All Shook Up!

How is everyone? Im not feeling so good at the moment but I thought I would write anyways.
Today was the premier for 'All shook up' and it went so good. The time goes so fast and it feels like the play is over in 10 minutes. Love the feeling you get in your when your stomach waiting to go out and dance and the music starts, goose bumps. But everything went good and we had standing ovation, proud face hehe.

Now I am going to go wash of all the stage makeup of and then go to sleep for another day of all shook up. Peace

cool or what?


Just got out the shower and now going to go to olsbergs for practice before the show tonight, now lets go! so excited! wish me luck ♥

I want to celebrate and live my life

Remember me? Sorry I haven't wrote on here for a while but I just haven't had time! Have had all shook up training all week from 4-9 so I haven't had time to sit down and write something. Anyways I have got a lot of questions about when i'm going to do the videoinlägg answering the questions and the answer is- When I have time. Have got so many questions so I will proberbly do it on monday becasue then all shook up is out of the way. You can still ask questoins btw so just comment hehe.

Well today I had training from 3:30-9:00 = Tired! I also have the worst träningsvärk in my arms so I can't move them so much. I just finished watching Dirty dancing with Olivia, Ebba and Albin and soon im going to get ready for bed but i have to be at Olbergs at 9:30am.... No life. But hopefully i will be able to write a post before I leave in the morning. Goodnight and sweetdreams ♥

Sneak peak ;)

A few pictures from all shooke up


Maisies is so cute when she sleeps <3

October, I just found out I'm possessed I'm might not stop untill I rest

Hello my friends, just came out the shower and now talking on Skype to joakim. Today I have been with Eddie and others after school, and we was just Chilled and ate the new slush ice at sockerbiten. Then I meet my mummy and ate before we went to swimming lessons. The swimming lessons were actually fun, with 65year old men and froggy floats, but I learnt a lot haha. After swimming I went to willys and picked up my clothes I ordered. But most of them are too small :( need to stop thinking I'm smaller than I actually am hehe.

Tomorrow I have dance all day after school untill 9 so I'm not sure how much I'll blog but I'll try and write at least once. Well now I'm going to get things ready for school and then sleep. So goodnight cuties, sweetdreams <3
(joakim choose the headline haha)

Curly hair and glasses

Whats up dudes? sitting here at olofs house with Eddie and just got back from town. Eddie and me are going to go to town again intill olofs utvekligsamtal is finished. I'll write a little later pusspuss

Butterfly fly away

Fest hos martin

Some picture from lastnight at martins 18 years party. Thanks for a fun night ♥

21th April

Yesterday i spent the day with Joakim and olivia ♥
olivias on the left and mine on the right haha <3
Not everyday you meet a giant

How you doin?

Long time no see

Sorry i haven't writen anything in a while but haven't had time and have been so tired.
Today when i got home from school i sat on my bed and just fell asleep, so tired after school just now. Tonight i had loads of planes but im just going to stay home instead and have an early night and finish cleaning out my wardrobe. But now im going to go take a long hot shower, get in my pyarmers and watch films untill i sleep. Hope your all well goodnight ♥


Love beeing happy! Happy because I have awesome friends, and family that loves me, Almost healthy again and just ordered some new NEEDED clothes. Don't really know why im this happy but i like it ^^

how im feeling hahah


Maybe its time I got out of bed and did something with my life? I didn't go to school today because this morning I woke up with a bad headache, so tomorrow it will be school. Have layed on bed allday and tried to get better, finished ready my Swedish book aswell. I haven't eaten yet today so now I'm going to go get eat then clean my room. Take care <3

16th April

Sitting here drinking tea and waiting got hugo to ring me. I was going to do a videoinlägg but i can't stop coughing and i have a bad cold still so i will do one when im better hehe. Well now i have to go and get ready for bed and then get some beautysleep after i have talked to hugo. Hopefully school tomorrow ♥ Goodnight

