I listen to our favorite song on the radio

Heey,just sitting here eating cucumber as you do, and thinking that I should blogg more often, haven't blogged in like a week Hehe. Well this weekend has been pretty awesome. Friday after school me and Erik went out and drank hotchocolate and talked about everything and had a good laugh. Then I went to emmas and we went and ate at sunrise. Don't think the waitress understood Swedish because she got everything wrong Hehe. Then we meet up with Sara,Olivia,Erik and Martin and we went to the cinema and watched twilight. The worlds best film! Evermore lejla and the boys would have liked it, need to see it again. Then I slept at emz house. On Saturday everyone was at Olofs and we chilled. Then I babysat ida and gustaf. When Olofs parents came home we went to sockerbiten and sat there intill 3 in the morning talking and daniel telling his stories. I also got a spray tan and I am so orange and it doesn't wash off -.- life joaw. Today I was with Olof,filip and wp intill Erik came and picked me up and we went back to my house and watched tv and relaxed. Today its my wonderful daddys birthday so when he came home I gave him his present. I have now showered and now eating cucumber like i said before. Just going to brush my teeth then get some beautysleep Hehe. goodnight <3


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