Dissapointed much.

Have had a good day with the klass. We ate ice-cream and just chilled. And we finished at around 11:30. Last day with 7c2 and when we come back we will be 872 ofc *haha* this year has gone so fast! After school i was with oskar and then i went and meet Erik. We just went for a nice walk and then we had like a mini picnik on the grass next to the church. it was wonderful weather. then we went for another walk and just talked about everything. After that erik went and cut his hair. And i do like it long but it look really nice now aswell. When i left erik i went to willys with my mummy and got my pakage from h&m. i was really exsited when i opened it intill i saw that everything i ordered either didnt fit or was just so ugly so im abit sad that i still dont have any clothes, but yeahyeah life goes on...Gött -.-
i am now going to go have a long shower and do my nails for tomorrow. And then get my bad ready becasue i am going to get ready with my lovely ladies, Emma and lejla tomorrow. And then after the skolavslutning i think me and my wonderful friends are going to eat at sunrise and then mysa and then at night we are going to BBQ! Im not sure what time but i am also going to go to Eriks grandmothers house for her birthday ^^ But its going to be a lovley day anyways. And then on the night im going to go back to Eriks house and sleep there.
So im not sure if i will have time to blogg tomorrow but ill try. hope you have a great day tomorrow, i'm quite exsited to see all the pretty ladys in there beautiful dresses tbh *haha* Puss!

just becasue in every picture i look retarded *haha* but i guess thats just me.
(pictures are stolen from emma ^^)


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