I work out

But I know in the end, i'll never be good enough for you..


If you want it, you have to earn it

Mondays are always the longest. Today i got home at about 8ish after beening at the gym efter school for 1 and a half hours then pompom for an hour, then body work out the dance for a hour and a bit. Have no energy left. But i know in the end when i dont have my belly anymore and i have a hot body i know it was worth it. Haven't trained for a while now but felt real good to go running today. Going to go have a looooong shower, feel so unfresh haha. Hope you had a good monday and hope your all well. 

Nobody is perfect

Finished school earlyer today becasuse my class had ice-skating but i forgot mine so i got to go. Sitting here with eddie and olof at olofs house watching Kung fu panda. Now we're going to meet carl and go to the gym, It's about time! Need to get ride of my little belly. yesyes

We found love in the hardest of places♥

I might not be everything you expected but this is me

26th February ♥

Just have to point one thing out, i have been spelling 'february' wrong my whole life and on my blogg. So im sorry, didn't evern know it was wrong intill Erik told me haha, what would i do without him?
wellwell, the sun is shinning, no snow left on the ground and im sitting here with me baby, Good day!
Today I have been with Erik and we have fikat, played Yatzy, watched a film, took some pictures and just messed around like little kids, hehe. I have also showered and i have the worst hair day ever -.-
Going to get my shoes on and go for a little walk with Erik♥

Do you remember we said forever?

cool story bro♥

Night in With the Ingarp boys. Just finished watching 'john tucker must die' with Erik and martin and Lukas and Alle just came for a little movie night. nicenice


Me and Erik just made some food together and then i drew a face on his chin becasue im noral haha ;) martin just came and now we are going to make some chocolateballs ♥

woke up this morning at about 11:30 and Erik came in with breakfast in bed :') After i ate i feel asleep again intill about 1:30. And we went out for a little walk around Ingarp. so mysigt! Talked about cute little things from old times. Now we are going to bake and fika ♥


Just got back from Hallen and im so tired going to fall asleep anyminute now, so Goodnight♥ Have a good friday night

24th Febuary♥

hey,tja,hej,hello. friluftsdag was so chill apart from the long walk around the lake first thing in the morning but it wasnt so bad weather and always mysigt to have some beauties by your side, i walk with Lejla,Linus and alexander (and the other 20 people thats had the walk haha). Strait after we ate lunch, and me and lejla was really exsited about having salmon and we talked about it when we walked and everything, but no we got old soup from wednesday...Nohappyfaces. Then we went bowling and i can say that i sucked bad...Me and lejla lost like normal haha. KINGS. We finished at 12:30 so i walked with lejla a little bit home then went to sockerbiten to talk business ;) Shortly after I meet my baby and when we got to his house we sleeped for 2 and a half hours, so tired after this long week. Now im going to 'Hallen'. byez ♥
Emma Get better!

Shake what you mumma gave you

Such a mysig night, Started with dance with the girls and now movies with Erik♥
The dance 'show' was really fun, and there was two old ladies that sat at the frount and danced wto the music while clapping, SO CUTE, love old people haha. Now im going to go get into my pjyarmas and then snuggle up to a film with my darling, but im proberbly going to fall a sleep after 10 minutes, tired little girl here. Hope your wednesday was as good as mine :) ♥

Everythings gunna be okey ♥

After school today me and emma had a 'meeting' with nipa, was ment to be 10 minutes but no it took 45 -.- Anyways after we got fried Me sara and olivia went to dance. Elin is sick today STILL so she couldnt come. Them two people make me smile after a long boring day. Lots of laughs and a lovley video sara did on me...
Now im Going to go to olsbergs and Dance for the swimming year meeting. Funfun
peace bro♥

Stojanovic in the house!

