Yesterday i didnt have time to write becasue when i came home i was really tired after dance so i went to bed early. But yesterday i was with Elin and olivia and then i hade pompom then dance. Today after school i had my english lessons and then was with Erik. We have watched 'the switch' and chilled. Just going to get ready for bed and then sleep sleep sleep! Tomorrow i have party group and then music and finish at 10:50 ;) chill day! Goodnight ♥
Tjaaaaa! Another normal sunday waking up next to olivia knowing we have to get up and go to the kulturskolan and thinking if it is really worth it. But we got up at 9 and rushed to the kulturskolan to find that noone was there, me that is always late was early for once! But today we have marched and danced for hours and hours then i went and ate pizza with Olivia,Sara, Jakob and hugo. Then when we came back we danced again. At 3 me and olivia left and went to gymnastics. After we went back to olivias house and listened to our werid music, and we also came up with a new handshake HAHA. Cool people! When i came home I Erik rang me and i sat eating natural godis, then I helped my mummy in the kitchen. Going to get in my pjarmas, brush my teeth then get some beautysleep. Goodnight♥
This morning i woke up at 8 becasue my mum came in and asked if i could watch maisie while she takes my sister to hockey and my brother to karate. So Been playing with maisie this morning and now im going to go up and watch schooby doo with maisie and Erik.
At around 1:30 my dad is coming to pick me up and then i have pompom in the p-hallen, we are going to dance for the handball at 2 so come and watch, and then again at 4. Not sure what im going to do after but i think everyone might go to olofs for movie nigth. Not sure if i can stay for long becasue I have to be at the kulturskolan at 10 to meet the orcester and the pompom girls becasue we are goping to practis all day intill 5 and then have a little show. So this weekend is just full of pompom. Ill try and throw in a little inlagg later. puss
Bästa vännerna på bilder ? Grått eller brunt ? hard but i think grey maybe Gult eller rosa ? gult! rött eller vitt ? depends on what, but red maybe Favorit intresse ? dance! Något du ångrar ? THAT I CUT MY HAIR! Personer du älskar på bilder ? and many many more! Vilket ämne är det roligaste du vet ? urm hate school but proberly fysik or maths :D Skulle du välja att kunna flyga eller kunna resa i tiden ? flyga Något du saknar ? My hair :'( Någon du saknar ? Many different people but maybe Emma most Skratt eller smile? skratt becasue it comes with a smille :D Vem skulle du ta med dig till England? Emma, Erik or olof Varför är du så gullig :')? haha, naww im not but thankyou :') Why did you start to like me, like..(erik) - Beacsue you made me smile and happy, made me feel speciel (:
HEY! Today i woke up at 11:30 from a message from erik saying he would be at my house in 15 minutes, so i jumped out of bed and got in the shower. Today i have Been with Family and Erik, and still dont feel 100% better. Now im going to go make Dinner for the family with Erik. have a good friday night ♥
Vilken är din favorit färg ? - Yellow vilken är din favorit mat ? - I eat almost anything but maybe chicken haha Blått eller grönt ? blue vem är din bästa kompis ? - Olivia, Emma and Erik, Olof and viktor haha vad sa du senast ? 'yeah sure' hur mycket gillar du glass ? Lots and lots Dansar eller sjunga ? - Dance vilka bloggar följer du ?- Kenzas, Olivia R, Emma, Lejlas, Saras, Elin, johannas, And many more of my friends vem/vilka kan du lite mest ? I can trust Olivia, hugo and Erik most vad har du på dig ? Jeggins, shirt and a scarf hehe chips eller godis ? Godis! lägg upp en bild du tycker om på dig själv. dont really like any pictures of me but maybe: HAHAHAHA , No but i like this one: lägg upp bilder på dom som betyder mycket för dig. and many more!
hur går det med killarna ?- Aa, kaos but is getting better now :D vilken favorit låtar har du nu ? dont have a favorite but i love olly murs! vad skulle du ta med dig till en öde ö ? Friends, FOOD and camara! varför är du så snygg? Hahah, im not! just the way i look i guess ? hehe
Have been sitting here to Erik for a couple of hours now, Erik doesnt have school today so he might come over to make me feel better. Really want to go to school today to be my friends, who wants to stay home on a friday night, but just feel worse tgan i did before is its better if i stay home. now im going to get in bed and get so beautysleep, goodnight, hope you are feeling well! Found some old pictures of me ♥ can't get you out of my mind...
