
Sun ♥

Ambra Succi

Film mys med den bästa


People are sick in this world

sitting here with Olivia and waiting for hugo to text and say we can we have eaten, sunbathed and then more eating haha. have n9othing more to say so9 bues hehe :)
it's hard to believe that I couldn't see that you were right there beside me


Old times

Respect and judgement

26th June sucks

It will get better


Honey i'm home!

Glad midsommar!
Of to öland!

To town I go


Summer :)

Sun and lake


I get lost, in your eyes


yesterday and lastnight was spent at hugos house . First we were out and played football and then i kicked the ball in the river and then when i was trying to get it out i feel in....haha. Then we went to sockerbiten and bought sweets and I meet nenus. Then everyone went back to hugos house and Hannes came. So we watched films, made dance movies on the justdance app and just had fun and mysigt. We didn't come home intill about 1:30 so when me and olivia came home we feel right asleep. Hope you had a goodnight :)
ha gayy
Playing on Olivia familys iPad they just got hehe

Fest hos Abdullah

FEST HOS ABDULLAH! what a tune.
Me and Olivia are sitting here listening to music after watching mission impossible. Never seen it before and it was awesome. Anyways now we are going to ränneborg to meet somepeople hehe. byes
FaceTime with Olivia <3
The biggest loser
Sitting here watching the biggest loser mainly because I don't know how to change the channel haha. Can't believe how much they actually lose. One girl lost 100kg, that's more than two of me! But then there is also men and women that aren't even that big or fat.
Going to sit and watch tv until Erik comes home.
That's just what I did

Sleepy girl

Football and sleep
Hey, today I haven't blogged much because I have sleeper most the day so there isn't much to write about haha. But anyways now I am laying in Eriks new bed he got today and watching football. Soon we are going to get ready for bed and sleep early because Erik has work in the morning at 6:45 but I will still be sleeping hehe. But now I'm going to brush my teeth :)


Let's go :)
Olivia's grandparents are here now, so I don't think I will blogg much today :) byes
Thursday and yesterday
I guess sometimes things don't go the way you had hoped

Football- England vs sweden
Come on england! Tonight sweden is playing england and everyone asks me who i am suporting and ofc it is england. So now i am sitting here with the british flag on my trousers while olivias family and there familys friends all have sweden on the clothes. So everyone is against me tonight can i say. Hope england wins!
Cleaning 👎
Just love my friends. They always know how to make me happy. Today I have been At olofs summerhouse and we fished, like killed each other on the tranpoline, been to town to get food and drink because we didn't have anything left and basicly everything apart from sleeping. So tired, we only sleeped for 2-3 hours. But now we are cleaning the house, because it is a total mess. I think everyone is going home soon so i think i will go back to olivias and help her clean to haha. Well now i am going to change out of my bikini and then soon go. Byes
Goodmorning- friday
Finally feels like summerholidays now that the sun is out and you can just sit in shorts and a t-shirt. Well everyone is out in the garden now and olof the masterchef is making food. Olivia is coming soon and we are going to spend the day here (:
Was just looking out the window when a fox came up and took all the food that was left from yesterday. Never seen one before and it was so close haha. Awesome! Pictures are from olofs phone
Its almost 4 and we still haven't been to sleep yet and i'm not even tired hehe. Lastnight, this morning we have watched movies, been out, been swimming and just messed about. Such a funny night. Its really light already so we might go out or just chill and watch films. Have a bad headache aswell but i hope it will go over soon. Peace
No more school! And what better way to spend the first day of being free than party at olofs summer house. Put up pictures tomorrow.
Let's go!
Have just got ready fast and I am dressed in my pompom clothes and going to cycle to kulturskolan. Today before my skolavslutning I have pompom. But I have to go now? Byes <3
Have sat and fixed my nails for two hours now but finally done. Just one problem..... I can't do anything with them. Haha just need to learn
Harry potter
Hello everyone. What you doing?
Well I am etching Harry potter with Olivia eating kebab haha. We have been in aneby and watched Olivia's little cousins skolavslutning. But now I'm going to keep watching the film hehe.
New In

Shorts- Gina, they look short but they are highwasted its just that i have such a long body haha.
Dress- H&M

Haha, Cute pictures!
Today I have been at Ränneborg for a P.E day. Can just say i got so angry at so many people in my class because they didn't try and then get sad because they didn't win. No Shit! Well My class came second from last but we did pretty good for my class anyways. We finished about an hour ago and now im laying here in olivias bed while she is in the shower. Well hope you had a good day :)
12th june

