Last day of May!
Hate them days where you just sit and try to keep awake but you keep falling a sleep, today is that day! I have layed in bed and talked to Olivia and then Erik on the phone. Now i'm going to go jump in the shower and then SLEEP! NEED beautysleep! well it's already 11:40 so it won't be a erly night, lucky that i get to sleep in tomorrow ;) Not sure how things are happening but i will write a post in the morning. Hehe Goodnight!

HEY weird mouth?!
Här igen!


two pictures from yesterday- Elins blogg
glad :D
ElinBilker+OliviaRehnholm är bäst
Heeey :D
What's up? Well i'm sitting with Elinpelin2 and oliviapolivia3 and watching sveriges fulaste hem and laughting at everything haha, no lifers :') well after school Me and Elin went to willys and bought donuts,Sweets,Smootie things and panpizza-fatties. And now we have been sitting here on the sofa watching topmodel and runway getting fat hehe. Don't have anything else to say so now Olivia,Elin and I are going to make smooties.

Silly Siân....

I fell in love and I was dancing the whole way home
Today I have just relaxed and tried to get rid of this headache but i'm getting used to it now haha. I have just made dinner for my family and actually tasted good- proud! Don't really have much more to write about so now i'm going to watch topmodel with my mummy then jump in the showers :)

New in- LOVE!

My new trousers my mummy brought me back from england and I love them!
What are your favorite trousers?
My favotite trousers are my green and pink ones that are the same.
I bought them from Gina and they fit perfectly and I love the colours. I bought them becasue noone else had them then.
Here is some pictures of the green ones becasue the pink ones are at Elins house hehe♥

- it was you who picked the pieces up when I was a broken soul, and then glued me back together, returned to me what others stole.
Erik gerhardsson I love you, always have and always do!
Questions and Answers!
1. Why do you always have a belt on?
- Hahaha! Can't believe some people see things like this, but the answer is that when i have a belt its because my trousers/shorts dont fit me. I have a big bum and short legs so its hard to find trousers that actually fit haha. funny how you noticed hehe.
2. Why do you have nice feet?
- Urm random question that I laughted at! I actually HATE my feet soooo much, hate when people touch them, look at them and i never go around without socks on even in summer. I am actually getting better with it though. I guess i was born with these feet so thats why haha :)

Random picture from last year
Smile, because your beautiful even if you dont feel it

Take me away from here
Today I came home on the bus after school and I was going to take care of my little sister, but i feel asleep :$ So I just woke up and now waiting for my dad to come home. Tonight i'm going to help my dad out with some things around the house and watch my little sister because my mum is coming home from england tomorrow so everything has to be nice for her hehe. I haven't felt so good today and I am feeling worse now so i am going to get a erly night i hope hehe♥


Lejlas photo :)

27th May

Hey cuties! Sitting here in the car on the way to town to watch Emma, olivia, carl, oscar and more wonderful people conferm thierselves. Nevet been to a confirmation because its not a big thing in england. So it will be fun to see! Im going to go get some flowers and then go to the church. I will put lots of pictures up when i get home aswell. Have a good day :)

Strawberries and Icecream

Memories are made to remember
After a long day the best thing to do it sleep, so that is exactly what i'm going to do now so goodnight and hope you had a good day :) <3 puss
Today we ran/walked the stadsloppet because we are crazy dudes and after we went back to Josses house for food and mys. Thanks for the wonderful day girls ♥


Whistle baby

Well have to go now becasue my bus will be here in 20 minutes and i haven't got dressed or done my makeup or anything, have a good day

Du skrattar åt mig för att jag är annorlunda, jag skrattar åt dig för att du är precis som alla andra.
Goodnight and sweetdreams

True shit

When i got home today i went and had a shower directly becasue i didn't feel so fresh, so now im sitting here in pyjmaras already. Well now im going to go and paint my nails and get some things ready for school tomorrow ♥

Happy days!

Goodmorning, Sitting here listening to flytta på dig, such a fjortis song haha. Anyways im sitting on the bus to school with erik and should be there soon. Today i have shorts and a t-shirt on lile i have had all week but now looking out the window im not sure if i made the right choose haha, it says it is going to be 24degrees today but it just started to rain a little?! Well hope you have a good day!
23rd may
Well now im going to watch a film with Erik, puss ♥


Green hair..

Just want to sleep! but no I can't becasue i have to dye my hair. Maybe i should listen to hugo next time he says my hair will turn green if i go swimming. Yes thats right i have GREEN hair. So when i came home from swimming i made some dinner and now im sitting here with hair dye in my hair. Lets hope it will be blond now...