Thought i would do a question time, where you all comment questions you have always wanted to ask me, or things you want to know about me or just random questions you want! You can comment on this post or you can email me at [email protected] and ill answer all the questions honestly so QUESTION ME! :D
HATE being sick, just sitting at home alone with nothing to do, so today whe i woke up i went and got in my mummys bed and watched all sorts of programs, mostly mtv and csi, my favoties. Have also done some homework, well intill i got such a bad headache and then i sat in fround on the tv again. Feel so lonley aswell becasue noone was home and i have no money left on my phone and i had no internet, so i sat talking to the fish instead. Now im going to get some icecream and sit in fround on the box agian, so hot i can sleep. bodil♥
Sorry but for all thoose people that have 'shared' this can i ask why? why should we not got a chance? Some of the people that have moved to sweden its not there fault theres war in there country. And How are we going to servive without the money? Cant get a jobb without being able to speak swedish. Feel free to comment what you have to say back, thanks puss o hej
Wasn't planning on going to school today becasue I didn't feel good, but thought about emma being alone without lejla and me so i went, But no emma didnt come to school today so i was forever alone. We had out biology test today and I was so nervous that i was going to do so bad, but it was a piece of cake, finished it after 20 minuters so i was a happy happy sian after. After school Erik, Hugo and exel waited for me so we had a little talk and then Axel and Erik went, so i stood with Hugo, Johannes and Eddie and Laughted so bad. Them boys never fail to make me happy! I also meet Robin and we had a little talk and he made me almost cry, :') After my english lessons i walked to Emmas house and we watched 'pappa på burk' (hahah) such a good film, one of thoose you just sit and smile to. Then we made kladkaka, for you that dont know, i suck at cooking and baking so lucky that Emma was there hehe. Then we watched MTV for a looong while. When lotte came home we made Hot dogs in danish pastery stuff. After watching 1 and a half hours of 'i used to be fat' my daddy came and picked me up. When i came home and i sat down at the computer and been here since. Love you Emma♥
listening to a song over and over hopeing it will help
Goodmorning :D Didn't get much sleep last night becasue I couldn't get to sleep, so school should be fun today! Anyways im sitting here eating pinapple and keso, olivia style. The bus will be here in 15 minutes so i better go get the last things ready♥ Have a good monday.... haha
Sitting here new showered and ready for bed. Today started with being with Erik and then i had gymnastics and dance after. And now im so tired and have nothing intresting to write about. So now im going to get in bed and ready biology intill i fall asleep. Goodnight♥ ♥
Woke up to see loads of snow on the ground so i think its time for a snowball fight! Woke up for about 30mins ago and now sitting here in my pjarmers and Erik is in his one peice making me breakfast. When we have eaten were going to get ready and then go out in the snow like little children. Today i have Gymnastics at 3-5 and then dance strait efter intill 7 so im not sure if ill write agian. But have a good sunday♥
Today i have been with olivia, Elin and Hugo. We watched bandy, ate tacos, ate pie!, Listened to music, Watched tv, Played fifa (i won), Laughted lots and just had it chill♥
Goodmorning! Last night I sleeped at Olivias house and this morning i woke up at 8 becasue I couldn't sleep. Hate having a cold, can barly breath! When we finally got out of bed we went and made smoothies and food. Now were doing what we always do, singing and dancing like goones. Soon we were going to get ready and meet hugo and watch handball. Peace ♥ ♥
Today was spent at the doctors, hair dressers, little bit of crying, mys with my mummy!, Hockey, Sjöormen, watched handball and mys with olivia♥Sitting here with my babe olivia drinking pepsi and eating tuc, Now we are going to watch Little miss sunshine and then eat some pie!♥ Intressting! ♥
Hejsan , sitter här med fina Sian-Fern Ann Rudderham och vi gör ingenting alls om ni ville veta vad vi gör , bara så att ni vet har Sian klippt sig idag och hon är inte nörd med det för det skulle bli blont men det blev orange och jättekort (bilder på det kommer säkert snart) fast hon kommer inte lägga upp några bilder på länge eftersom hon inte blev nöjd.. Men jag vet inte vad jag ska skriva om , jag har skrivit tre rader men kan inte komma på något mer att skriva om är jag en bra bloggade eller en bra bloggare asså (: men jag ska nog inte skriva något mer för hon kommer tillbaka ifrån toan nu , älskar dig Sian ♥ läs min blogg vettja
smugglar in en liten bild på hennes hår men det syns inte så bra men ändå (:
Where do i begin, well woke up this morning in a good mood, but then almost missed the bus because i couldnt find my phone. School went fast and had a right chill day. Today i was ment to be with Axel, but I had to go home instead so erik came with me. First time i have tacken the bus home since class 7, and when i got home the house was locked. So me and erik went in the stuga and watched films, talked, laughted and look at pictures intill my dad came home and unlocked the house. When erik left I havent done anything apart from sitting on facebook talked to wonderful people and watching youtube things that hugo sent me haha. No lifers! But now im going to go up stairs and get everything ready for tomorrow. Goodnight ♥ Just now ♥
Sorry, just would like to say to all the people that sit at home commenting mean things on others bloggs need to grow up. If you dont like something feel free to comment but WRITE WHO ITS FROM! Think its immature to write things and not write who Its from. And for the person who wrote on mine, i would just like to say, thankyou but i can choose my own friends and I'm the person I want to be. Thankyou bye
Don't say goodbye,Keep us alive,Cause my world will stop if we didn't try
Goodmornign sleepyheads! can barly speak becasue my thrat hurts so bad and it feels like someone is standing on my shoulders its so painful. But i have decided to come to school anyways. Hate sitting at home feeling bad for my self and thing at school. So I better go get ready because the bus goes in half an hour. Remember just a little smile can make someones day.....