And your my bestfriend

Always feel better when the sun is shinning. Today I layed in bed most the day and tried to rest and then at around 1ish I got up and showered and got ready. Erik came around at 4 and we spent the day watching movies and laughing like weirdos. I normally hate Monday's but today is a good day because me and erik have been together for 1year and 4months, or 16months if you want to say it that way hehe. Well erik just went home so now I'm going to sort out my wardrobe, full of things I don't wear and even want. I'll write a little later, puss

Little old me

Heey, all afternoon I have been sitting watching films with my family and now Erik just came to take care of little old me. Now were just going to take it easy and watch mean girls and Harry potter haha. Not sure if I will be in school tomorrow because I'm still sick but hate missing school and missing my friends but NEED to get better. Might write again a little later if I have time. Kram

Spread your wings and fly away

Hellohellohello, when I woke up this morning i feel much worse than I did yesterday, Couldn't breath and coughing my guts up. But after drinking lots of tea and lots of water i feel a little better and i finally got out of bed hehe. Just watched yogy bear with my sick family and then played bubble´s with maisie. Just thought I would write a little so you know i'm still alive ;) hope you are all healthy!

Soooo Funny


Question time!

Got this feeling that my blogg is just getting more boring becsue i have nothing to write about so im going to do a 'question time' where you can comment questions you want to know and ill answer all of them honestly in a videoinlägg. You can comment on this post of you can email me at [email protected] and you can even write to me on facebook. Can be anything you want to know and you can ask them in swedish or english your choose. puss ^^

Sick, again!

Why am I sick all the time? Last night when I went to bed I felt a little poorly and when I woke up this morning I couldn't even move. I have a really bad cough and a soar throat and a really bad headache, last night I coughed so bad I pulled the muscle in my side. My mum had to help me move this morning because I had pain everywhere and I have träningsvärks from boxing yesterday. Not a good day :(. So today I have layed in my my mummys bed allday with maisie and finley who are also sick. I just woke up and I feel alittle bit better actually. So I'm going to get something to eat because haven't been able to swallow anything allday and then shower. Hope your all healthy! Puss


Goodmorning, sleepy?
This morning i was ment to be at school by 6 because we were going to this place to watch the birds, but i didnt get up and didnt have everything ready so todays just another day at school. Just got ready and we are going to go with susanna to town. Have a good day :)

11th April

That feeling you get when you fall asleep in one of jonas' lessons and you fall asleep, you always get pens chucked at you or poken by a stick..Hate being back at school.
Today was just anothing normal day at school but thats nothing you really care about haha. After school I had dance with nickname and then i had dance at the kulturskolan intill 7. Then Ida,Elin,Jasmine and i stood out side in the rain talking shit for almost an hour haha. Then Erik came and picked me up. Now i just showered, ate and now going to go to bed. Goodnight :) ♥

Before and after

haters gunna be hating but who cares, looks a little better anyways <3

Harry potter

Just got of Skype to Joakim and now im sitting here with olivia watching harry potter, brings back so many memories from when I was little. Love his little room under the stairs haha. I have the hair dye in my hair aswell, at the moment it is yellowish so we will have to see how it goes, have to wash it out in 20 minutes so ill put a picture up when its all done. So now I'm going to be more social with olivia and watch the film. Peace out

cause i like how it feels

heyhey all you beautiful people that read my blogg. After school today I had dance at the kulturskolan in till 7-8 but we got to finish earlyer. So after dance i went to Elin and olivias kidsdance becasue olivia had my trousers so i had to walk around town with just my little shorts on from dance. We just got home to olivias after being at willys, we bought a big bag of sweets and hairdye. Yes thats right im going to try and do my hair blond again, hope it goes good but tbh it can't get any worse than it is just now. I'll put up some pictures later but fingers crossed that it will go good.
Now; Sitting listning to music and olivia is doing my hair..

Goodbye ginger hair, or?..