Hello people!
Okej ska jag vara helt ärlig så är jag inte världsbäst på att skriva på engelska. Så det här inlägget får bli på Svenskö. Sianyy bad mig fixa hennes nya header och jag älskar den bilden på henne. Så jäkla vacker!
Om ni inte ser den så tryck f5. Då lär den komma fram. Hon bad mig även göra är blogg inlägg. Såå vad ska jag skriva? Om mig själv kanske. Jag heter då Sara Stojanovic och är 14 år. Går i åttan på prästängen och ni har säkert sätt mig på några bilder som kommit upp här. Jag har känt våran fina Sian nu runt två år tror jag och hon är en av mina närmaste vänner! :') Jag är galen i dans och poliser. Jag har dansat sen jag var typ ett år och jag kommer aldrig sluta med det. Sian och jag dansar ju i Eksjös kändaste dansgrupp, NickNamE u know ;) Jag är också då galen i poliser. Vet faktiskt inte riktigt hur jag ska förkorta historien om hur jag lyckades trilla in på just det yrket, men det är värkligen något jag siktar på att bli i framtidern. Ni kan ju checka in min blogg HÄR, där lär ni hitta någon polis historia. Annars kan jag beskriva mig själv som en rolig och glad tjej. Jag är en sådan person som man hör 60 meter bort i korridoren när jag skrattar. Helt sjukt, jag skrattar hela tiden. Men det är ju bara possetivt. (a)
Jag har världens sämsta humor. Jag kan verkligen skratta åt allt! Haha härligt va ? :D
Jag är serb också om i undrar. Jag kom till Sverige för ungefääär 11 år sen. Jaojao, ska inte fortsätta skriva en fet bibel här ne! Hope you have a good day, see you next time. Haha faaiiil! Men ha det nice folks. Peace!
Åh, bilden är från sommras :')

can you tell me what you really think

Hate school, the feeling of waking up at 6:00 everymorning is unbearable. So tired in my body aswell. Yesterday i had such a long day at school then with guitar,dance and movies with the boys so when i came home i showered and then slept. Woke up in a bad mood this morning but when I got my biology test back my day got a little bit sunnier with 39 points from 41-42. The school day went fast but after school I had to go to a meeting for partygroup, after the meeting me and olivja went around town and looked for proa places, i looked everywhere and everywhere aldready had loads of people there allready. So olivias mum is going to fix me this thing or olivia and i are going to serve at the hotel. After we ate tacos we cycled to 'barndansen' because olivia is the teacher there. When i was just about to get of the bike my coat got stuck and me and the bike slipped on the ice....faceplant. typical me. My dad came and got me at about 6 and ever since i got home I have been laying in bed. So mysigt! Now I'm going to eat pie then shower then sleep! Early night I hope. Hope you are all well.


Just came out the shower and covered my body in bodylotion. Now me and Erik are going to watch the end of 'Honey'. Love that movie! This holiday has gone so fast and im not looking forward to be getting up at 6 in the morning, then have school in till 3 then guitar lessons, then dance and i finally get home at about 8:30-9:00...LONG DAY! so now im going to spend the last hours of my holiday under the covers watching movies with Erik♥

young love...(?)

19th Febuary :)

Today i went to Finleys birthday party and we went swimming. Erik and olivia came with me too.
Haven't really done much more today than that, went to the dollarstore, Went to willys, Mysat med erik, Made dinner and then now sitting in bed with Erik blogging. Funnyfunny.


Its 3 in the morning and i have olof laying on the floor next to me sleeping becasue it took two hours to put up all the pictures. fml. We had a movie night, but we didnt even watch a whole film becasue we put on music and danced and sang like nutters. Then Me and olof ate a table spoon of cinamon....Can just say i thought i was going to die it was so horrible could breath with all the powder in my throat. At around 10:30 (ithink) went lejla, sara, emma,carl and olivia home and it was just me olof and eddie left so we watched this awesome film, dont know what it was called and i would ask olof but hes sleeping like a baby. Eddie left about an hour ago. Yeyes. Now im going to get in my pjyarmas and get some sleep. Tomorrow its my little brothers birthday party so i might go to that or might spend the day at home with erik♥ hope you had a sweett day


Miss summer so much, the feeling when you can wake up and just pull on some shorts and a t-shirt or a dress or something and not worry about how cold its going to be or if you should wear another jumper over the top. So tired of winter. Wish summer would hury up and get here...

