So tiered should be asleep by this time but no, I have talked to Erik on the phone for a hour while I did my Fysik homework and when he went to bed I didn't the rest of my homeworks. Then showered and got everything ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow I'm going to jönköping with Susanna and erik to watch there cousen play inne bandy. Then myskväll with my Erik. And on Saturday going to have movie,mys,bck night with my favorite girls. But now I'm going to read intill I fall asleep. Goodnight cuties <3
Sorry there is no pictures but I promise there will be lots from the weekend. P.s. its going to be 21degres tomorrow (:
Ojojoj, Havent wrote in about 5 days now, But its becasue my computer at home doesnt work at tyhe moment and my phone is just weired so. But that also means thats alot to write about. Anyways on monday i was with Elin after school and we danced and then i went to my dance lessons for 2 hours. Tuesday I was with erik and then went to my English lessons, after that erik went and got his hair cut and it looks so good! hottie ;) Wednesday I was with My Emma after school then went to my singing lessons, But my teacher was sick so i spent time with emma instead. And today I have Danced with NicknamE and Martin and Erik Came and watched and martin danced a little aswell ;) haha. So vidios and things will be on our like page so go there and look! Now im sitting here on the computer in spelverket and waiting for my Brother to come because we are going to clime. And when i get home i need to do loads of homework. i have English,Biology,Teknik,SO,Fysik and Swedish. I also need to get everything ready for tomorrow and shower, going to be a long night me thinks. But today the weather has been wonderful and i hope it stays that way! have a good everning. A picture from yesterday (: love you!
Today i have a bit of everything really, I sat at olofs on my own, went to sockerbiten and chilled with my homies, went to town and meet my mum for a bit, Made some food with sargona and then meet my wonderful boyfriend and went and ate sunrice with his family. Now im sitting here looking through some amazing pictures and soon goping to watch a film, Mys! hope you have had a goodday! ♥ Kram
Hejehej, sitting here at olofs house been awake almost all night and then woke up at 8. So kinda tiered just now. Well today the sun is shining and i am going to be with Erik♥ Missed him lots. Now im going to get ready and wait for erik to wake up and text me back ;)! have a good day♥ Kram After 3 months <3
Tjooo, after school i said bye to emmy, because she is going to her dads house. And then i came home to olof and watched final deseterbation with him and Jennifer. Then we went to sockerbiten and chilled. Now im sitting here with my homie Olof. Today he broke his record, he ran around the lake in 26mins,32sec. Anyways we are now going to town to sockerbiten again...Think that you all should go down there, movies for 29kr and lost of things on sale and good deals. so get ya but down there. jaja importaint imformation yoo ♥ pusss
Hey, today after school i had my first english lesson thingy which didnt go so bad. Then i meet up with Erik,Olof, Martin and oliver H. Been at sockerbiten amost most of the time up to now. I was ment to sleep at Eriks but it didnt go to plan so now im at olofs and going to get in my pjyarmers and go to sleep now. Goodnight♥
Tjooo, hows you day been? Day started of good and ended just aswell. Last lesson of the day was swimming with my lovely class (N) but after me and emma sat in the sawna and hade a nice chat. After school I went to town with olof and he bought a new jumper. Then I started my new dance class, so nervous before becasue i didnt think i was going to know anyone but i knew almost everyone so it was chill hehe. After dance I watched my brother play hockey for a hour and then i came home. Now im sitting here after eating looking at some pictures. Also tryingt to decide if i should get the micro hairexstentions, hate my short hair! Just going to watch Yes Man now and then will be of to bed. kram ♥ p.s. i think Sims is taking over emmas life, just sayin ;)!
Every person is a different story, so take the time to listen
Need a erly night so im Just going to jump in the shower now and then finished reading my book intill i fall asleep. Have had a lovely weekend with Erik, pommacs and company so thankyou to everyone for making it good. Hope all you cuties have had a good weekend, because boring school starts tomorrow. Goodnight ♥
just sitting here doing my teknik homework which i dont really understand what i have to do, I have also lost my logg book so i dont know if i have more homework and if theres something special happeneing tomorrow but yeahyeah.
Today I have relaxed most the day with Erik. At 3 we met olof,carl,eddie,wp and Elin and we went and saw spy kids 4, 4D but i came late like normal. Thought it was going to be really good but it was actually a bit of a dissapointment. havent done much more than that but i hope you have had a good weekend. kram ♥
Goodmorning, woke up at about 11 and eat breakfast with family Gerharsson, soon after came martin to fix eriks computer or something. Now im going to get ready and then i will meet my cutie elin! Have a good day puss ♥
Heeey! just sitting here at alles house with Martin and Erik. What a night on facebook :S thanks for helping ,e and beeing there for me Erik! Dont understand somepeople somtimes, anyways going to watch a film now and mysa with my baby ♥
What a night yesterday! We had a party for sara and it was awesome. We Danceed,sang,Ate pizza and cake, Waxed eddies legs, took photo's and just had a great night. So thankyou sara for inviting us and making it awesome. Pommacs i love you <3 oliver<3 piictures: Lejla and emmas, look at there bloggs for more <3
Gooodmorning! Haven't blogged in a while but just dont have time and that's like yo. Haven't really been up to much much just been swimming, running and exercise- exciting life....nat. Buy yesterday after school my wonderful friends and I make a birthday cake för sara's party today. Then I went to dance, nickname I love you<3!
