Sun burnt everywhere -.- today i have spent the day in the sun at långanäs with Malle,Elin,Clara,Lovisa,Robin,Olof and Nikki. most of the time we just sun bathed and chilled. Then olof pushed like all of us in so we went swimming aswell. After hours of beeing there we all went to town and ate. On the way we meet Martin and Wp. Then everone went home and i was with erik for a while then i walked to elins house in the rain. I LOVE RAIN! Now im at Elins house with Malsore and we just watched StepUp 2 now just sitting and talking. have had a great day apart from can barly move now becasue it hurts so bad. Hope you had a good day! puss♥
Goodnight! I am really tiered, and it hurts all over my body from today. so now im going to sleep and i hope everything gets better! Tomorrow im going to be with some of the girls. Sweetdreams cuties ♥ Our world is just so beautiful. <3
Today i have been at långanäs with Olivía, Malle, Alva, Sofia and Elin. We got there at about 12:30 and left at about 6:30 so now i am half brown/red and half white from where i had shorts on. On the way home i meet Erik for a short while. Today has been a great day. love you guys! ♥
As you know my blogg sucks so it doesnt let me put on pictures, so i put them on facebook instead so look there ♥
Goodmorning I just woke up because my brother jumped on my head -.- now I'm awake I think ill go lay in the sun for a while so I will get browner! Höhö have a Goodmorning [:
Fat people are like bad relationships they just don't work out at all
Well today I have been with hanna again, and we ate icecream nd swam. Didn't really do so much more. when I came home I talked on the phone for än hour to Erik, kinda feel bad for him because yea working this week while its wonderful weather. I just love this hot weather, I'm evern starting to get brown :o. But on Friday its going to rain for like a week -.- anyways tomorrow I'm going to be with some of the girls, not sure what's happening at the moment but ill find out tomorrow. I have just got out the shower and dried ny hair, now I'm going to sleep because I'm really tiered. Goodnight cuties Hope your having a good holiday (:!
I'm sitting here now watching house. When its finished it will be off to bed. Tomorrow the plans are just to chill so it will be pjarmers and bad hairday tomorrow Hehe. Goodnight folk, Hope you have had a wonderful midsummer with lots of love <3
Yesterday i had my first swedish midsommar, in england we dont celabraite midsummer. Yesterday i was with erika and his family and we danced around the stång and all the swedish things. when we got back to eriks house me and erik made a crown thing hehe. Yesterday was such a good day tbh. hope you had a good one.
Hola, im in Elgiganten With Alva and little malle. we have been around Town and shopped à little nonw we are in Elgiganten on the new ipads and found some funny picture of someone in My klass höhö. Have à good day [:
Well i am now thinking aboutr changing to devote becasue really does suck. it doesnt let me put pictures on , it doesnt uppdate when i write and its so hard to understand anything. So soon i will change to Devote becasue everyone says its easyer and better. thats all i have to say dot
Helloo, im sitting watching i love you man with bepo, at emmas house. Im waiting for my brother to bring me some clothes and pick me up. Tonight i am going to be with hanna and maybe olivia. Hope you have a good day.
Hello, last night I went to bed at 6am so o haven't had much sleep. When i woke up I had nutella on toast and then watched tv. Today I'm going to be with Emmy. Cause we can't be for a while. I don't have much more to say but have a good day. Puss.
Miss you Erik <3
Well today I woke up at 6 so I am very pigg just now. Today I am doing absolutly nothing. Maybe go back to sleep intill tomorrow *Haha* made plans but they were changed but Yesyesyes. Im going to have a shower now and then get dressed and go for a walk with dolly me thinks. Have a good day (:
Well now me and Erik have been together for half a year now. The time has gone so slow but seems so fast! Erik came and meet me at Emmas house, and then we went for a walk and talked about everything. So nice to have someone that listens and cares about you. And then we got the bus to his house and we Ate and then we road to the lake on one of those double bikes Haha so fun , if you sit on thr back you don't need to do anything Hehe (a! We went for a picnic, what a romantic boy he is Tehe. And we just sat by the lake,talked,laughed and just had fun. Erik bought me the prettiest necklace that says 'forever angel' on it.^^ when we got back to his house we watched some tv then he went to football so his mummy and daddy took me home. I have had such a wonderful day! Just the start of the begining of a perfect life. Love you Erik :*
Well once again, I haven't blogged on a while, but its because I haven't got internet still -.- and when I do Blogg it doesn't show. But I will get better! Just havent had much time or lust to write either.
I remember when I was a kid all I wanted to do was grow up, but now I would do anything to be a kid again. So stop wishing your life away, and live in here and now. Everything you do make memories with it that you will never forget. Because you only get one chance at life so live it the right way. With people that you love.
Live Life to the max, becasue you never know what will happen tomorrow.
have had a great day! when we came home i had a shower and then watched a film with emma and her mummy. i think it was called 'The last day of life'. such a good film, i sat there crying at the end while emma and her mum just sat there *haha* always seem to cry at movies like that. Then me and emma watched some realy weired program on tv and ate ice-cream, now im sitting here in bed on emmas floor *haha* watching a film. have to get some sleep becasue tomorrow we are all going to meet at 11:O if were awake anyway!
who wants to grow up, when you can stay young and have fun?- NOT US!
One pictures is worth one thousand words.... so let the pictures exsplain♥
But i can say that today was oneof the best i have had in so long, and sara i am going to miss you like crazy! puss
You Guys are wonderful people that i never want to loose! you mean the world to me always there if i am sad and always put a smile on my face! love you all♥
Today i have chilled in town with emma and lejla, we watched the students go around and watch them have fun. Then we went and bought some things for the 'party' tomorrow *tihi*. gunna be the shit yo.
