25 because we wanted to have time. So when we got there we went to subway and then got on the bus to A6. But then some boys got on the bus that only had shorts on and had spray painted their bodys and shaved parts of there hair. So we started talking to them and they asked me for a kiss and stuff haha. Well We were at A6 there for a couple of hours and to got some new things for holiday. Then we got the bus to town we had to wait two hours for the cinema to start so the boys spent that time acting like children doing armpit farts....haha. We watched the dark knight - batman and it was so good but almost 3 hours long. After we was ment to take the train at 9:30 but noooo someone got the train times wrong so we had missed the last train... So after a while of sitting there thinking what to do Emma's sitter came and got her and Eddie and then me Erik Olof and nenus went to the A6 McDonald's and ate while we waited for my dad to come get us, so thank you to worlds beat daddy that got out off bed to come get us from jönköping at 10o'clock hehe. We didn't get home infill about 11:45 so me and Erik went strait to sleep because we were so tired. Fun but long day. Pictures come later hehe
OS Football
Hello my friends. Whats up with this summer? One day it raibs then the next it is hot? Well can't complain at the weather to day when the sun is shinning. This morning i have watched a film and chilled with erik. Well now me and erik are watching os football sweden-france and soon fika. Have a good day
Feels like today went so fast! Had lots to do but didn't get half of it done. Well anyways today I painted the celing in the stuga with some help from erik. Then we came back to his house,ate pizza and watched os. Was only ment to come pick some things up but it was late so i stayed, was ment to be with emma aswell but had to change the plans :( Anyways now me and erik are going to watch the simpsons becausw it was so long ago. Byes (joke picture)
Wide awake
Bake Bake Bake

Just got back to the apartment after being with Olof,Eddie,Gustaf, finley and filip. Even Been out in the boat. Now waiting for Erik to come and then we are of to his Nans house for dinner :)
He is the reason people watch the Olympics. English diver Tom Daley <3
What you saying?
Just got ready now I have nothing to do.. Finley is playing the Xbox so can't watch tv. Fun. Well now going to sit here and be bored.
Goodmorning Goodmorning! How is everyone this morning? I have a headache and didn't get much sleep last night and I had to get up early this morning at seven to get a lift to town. So now I'm sitting at the apartment eating breakfast with Finley and Adam. Today I am going to watch Gustaf and Finley at olofs house then go to Eriks grandmothers house for dinner. So now I'm going to finish eating then try and sleep a little haha.
Time to sleep