Anyways now I am on the way to school and first lesson I have swimming -.- and after school it will be with friends and then saras party.
Have a good day peace
Just finished my homework while talking to people on facebook and now im going to bed. Cant think srate becasue im so tiered. Tomorrow after school im going to be with Erik♥, Robin, Olof and filip and who ever else that wants to be with. Then on the night were all going to sleep at olofs summerstuga. so i dont think there will be any blogging but we will see. So goodnight, sweetdreams cuties♥!
When its cold outside, i want you there to warm me.
Well hello there! Today after school i have dance with the worlds best girls 'Nickname'. Then i went and ate pizza with Robin and should him some good music instead of him hardrock stuff haha. So we sat there eating pizza for the 5th time this week just listerning to music and living life. Then we went to the schhol party thing and meet my mummy and daddy hehe. After we went to olofs and waited for him to come out the shower and find some clothes. First he couldnt find any pants then he could find his jumper so me and robin sat there for loong waiting but yeahyeah. After we just didnt do much just chilled. Now im sitting here freezing and now i have to go do my homework that i forgot about. Fun night!♥
How i love dance! NickName started again today and girlys you are awesome! love you girls. Also if you have facebook please like our 'like page' thing and tell you friends to aswell haha. hope you like the video it's from today(:
That akward moment when someone tries to be funny when there not
First picture i saw of this boy. To different people he is different things, you can call him what you like but he knows who he is and your words dont hurt him. To me he isnt just some boy, he is my life. This boy changed everything for me, he came when i needed him most and his always by my side. When im sad, angry, happy, excited, enoyed, when i feel like crying and evern when im sick he alays there helping me get through things. Sometimes i think to myself how did i get a boy like him?! Cute,Sweet,Charming and a lovely boy. He's also the only person i can trust to tell everything to. He knows more about me than any of my friends do and i trust him with everything. We have problems sometimes but im never scared ill loose him because He loves me as much as i love him. Kinda crazy how its only been 8 months but feels like years. You are my Angel and the only thing i live for. I will always be here by your side evern if you dont want me hehe. Never going to forget any of our memories we have had, aspecily not my not my favorite one when we were at the bus stop :') I'm crazy in love with you and i never want that to chandge! He is the reason i go around with a smile on my face evern on the worst of days, he is the reason i wake up in the morning, he is the reason im the person who i am today. Erik Gerhardsson you are my world and one day i will marry you! Ill always love you forever and every. Your still the same boy i first saw in nyfiket, looking confused out (like normall) and i guess it was love at first sight. You are mine forever and a day¥
Just rememberd that we have our school photo tomorrow, i always look so bad in the school photos and evern worse on the singel photos so i never buy them hehe. Cant be bothered to try and make my self look good for one picture that im only going to look at once. Wednesday is marknaden! wooh last year was so fun apart from trying to wash the egg and cream out my hair. At the moment im just sitting here looking through some old photoes and its making me a little teary :'). Now im going to go brush my teeth and read a little before i go to bed. Goodnight sweeties ♥
Hade a fun day at school? Well today I havent been at school becasue i woke up with a headach, sore throat and my stomach really hurt i also woke up like 10 times lastnight so i am really tiered aswell. so i thought it would be better to stay home evern though i wanted to go to school to see sara on her birthday. Last night i slept at Eriks house so i am actuallly still here laying in his bed sick. I just ate ice cream and mango and erik is also sick with feber but he is still taking care of me, :') the plan for today is to get better haha. hope your all well. ♥ puss
Happy birthday Sara! well today is my little dansapa sara's birthday. Wish i could be there to give her a big big hug and embarrace her by singing happy birthday in frount of everyone haha. Hope you have a good birthday cutie and Me and pommacs are going to make your party awesome hehe. Love you <3
Goodmorning there, woke up exactly 22mins ago evermore though me and robin didn't sleep intill 06:00. Now we are sitting here watching beck and soon olof is going to the contermation meeting so me and robin are just going to watch films. I'm not really sure whats happening today but I think ill be with Erik or pommacs (: have a good day in this lovely weather (:
Holaa! What a day at school, had Dan for two lessons so we didn't do much. At there with emma,Oskar,szymon and philip talking about a man who made a dog from DNA with the dogs sperm.... Haha. Anyways just came back from school and now sitting with Olof, Robin and Eddie. Soon we are going to meet cutie emma and oliver. Then go book the tickets for the smurfs! oh how i wanna see that movie. Olof just peireced robins foot with a pen and now they are talking about fish swimming in läsk mmm normal. Uppdate when i get home after the cinema. Now it will be out for a quick run with Olof. at nyfiket today (: <3
Yesyes nice weather we have, get so tiered when its rain all the time. Last night I sleeped at eriks house so this morning I got the bus on my own then walked to school with Martin. Feels like I have forgot everything at school, can't remeber how to do maths and my Swedish is the worst Haha. But that's life I guess, also my cutie Emma wasn't at school and I also didn't see lejla so Hope you too are staying heathy Hehe. After school I went home with erik and ate. Now im sitting here waiting for all the boys to get changed for the football match. Then it will be outside to watch the game. Ciao <3