When me and emma came home we went upsrairs, got in our pyjarmers and got in bed and watched some films. then we came down stairs for dinner and watched some more films. we just ate ben&jerrys and some we are going to go get in bed and watch some more films*haha* Film marathon! haha tonight im going to sleep at emmys house and just mysa. Then get ready with her for th partay ;) So goodnight puss!♥
Our films <3 i know i am just going to cry at most of them hehe
Take me to the magic of the moment on a glory night
Good morning! woke up early this morning got ready and came to emmas house. So now just going too put on my shoes and go down town with the bestfriend to do some shopping for a serton person. And going to meet lejlapejla. Should be a awsome day! puss♥
On thursday it was the last day of school as you all know. Didn't get to take any pictures becasue of the rain! I love rain but really did it need to rain that much on the that day?! It was a good day anyways. I went to Eriks grandmothers house for her birthday which was mysigt. hope you had a good time! ♥
No school for 9-10 weeks! going to be soo good, apart from that everyone is going on holiday so tomorrow we are going to have a party for sara and i uess everyone to say good bye to everyone before everyone goes on holiday. going to be sick love all you guys!
Good morning!
Just went for a walk around the lake and took some pictures for about 1 hour. Then I walked to lejlas house. I got lost so it took me 50 minutes to walk here so my legs hurt quite a lot now Hehe. But I'm here now sitting with my girlies just chilling and looking at things on the computer.
Have had a good day with the klass. We ate ice-cream and just chilled. And we finished at around 11:30. Last day with 7c2 and when we come back we will be 872 ofc *haha* this year has gone so fast! After school i was with oskar and then i went and meet Erik. We just went for a nice walk and then we had like a mini picnik on the grass next to the church. it was wonderful weather. then we went for another walk and just talked about everything. After that erik went and cut his hair. And i do like it long but it look really nice now aswell. When i left erik i went to willys with my mummy and got my pakage from h&m. i was really exsited when i opened it intill i saw that everything i ordered either didnt fit or was just so ugly so im abit sad that i still dont have any clothes, but yeahyeah life goes on...Gött -.- i am now going to go have a long shower and do my nails for tomorrow. And then get my bad ready becasue i am going to get ready with my lovely ladies, Emma and lejla tomorrow. And then after the skolavslutning i think me and my wonderful friends are going to eat at sunrise and then mysa and then at night we are going to BBQ! Im not sure what time but i am also going to go to Eriks grandmothers house for her birthday ^^ But its going to be a lovley day anyways. And then on the night im going to go back to Eriks house and sleep there. So im not sure if i will have time to blogg tomorrow but ill try. hope you have a great day tomorrow, i'm quite exsited to see all the pretty ladys in there beautiful dresses tbh *haha* Puss! just becasue in every picture i look retarded *haha* but i guess thats just me. (pictures are stolen from emma ^^)
Have had a loverly day. I watched toystory 3 for the 100th time with emma, toystory never gets old tbh *Haha* when I came home I had a shower and got changed. Then I went and latex in my mummy and daddys room and watched 'I didn't know I was pregnant'. I don't understand how they don't know, and most of them end up having there babies in the toilet *Hehe* I just feed my kitten and now I'm going to get in my pjarmars and watch a film. School doesn't start intill 9:30 (I think?) And then we are going to play mini-golf and eat ice-cream with the class. And after school I'm going to be with a person I have missed muchly.
It's too hot "! Anyways goodnight, puss ^^
wonderful day at school and after school with the besytfriend, we justa ate noodels from tokyo and now looking for something good to come on tv! hope you have a good day puss♥
Just live life the way you want to, dont let anyone stop you.
Today is swedens national day as you all know. so me and erik drove to willys and bought a swedish flag for his mopped *haha* i haven't really done much this long weekend we have been of school but i spent it with the people i love the most. ♥ Just because i love my kitten ♥
Yesterday i went out for Lunch with my family and then later Erik came around. Erik was nice and dyed my hair blonde for me (again) but this time it went evern oranger so i decided just to do it brown again. so my hair is dead now so i think ill leave it alone for a while. New hair.
Last night i dyed my hair blonde but it didnt go good, so at the moment i have orange/red/blonde hair so im going to give it another go now. I will put up some pictures later puss!' Picture from yesterday ♣
Love this weather! i woke up this morning with a stomachache again -.- so i took some medican and then then it feelt much better so i put on some shorts and my bikini and went outside and sunbathed for about two hours. i have just came in and im going to get some food and then go back outside intill Emma text me back then im going to go down town and meet my beautiful girlies and maybe the boys if there out! puss vi hörs ;) You girl make me crazy ♥
Good day there! i have layed in bed allday becasue i have had the worst stomachache ever. so i just had a chill day and watched some films in my mummys bed because its much comfyer than mine *hehe*. Anyways im in quite a bad mood becasue i ordered some clothes the day before emma and she has already got hers and mine say they are going to come next week! :S but as they say life goes on... I am really tiered evern though i have done absoluitly nothing today (?) so it will be bed soon after i eat a nice pot of Ben&Jerrys fairly nuts with my mummy. would have been better it joban was here but jaja. hope you have had a wonderful day cutiepies! puss! ♥
Well Yesterday after school i was with erik and we went swimming with martin and alle. Then erik came back to mine and sleeped here. Last night my dad came back from England and he got me some new things. so here are some bad pictures of them tehe puss! New converse baby! Braslets, (bad picture, jag vet) Some painting things (: the worst picture of all, couldnt get fokas but a braslet anyways... And i also got to vest tops <3 Thankyou daddy!