Not looking forward to school tomorrow, have to wake up in 5 and a half hours...fml
Well anyways after 2 hours im still talking to joakim on skype, but i think i will go to bed soon and get a little sleep. So goodnight ♥

9/4/12 ♥

Tjo, Today I have been with Olivia and Elin and we have just chilled, talked, danced like crazy people and laughted. when i came home i showered and now im talking to my little friend joakim on skype. Dont have much more to say. Bye ♥

Be your own judge


Sitting here with these two cuties <3

HAHA- Bellydance (not serious)

If someone doesn't treat you right, You should have enough respect for yourself to leave them. It may hurt for a while, but i will be ok, YOU will be ok


Fuck that! Don't be a girl who needs a man. Be the girl a man needs.


someone like you

Got home about 15minutes ago from fridas house and Erik is now sleeping and im talking joakim on skype and he is singing songs haha. Goodnight♥


Just had a shower and got ready and now im waitning for lukas to come pick me up and take me to town to the easterparty. Ill write later when I come home. Have a good night ♥
I know this picture has nothing to do with påsk or anything but erik has like no pictures on this computer so just put this on haha. yesyes

Happy easter

Heyheyhey, woke up this morning and i went around eriks house trying to find my easter he hid, not the easyest thing seeing as his house is so big and he hid it in a sausepan... Like i was ever going to find that without help haha. Then we sat and ate a mega breakfast with loads of fika and we watched some film that was on tv. Since then i have been playing games on his phone and hes been on the computer, social people. Just thought i would update a little. Have a good day :)

Don't regret just move on

heyhey, just came from Degens house and now im siting here in bed and i thought i would write a inlägg quick about today. So..This morning i was at olofs house for a while intill he went to see his cousens. Then I went to see my cutie Elin, and we sat and talked and talked and talked haha. Love how girls get exsited over nothing hehe. Then at 4:00 i meet Joakim and then we went back to his house. We sat and watched tv, talked, chilled and laughted. After a while we went to the cinema to see the new american pie movie with Carl, Carl w, Beckman, Olivier, Axel, Shamil and Arvid. It was actually funny and good but not really a movie for girls ;)
After the movie me and joakim went back to his house and just talked and chilled. And I missed the bus to ingarp aswell, like normal, So i gave degen a call and that sweety came and picked me up hehe. I have been at degens with Alle, Martin, Erik, Anna, Emilia and watched racing strips hehe. Now im sitting here in bed so now im going to get some beautysleep. Goddnight ♥

Joakims retarded cat :')
Thanks for today everyone :))



Laying here in bed after talk to olivia on the phone about everything in life just now haha, when me and her get talking we can never shut up, buts shes always there to listen to me talk shit and when im exsited about somethibg she'll get excited with me hehe, like today I was jumping around I was so excited and we were both screaming and laughting down the phone because were not normal :') Well I just showered and got some things ready for tomorrow. Yesyes. Now im waiting for Joakim to get home, then i will talk to him, then bed! So goodnight ♥!

Tell me are you christian son? ma'me I am tonight

She is back!

Some pictures from summer <3

Goodmorning :)

Woke up this morning and have been watching family guy since haha. yesyes

you are the one i want

Tjo! well i did my first videoinlägg like you wanted and it went bad (n but i just hate beeing in videos and when my friends try and film me i never talk, just get really nerious for some reason. Anyways im sitting here on facebook and talking to olivier about stuff and Erik is normal. Everyone always falls asleep when they are with me(?) haha. Well now im going to get in my pjarmers and watch films on my own becasue i have nolife :)))) byes


This is me- first videoinlägg


Tjena kexet ;)
Whats up dudes? Sitting here with Erik and we just ate, today so far i have layed in my bed, showered and then got ready for Erik to come. But now we are going to watch movies, play games and just chill hehe. Have a good wednesday, Puss!

Present time!