Tuesday morning
Today's outfit, wasn't really sure what to wear in this weather but took my jumpsuit anyways. Well my bus is here now so byes <3
Before and After

After silvershampoo only 3-4 times

I recomend it so bad if you are trying to go blond! Doesn't damage your hair or anything
tack och hej leverpastej.
Tomorrow i'm going to be with Elin but i proberbly won't update intill late because I have my swimming lesson tomorrow but we will see. Just hope it is good weather! Well i don't really have much more to say but sweetdreams hehe. Kram ♥

Monday 21st

Food in the sun with my girls
Sitting on olivias balcony with my girls eating cuscus salad- mys!
Have sat and uploaded loads of photoes now and im soooo tired. Can't be bothered with school tomorrow but i'm happy it is almost summer holidays. But now im off to bed so good night ♥
We're on top of the world
sorry all the pictures are different sizes and i know its really ugly but it justr went like that so <3
Because when the sun goes down I know I'll always have you

Me, myself and I

which picture do you like best?
dinner la sian

made dinner my self and proud i am !
Sorry for the bad updating
Sorry for the bad updating today but I haven't had time or sat down at a computer but you got a post from Erik hehe. This morning I woke up and then cycled down to town on my mums bike that broke like ten times on the way but it only took 30minutes anyway. I met my wonderful friend olivia that has been in Stockholm and watched the dirty dancing musical-lucky! We went out and took some pictures and sat on the grass next to the river and talked shit. Just love the weather at the moment, it isn't so sunny but it's hot anyways, can just go around in shorts and t-shirt. We also was with jonathan for a while. Then we went back to Olivia's gaff and ate pancakes while watching dirty dancing hehe. I have a really nice with a really awesome dude. I'm going to put up all the pictures from today soon so bare with me. Hope you had fun in the sun =]
Gästinlägg a la Erik♥
Jag älskar dig av hela mitt hjärta älskling! <3

Can bairly keep my eyes open so now im off to bed. Tomorrow I think i'm going to jönköping with my family if my dad is feeling better. So goodnight cuties
I love Silvershampoo!

after one wash

after 3 washes.
Scooby doo
Have layed in bed for hours now watching girly movie that always make me cry. But hate tha fact that they all have bad endings... Anyways now im sitting here with my two cuties watching scooby doo♥
the good girl

Living life the right way
BBQ and brännboll with lots of awesome people.
Sitting here with lots of people from ingarp and eating after playing brännboll for an hour. Lots of laughs and fun is the way it should be!
Heyhey! Just showered and got ready for the second time today. Felt I needed to shower after jumping in the lake.
The boys didn't dare jump in so it was just me and Sanna that went in. But now i'm sitting here with Martin and Erik and there playing there games and streaming like Little girls haha. Not sure whats happening later yet <3



world of our own

Go Sweden!
Sitting with the boys watching hockey with popcorn, chocolate and crisps. So Come on Sweden!

Picnik time

Jag älskar bara dig.

Angel <3


Always happens to me
Hey you fine people, hate this was sunny this morning and now its raining cats and dogs. But anyways just now im sitting here in the football 'house' and waiting for the boys to get changed for the match. Love watching football but sitting in the rain for two hours doesn't sound inviting to me....well now thete done time to put on my rain coat. Sweett

one year and five mounths with you :')


Close enough
Well i guess its whats on the instide that make them pretty..or? haha
This is how they were ment to look:

This is how mine looked...

Hahaha such a funny film! Watching the bridesmaids in bed
Another day home :(
Hate staying home, there is nothing to do here and I can't fall asleep again because I have such a bad headache. But tomorrow I'm going to school even if I don't feel well because I have SO test and the year 9s are dressing up. Tomorrow is also a special day for me and my Erik. I woke up at about 7 and couldn't get back to sleep so I went down and had breakfast and now I'm laying in bed again. It's so unbelievable hot in my house or maybe it's just me? Haha no but now I'm going to watch a film. Byes
You call me crazy, but i'm just in love

Goodnight ♥
But Hope everyone is well and hope I wake up feeling better! Goodnight♥

no makeup <3

For you that donät know what silver shampoo is, it is a shampoo that it REALLY purple that turnes the orange in your hair blond and that i exactly what i need. I have loads of orange highlights in my hair that make my hair look really yellow/orange, so tomorrow im going to buy a hair dye and then start using the silver shampoo intill my hair is finally blond.
Bad pictures that aren't blury but just wanted to show the colour hehe.