Live in your dreams, you never know where they might take you♥


Romme- 2012♥

Some pictures from romme, but theres more on my facebook♥


HAHAHAH, sitting here with olivia and laughting so hard about nothing. Weird girls that have no humor here! Today i havent been in the best of moods but olivia always knows how to make me happy. Yeahyeah.
Today I have been sitting in the p-hallen watching handball and danced pompom alday so havent had the funnies day. Now were going to go to olofs house to mysa with all the girlys and boys. Pictures from romme and from yesterday will come up later when i go home :)
Have to go now becasue we were ment to be there for 10 mins ago, byes♥

Take me to heaven

This Week just keeps getting better and better, started with going skiing with my baby, then when I came home I spent Valentines day with my one and only, yesterday had such a laught with olivia and hugo, missed nights like that. Then today I was with two beautiful girlys who made my day great. To bad its school in two days....but soon we have a week off again. Tomorrow I have pompom 'show' for handball which takes up like all day but going to spend the night with the worlds greatest friends. Haven't seen anyone apart from elin and olivia, so there will be lots of hugs and kisses. Going to have a mysigt night, with movienight and a bbq down by the lake and alot of laughter. Yesyes. Well today Olivia,elin and I went out and took some pictures in the snow intill our fingers nearly feel off because it was so cold. So we went back to Elins house and dip dyed our hair with spray colours that you get from the hairdressers when you were little. The pictures Will come up tomorrow because I cant use the computer because my dad is building in the computer room. I have been laying in my bed doing nothing for hours, cant go on facebook because its brocken on my phone and noone is social on texting apart from hugo. So now going to get up go eat then have a long shower! Myspys

Ai Se Eu Te Pego ♥

Sitting at Bilkers house with Olivia and Elin, Now we are going to go out and take some pictures in this wonderful weather! peace♣

Picture of me and Olivia this morning ♥


Rehnholm ♥

You are what I have been missing

Bad updating I know, but yesterday I was with erik and we just layed in bed and watched films and mysade because we were still tired from the skiing trip. Today I spent the morning with erik, then at 12 Olivia and her mum came and picked me up. We sat at olivias and laughed for hours over nothing. Lots of small things became so funny. After we ate we walked to hugo's house and we watched a film, talked about everything thats nothing, LAUGHED so bad, and just had Such a good night. Haven't laughed so much in a while, so Thankyou for making my day/night awesome. We came home to olivia about half an hour ago, after having a mini snowball fight. Now Olivia is laying next to me asleep and snoring, while I am blogging from my phone, but I'm going to get some beauty sleep for my self now so goodnight :)

Btw me and Erik have been together for 1year and 2 months today :') love you Erik gerhardsson!

Valentine's day♥

Happy valentines day! ♥
My valentinesday was spent with Erik, He got me chocolates and a rose :') such a cutie!
Jag älskar dig!

Honey im home!

HEYHEYHEYHEY! Back in eksjö again, feels good to get to sleep in a real bed nad the feeling you dont have to wake up at 7:30 in the morning but miss beeing there lots already, Nothing fun to do in Eksjö. The bus arived back in ingarp at about 5:30 and then I came back to eriks house with him and we ate and have just finished watching 'Forest Gump', love that movie! I will write about the trip tomorrow when i put up all the pictures. Hope your 'sportlov' has been as good as mine so far. ♥

Here we come!

There's a pretty little thing waiting for the king♥

Finished packing up everything, and just rembered that i forgot loads of imporant things... Heyho.
Now going to go down to the bus and sleep on it for 6 hours intill im in romme. TAGGA! hope I come home with no broken bones ;) Not sure if i will be able to Blogg when im there but if eriks nice i can borrow his phone hehe, have a good sport lov! and ill be back tuesday ♥


Wooooh, only another two hours and then i'll be off to romme. Left school at about 11:50 and meet Eriks Daddy at ica. When we got to Eriks house we turned on the music full volume and danced and sang to our songs. We just ate and now were going to fix everything for Rommeeeee! Happy Girl here, happy to gete away from eksjö ♥
Just now

put your hands on your hips and do the cry baby do the cry baby

Finally all packed and ready to go! Got this feeling I have forgotten something important but I can't think what it is, always seem to forget things and come late. Jaja. Today school was a drag and at the end of the day i just wanted to sleep! But after scool me and Erik went and ate pizza, then bought some food for the trip tomorrow. Since I got home i have packed my bags, talked to malle on the phone, done some homework , talked to Erik on the phone, and had a shower. I'm now going to paint my nails pink and red for the valintines day at school. Then sleep!! Can't wait Intill the bus journey so I can sleep the whole way! Goodnight! <3

