We can work it.
Me and my bubey <3
Me and my bubey <3
Well today has been pretty good, and now I...
Well today has been pretty good, and now I'm at Emmas house with Erik after johannes partay <3 Some pictures above from today , puss!
Now were going out to meet olof,filip,Carl...
Now were going out to meet olof,filip,Carl and Erik. And then later it will be off to johannes party <3
Todays outfit <3 Me&Emma :*
Todays outfit <3 Me&Emma :*
Åhh what a Good morning so far! Well me an...
Åhh what a Good morning so far! Well me and Emma woke up around 12, had a nice layin. And then we had showers then did our nails and got dressed. When we were done we went down and ate breakfasts/lunch *tihi* then Emmas loverly mummy came and picked us up and now were I'm the car on the way to Emmas gaff. Write later puss! + I am loving the weather!
I'm sitting in bed with Emmy, after a supe...
I'm sitting in bed with Emmy, after a supergood day. I wrote about it but it seems that the internet pant working good so it didn't save -.- but I'll write about my day tomorrow because i have a feeling tomorrow is going to be awsome! *tihi* Pusss Love you Emma <3
This week has been so good sp far. On Tues...
This week has been so good sp far. On Tuesday poppie went back home to England, and when she left I went to Olofs house and olof and Eddie ran around town with no clothes(?) *Haha* then we went and put up the tent and camped, it was actually not to bad. In the morning when we woke up we went to campingen and we went swimming. The water was soooooo cold! But it was fun anyways. Later in the day we meet up with lejla,johannes,filip,Erik,Hanna and some more. And we just went around town and had fun. Later on me and Erik went back to his house and chilled, mysmys. I sleeped at Hos house and when we woke up we went outside and sunbathed and ate. I WANT TO BE AS BROWN AS HIM! *tihi* now I am on the bus on the way to see hanna and tonight it will be mys with Emma. Write layers.pudss! I have now realised that I have been missing my old friends just a little too much <3
Camping with Emmy,Eddie, and olof <3 write...
Camping with Emmy,Eddie, and olof <3 write in the morning puss
some pictures ♥

18th April <3

Ready to go to the lake (: <3 write about...
Ready to go to the lake (: <3 write about my day later tihi
Fika at lennarts <3
Fika at lennarts <3
Poppie&Jade are real nutters as you can se...
Poppie&Jade are real nutters as you can see *tihi*, anyways today we got a early start and had breakfasts, then shower and now we are in the car on the way to town. I need a some new clothes and need to get Erik, something special. Write a little later Pusss <3
I wish I could bubblewrape my heart, So it...
I wish I could bubblewrape my heart, So it will always be protected (L)
Todays outfit (:<3 mine and poppies *hahaha*
Todays outfit (:<3 mine and poppies *hahaha*
My nails that I just did (: <3
My nails that I just did (: <3
Hallooo, today we went for a looong walk, ...
Hallooo, today we went for a looong walk, so when we got home we relaxed and did out nails and just chilled. My mummy has just made us some muffins and they smell soo good. I'm feeling some films coming on! *Hehe* puss
Heellooo bloggy, have you had a good day? ...
Heellooo bloggy, have you had a good day? Because I know I have, well today when I woke up I cleaned my room (kinda) and then got ready, when I was just about to do my make up I turned around and my beautiful friend poppie from England was standing there. It has been so good to see her again. We chilled for a bit then Erik came and we didn't do much then either. After dinner poppie, my family and I played some games. Then we sat there intill 2:30 just talking and telling stories, haven't laughed so much in long. When we and poppie came to bed we had a nice talk and then she fell asleep, bless her. I have just been laying here talking to some people on Facebook, but now I'm going to sleeeeep because I am supertiered *tihi* I'll put some pictures up of poppies visit when she has gone home. GOODNIGHT <3 pussokraaam
Haha, found a old picture of olof ! <3
Haha, found a old picture of olof ! <3
Four months with my baby today <3 I love y...
Four months with my baby today <3 I love you and always will do! Erik your mine forever x

Tjaaaa, today was a real good day at schoo...