But we fell so hard and it felt so right , So don't let it all end here tonight
Sore throat, headache, My body hurts and cant sleep. Always good at the begining of the week. Have so much energy just now, cant sit still. Just want to dance but so tired at the dame time?! Just talking to some people and when someone writes a super cute message it makes your day, even if your in the worst of moods :')
Anyways today I have been with Erik and just talked and ate waffles hehe. 1 year and 1 month today, love you my bestfriend♥ well now im going up to bed and listen to my babe olly intill I fall asleep♥ Goodnight
sitting here with my cup of tea and bowl of pinapple listning to music and talking to beautiful people on facebook. Today i have been with olivia and i have also been at gymnastics. I fell of on of the mats and now i have a big bruse on my hip. This weekend has been really fun and full of laughter and fun hehe. Well its school tomorrow so I am now going to have a shower and sleep. Havent sleept much this weekend so getting up in the morning is going to be fun. Hope you had a good weekend♥ Goodnight Sweden ♥
Last night I was at johannes house intill 12:00 and then i slept at olivias house. We sat and looked at old pictures and the school photos. People change so fast! Anyways me and olivia are sitting here and just ate some breakfast and now listening and singing to music. fint. Hockey starts in 20 mins and we are still sitting here in our pyjarmas. have a sweett day ♥ Sweden t-shirt i got from Axel and Hugo :')
Just finished getting ready and soon Eriks mum and dad are going to drive me to town and im going to meet jakob for a while then going to johannes house to meet, Hugo,Johannes,Oskar,Viktor,Olivia and axel♥ Just going to get all my things ready and soon it will be town. Byezz♥
Goodmornig! woke up about one hour ago and ate breakfast. Now im sitting here with erik and he's reading a book and im on the computer like normal...haha. Now im going to fika then have a shower and get ready for the day. Puss♥
Nice t-shirts huh ;)? Erik bought it in england, so i thought i would try it on hehe♥
heeej, Just sitting here on the phone too axel and eating melted dumle that erik did for me. After school today I watched hockey with Oskar,Johannes, olivia and Erik then we waited a little a little after the training, stod with both ear phones in so i couldnt hear anything and danced, then a random man came up behind me and laughted at me...haha. Then we went to the bus station and talk for a while intill the bus came. When we came to eriks house we ate tacos and listened to music and sang hehe. now im sitting here not in a good mood, so i am in need of big cuddles. bye
After we went and fikade me and Olivia went back to here house and got ready for gymnastics. oh good havent trained in so long, no looking forward to the pain i will be in tomorrow, but it was fun anyways. Now im sitting here with erik and we just ate, not sure what were going to do now. byes
Love how olivia thought it was so funny that i had a sweden t-shirt on....♥
Love These girls! they made my brithday lovely! Came to school and found balloons and pictures all over my locker and a message that johannes had wrote for me hehe. Got so happy when everyone came and gave me big hugs. After school I went and fikade with Lejlo,Emmsi,Oliviaa and Sara and i opened my presents from them and just talked about everything thats anything. Thankyou Everyone for today, puss♥
Haha, åh lejla du är bara såå bra! Olof locked himself in the toilet and loaded this video up from emmas phone feel kinda a bad for her but it so funny haha. i was just forsed to put up for all you too see hehe. love you lejloo♥
First day back to school done. The whole day went slow, and almost feel asleep in most of the lessons so tonight im going to bed early, hehe. Just sitting here with my coffee thinking if it was a good idea to drink it now before i go to bed (?) After school today i was with Erik,Axel,Olivia,Viktor,Oskar and johannes. and we watched some tv and chilled. Then viktor and axel went to hockey training and Erik an johannes went to jönköping to watch HV. So it was just me Oskar and olivia left so we talked and oskar even got a back massage because he has a really bad back. When Olivia left for dance me and Oskar had a talk and he nearly feel asleep, didnt know i was that boring haha. jaja, When i got home I ate pizza and talked to my daddy before he went to sleep becasue he is going to italy tomorrow. Now im going to go get ready for bed, Goodnight♥ Last night as a 14 year old, sweet! oj, snygg vi är ;) *blinkis*
It should be illegal to make us children get up this early for school! Anyways now im going to get ready for school, still sitting in my pjarmas and my bus goes at 6:55. Have a good first day at school♥
