That akward moment when someone tries to be funny when there not

First picture i saw of this boy. To different people he is different things, you can call him what you like but he knows who he is and your words dont hurt him. To me he isnt just some boy, he is my life. This boy changed everything for me, he came when i needed him most and his always by my side. When im sad, angry, happy, excited, enoyed, when i feel like crying and evern when im sick he alays there helping me get through things. Sometimes i think to myself how did i get a boy like him?! Cute,Sweet,Charming and a lovely boy. He's also the only person i can trust to tell everything to. He knows more about me than any of my friends do and i trust him with everything. We have problems sometimes but im never scared ill loose him because He loves me as much as i love him. Kinda crazy how its only been 8 months but feels like years. You are my Angel and the only thing i live for. I will always be here by your side evern if you dont want me hehe. Never going to forget any of our memories we have had, aspecily not my not my favorite one when we were at the bus stop :') I'm crazy in love with you and i never want that to chandge! He is the reason i go around with a smile on my face evern on the worst of days, he is the reason i wake up in the morning, he is the reason im the person who i am today. Erik Gerhardsson you are my world and one day i will marry you! Ill always love you forever and every. Your still the same boy i first saw in nyfiket, looking confused out (like normall) and i guess it was love at first sight. You are mine forever and a day¥
:') <3