Tjaaaa, today was a real good day at school, it is was the last day intill the Easter holidays so we had a egg hunt and just had fun. I didn't find any but Eddie gave me some So I won a chocolateball (y) it was so funny watching everyone running around looking for eggs but I gave up so I stod with klara och josefin and ate sweets intill I feel rather sick *tihi* then when we had maths we went around town and looked for sales , don't understand really why but it was so much funner then just sitting in class for a hour. After school I was ment to be with Emmy, but that didn't work out, so I was with Hanna,Natta,frida,imme,Olivia and viktor. Which was really nice to see the girls again + bängen. At six I went to dance and practiced for the dance show that is in two weeks, so you better come! I just had a shower and now I'm going to dye my hair dark brown, then it will He bed for me! *tihi* Hope you had a gooood Friday , pussss!
It started with your hips, so I moved up t...
It started with your hips, so I moved up to the lips, to take a chance, ask for a dance, cos your the cutest thing on this side on the world, <3
You know I would do anything for, I'm alwa...
You know I would do anything for, I'm always there for you, when we fall out I'm always the one that comes and tries to make things better. You know I love you , so why do you have to make me so f*cking sad all the time(?) I try and hide my tears behind a smile, but it isn't enough anymore. And the worst thing of all is that you don't evern notice.....
Just thought this was the funniest thing t...
Just thought this was the funniest thing today *Haha* I love it! Puss Josefin <3
Today I was with Hanna after school. Me an...
Today I was with Hanna after school. Me and my naughty friend went and bought pizza and slush ice then went back to hannas house and coloured her hair darker, and we tryed to do mine red again but it just failed. And when I came home from hannas I started to study for the SO test , but I disnt understand a thing so I gave up and had a shower instead *tihi* now I'm laying in bed and can barly keep my eyes open so goodnight, puss o kram <3 ^^
I love you, because your you. Ofc we fight...
I love you, because your you. Ofc we fight, but we always make up, its like after a thunderstorm there always comes a rainbow.......you are my everything, When nobody was there for me, when i thought No one cared, when the whole world walked out on me, and I thought I was alone, you where there. Through everything. When all I needed was a friend to listen to me whine, when all I needed was someone to catch my tears when they feel from my cheeks, you where there and I know you always will be. Because its me and you in this world nothing can break us apart , me and you together forever.....<3 Erik I love you
11th and the 12th <3 ...
11th and the 12th <3 Heeey (: well yesterday and the day before we have had such nice weather, so me and Emma decided to cycle home to me, all the way in skurugata, because someone stole Emmas bike I had to jogg instead. first we stoped for Ben&jerrys. When we were on the way home my brother came and gave Emma a lift to the lake , and I got to cycle -.- but when we were there we badat a little, but I got cramp everytime I put my feet in *tihi* then we had a nice looong chat when we were on the way home. The next day after school it was hot again, and because we have no life we walked again and Erik came aswell, but this time we got the bus to the lake and as we were about to get on the water we saw hundreds of frogs (:s) I hate frogs so much , there one of the things I am scared of. And some of the frogs were having 'sexytime' so i was pretty freaked put...... when we got home, we just chilled a little , and relaxed from the Walk, mysmys. I just love hot days, makes me just want summer now! Pusss ( Convers for life)
Us cool people....
Us cool people....
You and me together forever <3
You and me together forever <3
I love you both <3
I love you both <3
My face looks blääääää but its a cute pict...
My face looks blääääää but its a cute picture , and I love you guys <3
Me and oskar, my bestfriend <3 (gay)
Me and oskar, my bestfriend <3 (gay)
My eye looks pretty messed up, but I love ...
My eye looks pretty messed up, but I love the sun <3
Me and Emmy <3
Me and Emmy <3
Just a picture from today, I will write to...
Just a picture from today, I will write tomorrow , about what I did today and yesterday c: I don't have time right now , because I need to sleep so I am awake for another nationellaprov tomorrow (n) p.s. I promise I will write more and get better, just haven't had time or the lust to do it <3 goodnight cutie puss!
