This is how fun it is to be with me...

Friday night and its feeling right
When we came back to eksjö we went to sockerbiten and meet olof and eddie. We were there for ages intill we went to the p-hallen becasue olof wanted to see the LAN. Then me eddie and olof went back to olofs and watched a film but i feel asleep like after a coupke of minutes becasue i was so tired.

Heeey, sorry i haven't writen in a while but haven't hade time. But i am on Carls phone and thought i would write a Little inlägg ;) Well anyways im sitting on the bus to Nässjö with Olivia, olivier and Carl to go see Moa and viilma :) write later
Laying here drinking tea trying to get better. Hate being sick!
I'll write tomorrow
Didn't Write lastnight because i was with moa,elin and olivia intill late then we came home to olivia we went strait to bed kinda. Today I started at 8:00 and have had a long day there but it was better than yesterday , but ill write about all that when the weeks over, but i can just say that after these two days i have been there i have learnt alot. Also that mine and olivers new bestfriend is handsprit! Anyways today me and oliver made kladkaka for the old people then we went and ate pizza because it was fish at school. After school I was with olivia and then watched the barndans. Well now im sitting here with erik so im going to be a little bit more social and be with him haha. Might write tomorrow if i have time. Have a good week (:
Sitting in school on my lunch break with oliver and hugo. In the oldpeoples home the first and second floor have magsjuk so im with on the thord floor with oliver. We have taken apart a book shelf, gone out with them to willies and fikat with them. Jallis is the cuties old person there haha. Ill take a picture of him later and put it on- so cute! Well me and oliver have to go back now, write later (:
Monday morning

Picture from winter and a picture from spring
Have been on the best of moods for a while now so everything is funny at the moment, when im with olivia we can sit there and just laught for ages and forget why we were even laughting haha. Love that girl.
When i came home today I had a long shower then sorted out myy wardbrob, have so many things that i dont want but still dont want to throw away. I also packed my bag for tomorrow, tuesday and wednesday, becasue this week i have proa and we start at 7 every morning so i will be staying at friends houses.
Well need to go to bed now or i'll never wake up in time tomorrow, Goodnight♥

Haven't got much more to write so here's some pictures from today :)


Do you want to know a secret ?
Sure , tell me

OMG , is that true ?!

Heres some morning pictures haha

Call me maybe?
Miss you Erik lots and lots ♥

Real friends are hard to find, so i guess im just lucky

14 march
Hey, how is everybody? Today i have felt tip top never better. Can go around with shorts and a t-shirt and you don't get cold. Like i wrote before today i have watched the Gymnastics compatition and well done to eksjö for getting so many trofeys. Elin, Olivia and i went out and took some pictures and plyed on all the little kids toys haha. I even meet Hugo and ludde today aswell. When i came home i watched a film with maisie and help my mummy with somethings, Today i have just been in a good good mood♥
Love life
Friday 23rd March

Thurday 22nd March

haven't blogged for two days now because i haven't had time and haven't been able to use the computer, but i promise ill write later and load up looooads of pictures from the last two days and from today :)
Anyways today i have sat in Olsberys from 9:00 intill 15:00 watching the gymnastic compotition, have taken loads of pictures, and i even got a medal, proudface :') haha
Now; im sitting here with olivia and Elin and now we're going out in the sun ♥
Just now
Now; Going to get some food then sleepsleepsleep ♥


No time to write now becasue when elin comes we have to go to I12 and dance at a years meeting, maybe some pictures will come up later so have a sweett day ♥

Puss from NickNamE

Brush them teeth

You crazy dude

Here's my number, so call me maybe?

Olivia Rehnholm är bäst ! <--- här hittar ni min fina blogg , men jag skriver inte alls lika mycket som Sian gör för jag orkar inte (:
Jag älskar Sian och jag är super duper glad över att jg har henne ! sluta inte läsa hennes blogg people !!
hejdå !

Running man

Just now

Sitting with olivia and eating nooodles hehe♥
18th March
HAHA have been sitting and laughting at this for like 10 minutes now
Skinny Love

Just now
Sitting here watching kill bill, me and degen wanted to watch a good normal film but the boys wanted action so were watching a film that is so unreal but boys will be boys (y
17th March


When we came back from school Ejje, samual,susanna came home so we made hamburgers and chips *healthy*
Then we watched twenty minutes of a film before degen came and picked me and erik up for senior. So now im sitting here with Alle watching bliss and erik play fifa. Fun. Write later <3
On the bus :)

One year and 3 monthes♥
I can be your hero, baby. I can kiss away the pain. I will stand by you forever. You can take my breath away ♥


Give a little time to me, give me love

Oh Happy dayz
Today has been a super day, School started with So test the Maths test and they both went Really good so happy girl here. I have been with Emma in school all today like normal and she always make me happy and laught. In PE today we had to do a dance and me and emma just jumped around and were totall nerd and didnt't do anything, but and the end of the lesson everyone had to show there dances....So we made up a little dance in about 2 minutes haha, it went awesome best in the class like normal haha ;)
After School Nickname and friends went and fikade and talked. Then we went to dance and shook our boootays haha. After dance Olivia and me went back to oskars house and we didnt do much.
Now; Just got home and now going to go get some food becasue my stomache is talking to me!