Got theses presnts from Erik, he got me them when he was in spain :') Such nice presents and he knows just what i want :') <3 Thankyou!

lets forget everything

Goodmorning, how is everyone? Woke up in the best of moods and im not really sure why. Didn't get to sleep ontill late this morning ,haven't got to sleep early even one night this holiday but heyho no school! Still not sure the plans for today, but I think Erik will be coming around later. I promise ill start writing more intressting things on my blogg, just have nothing to write about Hehe. But now I am going to go shower and then get ready, cant lay in bed all day ;) byes

Do good things and good things happen to you - it's not karma, it's obvious.

Honestly, i'm not sure if i should just keep holding on or let go. It's stupid to hold on to something that just keeps hurting you, but it's also stupid to let go of everything you've ever wanted.

Do you ever think of me?

When I look at the stars I think of you

Why is it that when your tired you cant sleep? Got this feeling that im tired but really hyper at the same time. Tomorrow im not sure what im going to do but i think i might be with erik if he can becasue he came home from spain today-lucky boy but we will have to see. But after a long day i think its time to go have a date with my bed and get some needed beautysleep. Goodnight ♥ 

Women should stay in the kitchen

 some pictures from lastnight <3

4th of april ♥

hellohello again :)
Going to go jump in the shower but i thought i would write a inlägg quick about today. Today i was with my wonderful friends and we were in town for a bit then we went back to olofs house and had 'tacokväll'. But emma had to go before, sadface. But we had a good time anyways, made the tacos together then sat down and ate it and talked and laughted, så mysigt! And since i have been home i have been talking on skype, so for the last two hours i have been talking about everything thats nothing with Joakim (gary) haha, but It's fun ^^
Just like to say thankyou for everyone that has made my week awesome so far♥
well that sums up my day really, fun, laughter, super friends and having it really mysigt. Peace :D

Some pictures from lejlas blogg, i'll put up mine tomorrow.


My baby don't mess around, Cause he loves me so, This I know fo sho

ERIK IS ON HIS WAY HOME FROM SPAI WOOOWH, haven't seen him for long now <3
love you ♥

That I did not know

Goodmorning! Woke up about 15 minutes ago when lejla came into olofs room and scared the shit out of me and olof haha. Then about 5 minutes later came fiip over, does noone sleep long theses days? haha, me and olof didn't get to sleep intill about 5. Now im sitting on olofs Imac with filip and olof taking loads of pictures- egos hah. Yeah now im going to get changed out of my pjarmers and see what is happening today :) peace

guess this is why i can never shut up (Y)

Jamming to my dubstep beats

Heeey, Just talked to Joakim on skype for two and a half hours, that boy makes me laugh haha.
Well today I have been with Olof,Eddie,Filip,Lucas,Emma,Lejla and sara and we were in town for a bit then we made a giant fruit salad - healthy kids haha. Well Now me and olof are going to watch loads if films like a boss haha. Well Hope you had a good monday, Goodnight♥
HAHAH, cute we are

Hey ya♥

love this song♥

Goodnight :)

swag swag swag


saw this on Olivias blogg and died of laughter. This is the shit!


Well now im off to bed even though im not tired at all becasue i slept all day haha. But tomorrow I am going to be with the girlys and the boys. haven't seen them for a while, not sure what we are going to do but it will be fun anyways. Sleeptight ♥

I did a guess inlägg on my little elins blogg, while she is in spain, so have a look here!


Heeey, bad updating but heyho. When i came home from olofs yesterday i went to bed becasue i didn't feel well. And then this mornig i woke up and felt worse, sore throat, headache, stomacheache and really hot, so i spent today in bed too. Around about 4:00 i got up showered, painted my nails and then went to bed again haha! But after dinner i went out for a run becasuse i felt so lazy. Well i just watched a really good film with my mum and dad, didn't really understand anything ontill the end haha, but i cant rember what it was called (A
hope you had a good weekend anyways , puss

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