living life with a smile on my face
Heeey, so much stuff for school this week so haven't had time to write. But today I just have lust to tell you whats been happening in my life Hehe. So here we go, first lesson I had party group and me and Ida S carved a pumpkin, looks more cute than scary but yeahyeah. Then the rest of the day went past quickly. After school me and erik went around town looking for a job for dagsverk. After a lot of beginning, I got a job of selling chocolate bars haha, so don't go to ica come to me instead ;) Then we went on the bus home to Eriks and had mys, and talked about random things as we do Hehe. Now I'm sitting here on the sofa under a cover drinking hotmilk and honey, and eating chocolate while watching a film. But soon I'm going to have to get to bed and maybe study for my maths test tomorrow. Living life as it comes. Goodnight cuties!