
Another day at home sick -.-
Hate laying in my bed allday thinking about how much im missing at school. I missed both my maths and SO test today which i studied all night for, hate doing it after everyone else! Haven't done much apart from sleep today but around 2:30 Erik came around and took care of me, he evern brought me sirupbread (sounds weird in english) becasue there my favorite. We watched this really weird film which had a really bad ending where he jumps in the swimming pool(?!) wasn't even anything to do with the rest of the film, Haha films these days. When erik left i made some pizza then played with maisie and Finley. Them two cuties always put a smile on my face.
Now im going to go make some tea with honey beacause my throat hurts bad!
hope your all well!

they have the cutest little smiles hehe♥


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