Today i have to do my SO and Maths test so wish me luck. Haven't eaten anything anf haven't done my makeup and the bus will be here in 10minutes....Think my daddy will give me a lift hehe.
Before school today im going to go meet hugo and talk about some stuff before the eksjö boys go and play hockey, yesyes. have a good day :)

This we ment to be loaded up before school but sucks so it didn't
Beautiful ♥
I don't know when i lost my mind, maybe it was everytime you said 'i miss you'
Miss you boy! This boy is the bestfriend you will ever have
Hate this feeling
But I have had a really good day at school, always feels good when jonas says to me and emma that our english presentation was the best in the class, boya! Then we finished maths early for rörelse (y
After school i sat with Emma,Olivia,Sara,Elin,Eddie,Carl and talked and laughted, love them people that can give you a smile even when you are feeling bad. Then i went to dance and we finally figred out everything to the show and the danceshow and the årsmöte next week, Full upp with dance. After dance i meet my family and we sat and talked to people from scootland and wales, hardly understod anything they said haha, but i smiled and looked like i had a clue about what they were talking about.
Now; PLUGGGA MATTE!!! Have the maths and so test tomorrow♥
And it's so hard to say it but I've been here before, and felt this way

Love this weather!

Gästinlägg a la Erik♥
Thank you for everything narny and to all you ''cool'' people that reads Sianys blogg i just want to let you know how much i love this girl! ^^ She is my everything, she really is! Min ängel :') hehe
I will always be there for you, i've always been.. ♥
Wellwell, guess that's all for me! Hope you're enjoying your shower baby! :* haha
Peace out sis.

Well the bus will be here in about ten minutes so better go brush my teeth and do my makeup. Have a good monday ♥

Live life, there is still a child left in everyone
Be Yourself
Me Erik, Eriks dad and uncel watched the hockey aswell, Hv lost with 4-1 so wasn't the funest match to watch.
Since i have been home i have done homework and lay in my bed! Going to go get ready for ned now and get a early night ♥ hope you had a good long weekend :)

Hot Donut

Have been sitting here for Six hours now watching them play there nerd games and i have been on facebook, the only thing to read about was Loreen, Daniel and Thorsten. WHAT A LIFE I HAVE, right?
Can barly keep my eyes open im so tired. Hope they will be done soon so we can go home and SLEEP. Really is there that much to do after you have been playing for 6 hours?

Don't wanna wake up from this dream♥

I love you Erik♥
Life is only worth living if i have you


Even on the best of days
Wook up this morning at about 10 and we went down to susannas room and sang happy birthday becasue its her 19th birthday today. After we ate breakfast me and erik danced and sang really bad haha.

Todays Outfit #


OnePiece ♥



Play me a song, baby im listening

Green milk♥


sometimes you see things and you wish you hadn't...

Now; Going to make something to eat then sit in frount of the tv and watch films- Mys on my own

Am i missing something?
Somebody I used to know
Sitting here with my honey-tea in my hand and my pyjarmas on like normal. Haven't got changed in to real clothes in three days now, not good haha. Today i was ment to be with little Elin but when i woke up this morning i had a headache and a sore throat (N) so i decided it would be better if i stayed home, then i got a text for Emzo asking if i wanted to be and i had to say no to her aswell. Have missed both them girls lots so today im going to get better so i can meet them.

Never say Never
btw: the inlägg will be in English because im not so good at swedish so it will just be embaraccing haha, so i hope you understand ;)

took a picture with my camara becasue i dont know who you do screen print , smart sian(y)
Lets do this one more time
Take 30minutes of your life to watch this please!
Who is Kony?!
He is THE WORST LIVING CRIMINAL. He abducts children and makes them use guns to kill their own parents. He takes girls and forces them to be sex slaves. He calls his abducted children the Lord’s Resistance Army, AKA the LRA. He has abducted over 30,000 children and forced them to be child soldiers in Central Africa. He remains at large because he is INVISIBLE to the world. FEW know his name, even FEWER know his crimes. WE ARE MAKING HIM FAMOUS! Because when he is, the world will unite against him and demand his arrest.

Everyone is born, Everyone lives, Everyone has to die. Wish it didn't have to be that way...
Hate laying in my bed allday thinking about how much im missing at school. I missed both my maths and SO test today which i studied all night for, hate doing it after everyone else! Haven't done much apart from sleep today but around 2:30 Erik came around and took care of me, he evern brought me sirupbread (sounds weird in english) becasue there my favorite. We watched this really weird film which had a really bad ending where he jumps in the swimming pool(?!) wasn't even anything to do with the rest of the film, Haha films these days. When erik left i made some pizza then played with maisie and Finley. Them two cuties always put a smile on my face.
Now im going to go make some tea with honey beacause my throat hurts bad!
hope your all well!

they have the cutest little smiles hehe♥
( ̄o ̄)z Z

That smile :')

Jag hittade min nål

Blowing in the wind

What makes you beautiful
Everything about you and everything you do

Dont think your big, your just a bully