Heeey! Day started will dance in the town square with pompom, NicknamE and intressavel dance. Then I went down the town with Alva, Martin, Erik, Malle, Olof, Emma and so on hehe. I bought Emma's birthday prsents and i hope shes likes them. And then i went and bought Other christmas presents for my family and friendys. I also made a trip to the dollar store. And bought some cute little things. Took me one hour to get there like normal and 15 mins to get to alvas house. Alvas dad made us kabab and bread when we got back nicenice. Now im sitting here with Malle, Alva and Emma talking about how much emmas feet smell and about weired things. Today was emmas filmnight thingy, but i had already promised malle i would be with her and a promise is a promise. But i hope you have lots of fun. Now im going to sit here and eat loads of sweets and drink pommac. Thats life just now. peace ♥
