Todays Outfit #


Linea and Martin just went home after a night of movies-Forest Gump and John tucker must die, and alot of unhealthyness, but heyho its worth it♥
Tomorrow Me, Erik and his dad are going to Vetlanda to pick some things up in the morning then im going to be with the 'gang' haha. Haven't seen them for a while now so it will be super mysigt!
Now; Going to get into my pyjarmas, brush my teeth and SLEEP! goodnight♥

OnePiece ♥

Loooove OnePiece! Have to get one soon, so mysigt.♥


HAHAHAH, Erik is sitting on computer next to me and went to read my blogg and it turned it into swedish. Omg what bad swedish it turns into! so if you read my blogg in swedish i feel bad for you! Please read it in english you will proberbly understand more haha! Never realised i went like this.


The feeeling you get when my boyfriend asks me if i want anything from my house...meaning the kitchen...Boys theses days haha. Anyways im sitting here with Erik and listening to song from the eurovision contest and thinking what it happing? None of them deserv to win and who voted for Thorsten Flinck?! Haven't heard anything that bad, even i can sing better than him and i am tonedeaf, you can ask my family that one, them poor people that have to listen to me when im singing inm the shower. If anyone is going to win it has to be sean banan fyfan.
Not sure what we are going to do now, but at seven Martin and Linea are coming and we are going to have a little mysfilmkväll ;) Haha

Play me a song, baby im listening

smile ♥

Green milk♥

Tjooo, This morning i woke up at 6:30 and got a lift to tom house and i sat there and did absolutly nothing untill i went and meet My babe olivia. We sat and talked and danced like moneys then had a little fika with green milk? Oh that girl thinks of the weirdes things.


Just got of the phone to olivia, we talked for over an hour about everything in life just now haha. When we start to talk we can't stop! Hugo feel asleep waiating for me to finish talking with that girl haha. Well im off to bed now because i have to get up early tomorrow to go to toms and then at around 10 im meeting olivia, then after i have been with olivia for a bit im going to ingarp to see my bubby Erik. In Need for big hugs and kissies, have sat at home for three days alone so i miss everyone hehe. Not sure how much ill blogg tomorrow but ill try and write something. so Goodnight and Sweetdreams♥

sometimes you see things and you wish you hadn't...


No more snow please! Went out side before becasue i was going to go for a walk and came in after like 5 minutes becasuse its too cold. Hope it melt soon!
Now; Going to make something to eat then sit in frount of the tv and watch films- Mys on my own

Am i missing something?

Am i missing something here? why does Ed sheeran look like ron wesley (rupert) from harry potter? I swear he doesnt normaly look like this? or? Haha, please comment if you know, proberbly me beeing silly but yesyes

Somebody I used to know

Nice pyjarmas hey ;)?
Sitting here with my honey-tea in my hand and my pyjarmas on like normal. Haven't got changed in to real clothes in three days now, not good haha. Today i was ment to be with little Elin but when i woke up this morning i had a headache and a sore throat (N) so i decided it would be better if i stayed home, then i got a text for Emzo asking if i wanted to be and i had to say no to her aswell. Have missed both them girls lots so today im going to get better so i can meet them.

Never say Never

Heey! I got this question on my blogg about if i could start doing vidioinlägg. Not sure who its from but my answer to you is that ofc i can start doing them. Just haven't really thought about doing it before and haven't reaqlly had time. But now we have a loong weekend of school so i can do one this weekend :D peace
btw: the inlägg will be in English because im not so good at swedish so it will just be embaraccing haha, so i hope you understand ;)

took a picture with my camara becasue i dont know who you do screen print , smart sian(y)

Lets do this one more time

Take 30minutes of your life to watch this please!

Who is Kony?!

He is THE WORST LIVING CRIMINAL. He abducts children and makes them use guns to kill their own parents. He takes girls and forces them to be sex slaves. He calls his abducted children the Lord’s Resistance Army, AKA the LRA. He has abducted over 30,000 children and forced them to be child soldiers in Central Africa. He remains at large because he is INVISIBLE to the world. FEW know his name, even FEWER know his crimes. WE ARE MAKING HIM FAMOUS! Because when he is, the world will unite against him and demand his arrest.

Everyone is born, Everyone lives, Everyone has to die. Wish it didn't have to be that way...


Another day at home sick -.-
Hate laying in my bed allday thinking about how much im missing at school. I missed both my maths and SO test today which i studied all night for, hate doing it after everyone else! Haven't done much apart from sleep today but around 2:30 Erik came around and took care of me, he evern brought me sirupbread (sounds weird in english) becasue there my favorite. We watched this really weird film which had a really bad ending where he jumps in the swimming pool(?!) wasn't even anything to do with the rest of the film, Haha films these days. When erik left i made some pizza then played with maisie and Finley. Them two cuties always put a smile on my face.
Now im going to go make some tea with honey beacause my throat hurts bad!
hope your all well!

they have the cutest little smiles hehe♥

( ̄o ̄)z Z

Laying here dead tierd and just realised that i have a maths and So test on Tuesday and i haven't studied anything, going to good (n) Today had been super mysigt with Erik just watching films with cuddels hehe. I just got out the shower and now im laying here with wet hair so tomorrow my hair is going to be wild. Still feel a little bit bad but i hate missing things in school so it will be getting up early to get on the bus to school. So goodnight! Haha the guest inlägg was erik He blogg raped me haha.



That smile :')

Love this weather and spending it with a person i love! Today I have layed in bed the most of the day, been out and taken some pictures, played scrabbel, and eaten so haven't done much really hehe. Now im going to watch a movie with Erik before he goes home. Have a good day :D

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