School tomorrow already?! This holiday has gone so fast. When i came home today i got in my pjarmers and made just chillaxed. My mum made me some real English food, then i had a little sing song in the shower, cant have sounded so good. Today I woke up early and i went out and took pictures while olof was still asleep, then when he woke up we took some more. At about 10 i meet Jakob and we went back to his house and watched a film and talked. Then We walked/ran to the kulturschool becasue we had theater/dance. As usel I came late but the man stood talking about the same things he does everytime so noone notest haha. Then I went and Fikade with Jennifer, olof and Filip then went and watched to boys play hockey, but olof didnt think it was so fun so he went home haha. After Hockey they had like fitness training and they all proved how weak i am :(. So this year im going to start training and getting biff. But now its 00:25 and have to get up at 6:00 so better get some sleep, goodnight!♥ ♥
How can i move on, when i'm still in love with you? (8)
Had a good day? I have had a mysigt and chill day looking after Erik. The feeling to see someone you love in pain is the worst. I have Just finished Watching the hulk with charlie and now just looking through some old pictures and texting with friends. Now im off to bed because have to get up really early tomorrow, going to be a long day. Goodnight♥ ♥
oh Poor Erik. Sitting here with Erik, or well he is sleeping and im on the computer. Last Night Erik came home from England so i thought i would come see him today. But he has a stomach flue and a headache, He has also got lots of red dots over his face which we dont know what they are(?). So today we have layed on the sofa and watched Tv and Chilled and now We Just ate tacos. So Get better Erik♥ Have a good day, puss
åh sitting here in my bed after a Long hot shower, love the feeling of newly shaved legs against the cover. Today I have just ate ate ate. First elins mum made us food then we went to willys and bought,ice cream,fruit salad and fika. And when I came home I ate again, so I can't wait to start training again on Monday. But anyways today has been a awesome fun day like normal, just messing around and being crazy. Were just living life. Erik rang me before from england, miss that boy lots! I also have loads of pictures to put on, but my computer doesn't work just now, so ill put them up tomorrow. Yeap now I'm going to sleep, goodnight<3
Love these girlys, Sitting here on the phone to sara talking about Tomorrow, Nickname is going to dance at Elins mums party.Today I came to Elin when she still had her pjarmas on, and then came olivia and we danced and sang like crazy haha. Yeap intresting, bye
Sitting here eating yoggi or what ever its now called and going to go up stairs, brush my teeth and get some beauty sleep. Every staues on facebook is about the hockey just now so no point being on facebook no more. Goonight cuties♥ ♥
Today has been a chill but fun day, woke up and layed in bed intill about 3 when Elin and Olivia came knocking at my door, i forgot they were coming so they came and i was still in my pyjarmas hah. So i got dressed and did my make up(?) even though we werent going anywhere, yeah, Then we sat and tralked and Laughted so much it hurt, We even Danced like crazy chicks haha, and decided some songs for nickname. Then my mum came up with chips, Pizza and Chicken haha. Åhh va gott! Then we sat in my bed under my covers and mysade. Love you girls. Hope you had a sweett day ♥ ♥
After hours of sorting through Clothes and little things, in finally done with cleaning my room. Today I haven't done anything at all, I stayed in bed intill about six, then I ate and the got back in bed haha. But at 11 I decided to clean my room. so once again I'm back in bed, with a bad back and a sore throat. Now im going to try and get some beautysleep, have to wake up early tomorrow because my dad is giving me a lift to town on the way to work. Goodnight cuties<3
Goodmorning sleepyheads, just sitting here with erik listening to christmas songs and chilling. The plans for the day was to lay in bed and watch films allday with erik because hes going to gothenberg tomorrow and then to my home country England on wednesday. But im not even a little bit tierd, so im going to make Erik come out for a run with me first hehe. Hope you have a good day {:
I trust you blindly, but Please Never prove Me a Blind
Heeey, sitting here in my pajarmers with erik feeling helt slut from lastnight\this morning hehe. Today i woke up at lejlas house with lejla,sara and emmsi. And we ate icecream for breakfast haha. At around 2 me and emma went back to her house and just layed on the sofa and watched films with her mummy. When i came home I layed in my bed and just did nothing, i have a really bad back so can barly move again. And now im still laying in my bed hehe. So the plan for the rest of the day is to just lay here and bed and watch films with Erik. Hope you have a awesome new year cuties♥ Hangover♥