Dipdye pink
Tuesday morning
Goodmorning :) sitting here at Olivia's and I didn't want to stay in school so early so I came to Olivia's house. Well now we are going to put our shoes on then go to school. Today we have the stadskamp and everyone said it is really boring but I think It sounds fun haha. Well after school me and Olivia at going to vetlanda so not sure how much I will blog today so that's why I wrote a little now. Have a good day
So tired need to sleep, I just got out the shower and used silver shampoo for the first time in a while, thought it would be nice with a little lighter hair to the lastday of school but I didn't leave it in so long just in case it goes gray or purple haha. Well just now I am laying in bed with wet hair so tomorrow will be a bad hair day and I have a really sore throat so I can't sleep :( but now I am going to put my phone away and try and sleep. So goodnight cutie
8c2 ♥
Had a awesome day with my class today. We cycled to Hult to my teachers house,It took forever and I thought my legs would fall of after cycling up all the hills but it was totaly worth it. We played games all day and actually had fun as a class and we don't always get the chance to do, so today was really fun and we have to do it again. Tomorrow our class is going to so the 'stadskamp' which will be fun i hope and the class is also going out to eat together so it will be another good day i hope. Well now I am going to go jump in the shower then sleep. So tired after all the cycling. Here is some pictures from today :)♥
Painting nails
Shower,kladkaka and mys
Had such a fun day with the class today even though i really don't feel good. But i will write more about it later and put all the pictures up. Well i just showered an i really needed it after today! But now i am watching a film with olivia and eating klaskaka we just made hehe. Puss
Had to come home from the party because I didn't feel good at all. Hope I get better soon. Well now I just took alvedon and now laying with Erik watching familyguy. Kram

Goodmorning, Goodmorning!

Heeey, had a good day? My day started with cycling to town because we had pompom at 9. I have pompomed around town all day and when we were at nifsarp it rained so bad so we danced in the rain and got wet. After all pompom I got changed into my dress and Erik came and picked me up and we came back to his house for Susanna's student party. Have eaten loads of nice food and talked with loads of nice people. Would have been better without the rain but I have had a good day anyways. But the nights not over yet, I am now sitting here with Erik,Eric, Jakob and Alex watching the football. Put up pictures later hehe
Why do I always get sick? Can't ever just feel good. Well today I haven't had any lessons because I have been in the arena and was a person that said welcome to everybody but my feet hurt so bad I went and sat with the boys and had a good laugh with them instead, so today I haven't had school really. When Olivia finished school we went to veranda to look for a new dress and stuff but instead we came out my t-shirts instead. Think we are going back on Tuesday as well to have a look before the last day of school. Me and Olivia watched a dance movie called flashdance, can say it was the weirdest dance ever and the end sucked hehe. Can barly keep my eyes open so now I am going to get some sleep for tomorrow, goodnight <3

New In

Fika I vetlanda
Shopping with olivia in vetlanda
7th June
Love getting into bed when I am not feeling good. Today at school it was a real chill day, first lesson I looked at old work in Swedish and realized how bad I was at swedish. Second lesson I fikade with sva class, and on the SO lesson we watched a film, then I went home at lunch time have had such a bad stomach ache for a while now and today it was so bad that I couldn't even walk and on top of that I had a banging headache so I went to my brothers house and died on his sofa. After a while of laying on the sofa watching svenska Hollywood fruar Erik came around and brought me fika, worlds best boyfriend! Always knows how to make me feel good, came and layed with me and helped me-love you! Well I have just got out the shower and brushed my teeth so now I am going to get some sleep. Goodnight :)
Sick girl
Hate Being sick! Going to snuggle up in bed until everything feels better
Pointless. Have sat and watched the two last episode of Alcatraz and nothing happened, just ended, with sooo many unanswered questions and didn't understand anything. But that's life I guess haha. Anyways now I'm going to get ready for bed and then get some sleep. I am sleeping at Eriks house again tonight-mysigt! Goodnight :)
To celebrate swedens nationday I am sitting here eating strawberries and icecream, sweets and chrisps and watching sveriges snyggaste mål genom tiderna with Erik and his family <3
6th june
Bad uppdating today again, sorry! But today I have been down town and marched and danced pompom at the museum. Like normal i came late and forgot my clothes, forgot the dances and no one was suprised can i say haha. After dance me and erik came back to his house and we haven't done much really, do not feel verywell actually :( not sure whats happening tonight but i will put up some picture from today later.
Love you!
Can't love you anymore than this :'D
The ball- Eksjö

Cool runnings
Just want to say that everyone who walked down the red carpet today at the ball looked amazing. Susanna looked gorgeous! Have so many beautiful pictures and I will put them up later when I get back to Eriks house.
Just now I am sitting here at defend house watching cool runnings with martin, erik and oskar, such a good and funny film. Now I am going be a little social and get of my phone hehe.
Pizza with these babes
My badboy!
Lets go!
I just came back from Saras house, we went to pick up some shoes and we also had a good chat, love her! Anyways today I am going down town to watch the Ball- well going to watch Eriks sister. My daddy just came with the lense to my camara so i can tack pictures close up. I will load up pictures later aswell so for you that don't go can look here. Well now i am in a rush so byes!