Ice-cream and chocolate in bed with my mum...
Ice-cream and chocolate in bed with my mummy always makes me feel better <3
Well that put me in a real bad mood. True ...
Well that put me in a real bad mood. True friends should always be there, I thought you would stay but tbh I can't be bothered with this anymore , so Hejdå
Well I have just eaten we had Chinese food...
Well I have just eaten we had Chinese food, Chinese food is my favorite food *tihi* anyways I am now going to shower then study! Have a Hk test tomorrow , I don't know what its about because I haven't been there for a while. So I Hope it goes good!
Me and my Convers go everywhere together <...
Me and my Convers go everywhere together <3 (!) Bck!
Long hair (?) Or short (?)
Long hair (?) Or short (?)
I love the sun! <3
I love the sun! <3
Hej, once again I haven't been updating mu...
Hej, once again I haven't been updating much but haven't had time, Butbut yesterday I was with Hanna, ines and then after I went to meet Erik. Then I came back to his and we watched films and just chilled. When we woke up this morning, we went and ate breakfasts on the balcony and now we are sun bathing, listning to music. Write later puss <3
Nickname(!) Our t-shirts we done today <3
Nickname(!) Our t-shirts we done today <3
Hellooo, today was good at school but I ca...
Hellooo, today was good at school but I can't be bothered to write about school, but anyways after school I went and meet Sara,Alva,elin and Olivia then we went and bought new t-shirts for the 'dansuppvisningen' (which i Hope you all come Watch!) *tihi* and then we went back to spelverket and had dance. After dance I went to Emmas house, and just chilled and ate and now me and Emma are going to watch some films, and then of to bed because I have nationellaprov tomorrow(!) Don't really understand why I have to do it but hay-Ho. So goodnight from me <3 puss&kram
Goodmorning, don't you just hate it when y...
Goodmorning, don't you just hate it when your dreaming the best dream ever and someone comes in and wakes you up? Then whem you try and go back to sleep you can't remeber the same dream.... Anyways I have just got up and now its time to get ready for school ^^ kram
Tjatja, well today has been one of the mos...
Tjatja, well today has been one of the most boring days I have had in looong, now I am going to clean my room because it is supermessy and you can't walk around *tihi* need to do it clean because Erik is coming to sleep tomorrow so have to make it nice. After that I am going to go for a walk to meet olof. Write later puss!
Goodmorning (: Today I am spending anothe...
Goodmorning (: Today I am spending another day home because I missed the bus and I also don't feel 100% better, anyways today it is a lovely day, so o might go for a walk or a jog today. But it will have to be soon because its ment to rain :S anyways have a good day at school ;) puss
Tjenna, well today I was ment to be with o...
Tjenna, well today I was ment to be with olof, but I felt to bad to go out. Now I am going to have another shower because they always make me feel fresh and better, after my shower it will be homework then bed :) Hope you have had a good day today kram (:
Hooola! Well today, I didn't go to school,...
Hooola! Well today, I didn't go to school, because when I woke up I had a really bad headache and I just didn't feel so good, so I have just layer in bed allday. But now I'm feeling much better. So now I am going to have a shower and get ready because I have a meeting at school later <3 pussss
Well goodnight bloggy <3 today has been o...
Well goodnight bloggy <3 today has been one of the best in long with my second family, Hope you had a good day (: (Just a picture of Emma because she is beautiful and I just love her) <3 puss
Hellooo, haven't wrote in a while, just be...
Hellooo, haven't wrote in a while, just because haven't felt like it *tihi* but today I have been in jönköping with my baby, Susanna, philpe and mummy+daddy gerhardsson. Last Night I sleeped at eriks so when we woke up,we ate and got ready and went to jönköping in the caravan *Haha* I learnt some new card games and played yatzi when we was on the way there. We stopped of a few places and then went for fika, (Y) when we finished me and Erik went around A6 and just looked a little. Then we bought sweets for the journey home to family gerhardsson. Today has been a super funny and good day! Now I'm sitting at sofias house and going to eat soon, write later puss! <3