Heellooo bloggy, have you had a good day? ...

100media_imag056 (MMS)

Heellooo bloggy, have you had a good day? Because I know I have, well today when I woke up I cleaned my room (kinda) and then got ready, when I was just about to do my make up I turned around and my beautiful friend poppie from England was standing there. It has been so good to see her again. We chilled for a bit then Erik came and we didn't do much then either. After dinner poppie, my family and I played some games. Then we sat there intill 2:30 just talking and telling stories, haven't laughed so much in long. When we and poppie came to bed we had a nice talk and then she fell asleep, bless her. I have just been laying here talking to some people on Facebook, but now I'm going to sleeeeep because I am supertiered *tihi* I'll put some pictures up of poppies visit when she has gone home. GOODNIGHT <3 pussokraaam


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