Just walk away while your still strong

Just finished putting the pictures on my power point for tomorrow, and am now half packed. Never been to romme so i dont know exactly what to bring :s but i have got zumba all packed and ready to go! Well have to get up in 6 hours for school, GOODNIGHT ♥

8th Febuary♥

Tired little girl here, Need to get a early night but i got this feeling its not going to happen. I got home about one hour ago after dance and then watched handboll. Today at school nothing importent happened just another long wednesday. After school Olivia, Erik, Elin, Sara and i went and fikade. Then Erik went and got his hair cut and us girlys went to dance. Decided all the songs and two of the dances for the dance show. After Dance i went and meet my mummy and daddy and we watched handboll. Handball must be the world boringest sport ever. Just run back and forth.

Need to go pack my bags for romme! and then have a shower and do homework for tomorrow. Might write later if i have time. Hope you have had a good day cuties :D

can someone please tell him who the hell i is, my name is sian, nice to meet you,can i tell you baby

Just another Englsih Lesson with jonas acting like a monkey.

NickNamE in my ♥

Some pictures from Dance today <3 not so many of sara becasue she had to go home early ♥

Tagga Romme!

Excited for romme on friday with these boys and many many more. Going to be so fun, but i hope i come home safe and all in onepeice ;) gött med lov!

I don't forgive people because I am weak. But because I am wise enough to know that all human beings make mistakes ♥.

- photos by me

6th Febuary♥

Sitting here in such a good mood after a long but wonderful day. Today Me and Emzo went home to her for lunch and we sat and took cam pictures and i haven't laughted so much in a while.  Today me and emma came late to Teknik and art, first because we had to buy o'boy and cream and then because we went home for lunch, but it was worth it haha. After school i was ment to be with olof but he was at the dentist so me, Erik and olivia went to lindex and i got some things, then when olivia left me and the fika-kung Erik went to princess. Tonight i missed dance becasue have so much to do and by the time i get home it will be 9ish so won't have time to do anything. So tired as well and got a feeling im getting sick -.-

Now im going to finish my homework and then have a long shower. Byes :D

Thankyou for the people that made my day :) ♥


Bought a new matching bra and pants and also a hair condtioner because my hair is so dry and broken.♥

They are more pink in real ♥

Lunch ♥

Went home to Emmas house for lunch. Semla!♥

5th Febuary ♥

Hey! love laying in bed after a long day. Started the day waking up at olivias house, with her staring at me. Then when we got up we sat on the computer and ate. Like normal we came late to dance/theater but they hadn't started yet. So today i danced from 1-6, but we got free pizza so heyho. When i came home i ate, done my english homework and had a long shower. i just got of the phone to Hugo, have been talking for an hour. I have now got a bad headache and feel soo hot. Going to go brush my teeth, then go lay in maisies bed with her and watch ToyStory becasue she says she is scared, Cutie! Such a good weekend with wonderful friends, hope you had a good one. Goodnight♥

Becsuse im a crazy bitch, and i do want i want when i feel like it

saturday night in <3

skiing baby

Today at Valbacken! Thankyou for today ♥


du och jag under täcket BABY det har gått flera veckor BABY sen vi låg där hos dig och du frågade mig ska vi göra något äckligt BABY jag blev tagen på sängen BABY jag låg där naken och ängslig BABY men det kändes okej när du visade mig hur man gör något äckligt BABY ♥


Goodmorning! dont have time to write, but im off to olivias house now and then it will be skiing at valbacken with my cute friends.

Have a good day!

Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, and save it for a rainy day...

