School tomorrow already(?!) Holiday has gone so quick, think we should have holidays more often. Anyways today is Sunday that comes after Saturday ofc. Yesterday I woke up and got ready for pompom, our first 'cheerleding' if you wanna call it that. It was really fun and I love the nervous feeling you get in your stomach just before you go out and dance, mysmys. Then I meet up with my friends and we chilled at sockerbiten and played poker games. Martin and Olof even danced in the middle of the roundabout. When Erik had light his candles with his family he came and meet me and we went back to his house. We watched the hangover one and two awesome movies I must say Hehe. Today I have done basically nothing, only got dressed because I was taking the bus to town. I have also meet Martin today for a little bit. I have now showered, brushed my teeth and laying in bed. Going to set my alarm so I actually get up in the morning. Lejla is leaving for Egypt, just thinking about how brown she's going to be when she gets back from the hot sun. In Sweden we have to wake up to Dark, foggy, windy cold weather, my favourite;) have fun lejla!
Now I'm going to sleep goodnight sweeties <3