Be your own judge
But now im going to go shower and then watch a movie. Hope you had a fun day at school ;) peace

I don't know who wrote it and i don't know how they would define the word 'bullied' but my answer is yes.
I have and still do get bullied, becasue of the fact I have glasses. I Hate that people have to pick on other people becasue there not the same as everyone else. I have had glasses for 4 years now and people still point out the fact i have them, I get comments like 'I look like a nerd', 'I look like a freak', 'I look ugly', 'that i should take them off becasue i look stupid', ect. But the thing is if If i do take them of i can't see anything good haha. I have tried contactlences but they take my forever to put in haha. I don't wear them so often but mostly in school because i get headches and can't see the bord if not. I can't change the way i look in them and i think It's mean to criticize people's looks. Just becasue i have glasses doesn't mean im any different to people that don't have them? They are only glasses and people that 'bully' other people just don't have anything better to do. And it's not the outside that makes someone pretty it's the inside.

Hate getting theses sorts of messages from old men and weird people. Sorry Ndawula but i wont be calling...ever.
Monday- looong
Today I'm going to take it easy and try anf get rid of my headach. I am also going to sort out my clothes and through away all thr ones I never wear and don't like. I'll write later and answer some questions you have asked. Puss

13th May

Drick Den- Mange Makers
Don't think they can think of anything better to sing about. But it's a tune anyway :)
I just don't understand, can you please esplain agian?


Stop playing games becasue noone wants to play anymore

Nickname <3

Some pictures from about 2 minutes ago so thats why i have bedhair hahaha. puss

Happy Birthday beautiful!

The baby and the giant

My little sister maisies hand against mine. Feel so big when im with her. My mini me ♥
Love you!
Today after school I went and picked up my little sister from play school and then droped her of at swimming. Then I went to olivias house got some things then left to the arena. We had 'Genrep' and everything went pretty good, but We (nickname) have never seen how our dance looks so tomorrow will be the first time we watch our selves on film, so lets hope it looks okey! haha. When it was finished I followed olivia home we ate then i showered and now im sitting here writing this haha. So tired after today so now i think its time for some sleep!
p.s Tomorrow when my cute friend olivia wakes up she will be byxmyndig! woohw ;)


Give it all you got
Hello! How is everyone? Today I have been Tired and not in the best of moods. Woke up this morning and rushed to catch the bus. I spent today at the gymnasiet again, we did the show for the school and everything went good but now I have a sore throat and I'm even more tired. After school I was with Erik and we fikade and meet some other people alone the way. When Erik went I had a look around town then I went to desires house for dinner. Now my mum, Luke and I are going to swimming. I'll write later. Peace
Fika med min älskling

The 7th of May in pictures
Tomorrows show ;)

mys med de bästa!
Keep calm, it's party time
Today I have spent most of the day with Erik and when I came home I started to clean my wardrobe out, which i have been doing for the last month or so now but I got bored and went out side and was in the sun. Also was doing backflips on the trampoline and feel my back really hurts at the moment. I always seem to do something wrong haha. Now im going to go have a shower and then go to bed. Tomorrow I dont have school becasue im practicing for the show on tuesday=chill! ♥ So goodnight


Honey he's home ;)


5th May ♥

Sverige <3
Anyways im sitting here at Martins house watching Jersey shore with Erik and martin. Don't really watch programs like this but its martins favorite so he choose. Now im going to finish watching this episode then go back to Eriks house and watch movies intill we fall asleep so I wont be able to write later. So hope you had a good friday night ;)

Erik is back!

My baby and I ♥


On tueday after i had woken up Josse rang and then came and got me from Eriks house. As usual i came late to pompom and everyone was waiting hehe. we marched around town and then i went back to olivias house after intill my daddy came. Lastnight i dyed my hair again but it didn't change colour much, so its still yellow :( Have to go to the hairdressers and get it done there.
Last but not lest today- Feels like i haven't been to school for such a long time but its only been two days. Just a normal day in school i guess and then after school I had dance with nickname, would rather had layed in the sun and got some colour but we finished the dance anyways. When i got home I was in the garden with my family and played football and just sat and talked-mys! Now after sitting on the computer loading up loads of pictures in going to go and do my homework then shower. Hope this post wasn't to long and boring for you all to read haha. puss!


Monday 30th April

Instagram- All shook up