You know the feelling you get in your stomach when you find out something you wish you never did, like what your friends really think of you or how you trusted someone that shouldn't be trusted, well i have that feeling now and i got this feeling its not going to go away. Just got off the phone to olof, we talked for over an hour, thats a boy i can always trust , always there for me and always makes me happy even when im crying. Today after school the plan was to come home and do all my homework i have then sleep early, but like normal nothing goes to plan. Instead two beautys came home with me. When they left i got a phone call from Axel, we talked for ages about everything that anything, and made me laught.
i have also been doing some internet shopping found LOADS of things i want/ need to get, so have to be extra good girl so my cute daddy will get them for me. Sitting here listening to old but my favorite songs.
Now im going to get ready for bed then get in bed, wish I had someone here to give me hugs and say everything will be okey. Goodnight♥

take me where i want to go baby

Ed Hardy ♥

Cutest friends

Thankyou lots and lots Elin and Olivia ♥


I now have a new watch, its really pink even though it looks red in the pictures. Maybe i won't come so late everywhere now ;) ♥


Came home about one hour ago with then beautuiful people. Have been laying in my bed talking photos and made a video. Olivia is standing in my warddrob(?) and elin is talking photoes, such nutters. Now im going to open some presents that my fine friends bought me, and make hotchololate :') love them lots!   

♥ Hate this weather!

Olivia är Biff men jag är pannbiff♥

Goodnight Cuties♥

Utkast: Feb. 2, 2012

Sitting here on Eriks Laptop doing my homework and looking through old pictures he has on here.
School today went rather fast. We watched this dance show and everyone including the teachers feel asleep. No one understood what they were dancing about so it just looked like they were jumping around hitting thereselves, didnt enjoy it one bit. After school I cycled back to olvias house with olivia and hugo and then me and olivia ate PIE!! and semla. When Oskar came back from the doctors we went to his house. Olivia left at around six and went and training with her mummy, while Viktor, oskar and I ate and talked to their mumma for a long while. She made us hot-choclate with semla flavor and cream, mums! Efter We ate me and viktor got in to one-peices and took pictures, danced to full volume music and laughted like crazy. At around 8:30 we came back to olivias. We have done our homework like good little girls and olivia just came out the shower. YESYES. Just going to get ready for bed and then answer some text messages I got, My phone is half broken so i cant always see when someone text me and it takes so long to send back. Well today didnt go at all to plan but i had fun anyways, Hope you had a good day :D

You're all I need♥

Just Now♥

Just ate pie and semla and now of to oskars house for some dancing ;) byes♥

The worlds cutest cat!

Isnt Erik the cat cute! its the most anoyying, hyper, weird cat ever but still the cutest♥

i don't care if you're black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor. If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you. Simple as that.

Goodmorning, hate wakeing up with a headach them knowing school starts soon. Thursdays are alwasys so long, but we miss PE because the whole school is going to watch 'fame'. So after school me and olofen are going to go out for a run and maybe have a photo day with him. I might go to watch Emma do horse rideing havent been there since last year, has been to long. Even though im not a big fan of horses i have always liked to go there, last ýear my coat alwasy smelled of horses afteri had beenn there with emzo. Now im going to get ready for school, have a good day!♥

Questions and answers!

rosa eller röd? Rosa :D
Tacos eller pizza? Tacos!
Nickname eller nickname ? :D NICKNAME ;)
vad vill du bli när du blir stor?  dont know just yet, but maybe a doctor or something that helps people, but just now i still want to be a prince when im older hehe
hur mår du ? little worried acctually
favorit låt? like i said before im not really sure what my favorte song is but one by olly murs anyways!
favorit frukt? oh, i love fruit but maybe pinnaple or mango even though i cant eat pinapple :/
favorit blogg? my favorite blogg is kenzas
ditt bästa minne (bild)?
when everything was perfect:

if you would have to choose your three bestfriends who would it be?
It would have to be, Erik, Olof and olvia. But then viktor and oskar
Do you still love Erik? Ofc I do
Favorite clothes? I dont know but i love knitted jumpers
Do you have any brothers or sisters? Hahah, Well you could say that, i have 5 brothers and 3 sisters and then 3 half sisters too :D
A picture that shows you. dont really understand the question so good but this is a picture that shows who i am:

beacause im always laughting hehe.


Dip Dye♥

Love dip dyed hair!

''You have enemies? Good, that means you stood up for something."


Alwasy fight for what you think is right

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