Heyhey! Sitting here with Erik ,just brushed out teeth and now snuggled up in bed and going to sleep soon. Today started good and then ended good and had a awesome middel. I went and watched ghost (theater) with Olivia Hugo and sara at 6:30. When we got there we thought it was going to be full so we rushed, but there was only about 20 people that came haha. Don't normally go watch theaters but elin was in ghost so thats just something you can't miss Hehe. It was actually really good apart from the fact I had Sara sitting next to me asking questions and poking me the whole way through, cute girl. After ghost i walked with elin,oskar,olliver,olivia,Sara and hugo and we sang and danced down the street, people proberbialy thought we were drunk haha. Just have to say I dont think I have laughted so much at anyone like i did today, olliver sand is the funniest boy ever! Important information... Now I'm going to get some sleep goodnight.