Todays outfit

Today feels like it has gone really slowly, so it is now time for bed me thinks. Going to get my bag ready for tomorrow and then brush my teeth then in to bed. Hope you sleep well , goodnight <3
Picture of my baby from yesterday <3
Last day of school dress

Bought it from H&m and just thought it was cool and i could have it again. Also buy dresses i never wear again so this time i did. My dad said i look like a old womán in it... haha ANd also my new shoes- Not really sure about them thought.
What do you thing?
Made dinner for me and Charlie
You are the best !!!!

I love you bestfriend //Olivia
Just Friends


Hahah, Some pictures from when we were out and ran, only us nutters go out running in the rain :')
Change of plan

Nutters :')
New trousers

My new trousers i bought in H&M on friday. They are differnent and cool so I feel in love hahah.
Olivias house
Hate this weather, wish it was still hot and sunny :( Anyways Today after school I was with Elin,Olivia and Erik and we stood and talked for a while intill Olivia and I came back to her house. We just ate chicken and potatoes was so hungry before. Well now we are going to get changed and then go out for a run then go get olivias shoes from Saras house. We don't have dance tonight so we are going out to run to keep in shape haha. Well here we go :)

Sitting with Erik watching family guy <3

Camping with the boys :)

Forest, Fire, awesome people- going to be a good night
Sitting here in the forest after getting picked up in a tractor by lukas. Can just say it was a bumpy ride haha. Soon when the fire calms down we are going to make hamburgers and then later marshmellows on the fire- sweet. Funny how you get better signal in the forest than you do at home haha. Don't know if i will write latet but we'll see hehe.
Lazy day. Haven't done anything today, sat here with olof talking, listening to music, looking at pictures and laughting. I have been waiting for Erik to come get me, thought we were going to be before but he went to pick up a fridge instead haha. Anyways Erik is now on his way (i hope) and then it will be off camping with the boys :)
Add me on Instagram, made a account just this minute ago, hehe follow me and I'll follow you back :)
Goodmorning, didn't get to sleep until about 2 this morning and then we woke up at 6 and thought it was really late. Then we went to sleep again and i just woke up. Today i'm going to be with olof until Erik has finished football because tonight Erik, Lukas, Martin, Alle, Degen and I are going camping. But I will write later. Puss
Friday night and it is feeling right
Tja, whats everyone doing?
After Jönköping I went back to Olofs house and laughted at pictures we found, and then we downloaded loads of random apps on olofs new iPhone. Nolifers really haha. And olof has also blograped me. Well now we are going to lay here and laugh at random things like us bestfriends do. Bye
I know you want me
Today I got my hair done but it doesn't look any different just shorter :( when erik finished school he came and meet me and we went to toms house and watched tv and chilled when it rained out. When my dad finished work he came and picked my mum, erik and I up and we went to jönköping to get some new things. I got a new dress and some really cool tights. I also got some new shoes to from eksjö town, i have been looking at them for a while and they are like old women shoes but i think the're really cute. Well now we are sitting in the car after eating a big mc'donalds, hade'nt eaten anything allday. I'll write later, peace
Questions and Answers!
1st Are you single? - Nope
2nd Are you in love? In love with my baby Erik
3rd When is your birthday? 11th january
4th 5 people you can trust? Erik,Olivia,Hugo,Olof and Elin
5th 3 nice guys? Erik, Olof and Hugo
6th 3 nice girls? There is so many but Olivia, Elin and Emma
7th What are you doing right now? Answering these questions?
8th Do you like school? Yeap
9th Funniest lessons? Fysiks
10th The best song? Don't know, i like slow songs
11th Two childhood friends? Ryan Harrow and Tara parfey <3
13th Popcorn or chips? Popcorn
14th What do you do when you're bored? Blogg, Dance and draw
15th Something you crave? England
16th Some guy who makes you happy? Erik, He always makes me happy no matter what :')
17th Any girl that makes you happy? Olivia+Elin always make me happy
18th Someone you miss? My family in England
19th Series you follow on TV? Don't watch tv :$ only films
20th Someone you really love? Erik, i can't ever love anyone more than i love him :')
21st Someone you can talk about everything with? Once again Erik and olivia
22nd Favorite color? Yellow :)
23rd What is your mobile? Not going to write it here becasue then anyone can have it but if you ask me on facebook i'll never say no :)
24th Who smsade you last? Erik i think
25th Who called you last? Olivia
26th What languages can you? English and Swedish
choose the top 4 pictures becasue there all crazy haha and the last one becasue emma is so cute hehe.